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Words whose definition contains when:   (1130 results)

ash, bat, bate, beat, bell, birth, blast, bligh, blush, bolt, book, brake, break, breathe, bulb, card, cast, caul, chad, chance, change, check, cheer, chip, choke, chord, chrome, clay, close, clutch, coast, cohn, cough, crack, craps, creak, cream, crisp, crock, cry, cubeb, cut, dash, day, daze, dead, death, doer, dower, draft, drag, draught, dress, drive, end, fall, feel, field, firm, first, fitch, flinch, flip, floor, flux, ford, freak, freeze, fret, fuse, g-force, gain, gasp, gauche, gay, gee, gel, get, gig, glare, glaze, glow, go, goal, gould, greet, groan, grunt, gulp, gum, hail, hang, head, heave, hell, herd, horn, hurt, ice, joke, joule, jude, juice, keep, key, kick, kill, kink, knot, lead, left, lethe, lift, light, line, live, loch, log, luff, mad, mail, match, matte, mean, mold, most, mould, mum, nod, nought, nudge, ohm, pack, pad, pant, pass, peat, pin, ping, pink, plague, play, plod, press, prime, pu, puff, pull, punk, quench, reed, rest, ride, right, roll, root, ruff, run, salt, scald, scarce, school, scrum, seal, shade, shift, shock, shoe, shot, shout, singe, sit, size, skid, skin, skunk, slack, slip, slog, slouch, smack, smell, smith, snap, snare, sneeze, snivel, snore, soil, sough, sound, sprain, spree, spring, squall, squelch, squirm, start, string, stroke, sun, sweet, swell, tail, take, tang, taste, tense, test, tongue, tramp, trim, trudge, trunk, twirl, twist, type, use, veil, volt, wean, whey, whoop, whoosh, will, wince, word, work, worm, wreck, writhe, yam, yaw, yawn, yell, zinc

abseil, abuse, abwatt, ackee, advance, ahead, airfoil, airlift, alloy, almost, amuck, anal, approach, arthur, assume, autumn, avert, background, backup, backward, baggage, barrel, baseline, beeper, behind, believe, bitter, bleachers, blewits, blusher, boggle, bolt-hole, boxcars, breaker, brunhild, brunnhilde, brynhild, bullrush, bulrush, bunyan, burnside, buster, buzzer, caaba, cackle, careful, cartoon, cashew, certain, change-up, childhood, cipher, climber, combust, confront, conscience, consult, contrast, control, cookie, coolidge, courgette, cowage, cracker, crampon, crampoon, crawler, crossbill, crossroads, crunchy, crusade, cymbal, cypher, dado, daniel, dawson, deceive, deepen, dehisce, demise, despond, dextral, dido, digress, dissolve, divot, doomsday, doorbell, doorknob, doorsill, doorstep, downtime, drawee, drizzle, dumdum, dying, e-mail, earthworm, eddy, eden, edgar, effect, email, error, escape, even, exhale, explode, extend, factor, fall-board, falter, fateful, father, fatigues, fervid, fibrin, fill-in, filling, fillmore, finish, fishnet, fishworm, flavor, flavour, fleawort, flick-knife, floodhead, footfault, footslog, foulmart, foumart, friction, frustum, function, geastrum, gerund, giggle, gimbaled, gluten, grimace, grumble, gumbo, gurgle, half-moon, halfway, halloo, hammer, harry, hassock, haworth, hedging, henry, hero, hiccup, hightail, homestretch, horrid, hydra, hyphen, incense, inverse, io, item, jacksnipe, judas, juiceless, jumble, juncture, kaaba, karpov, kazoo, kelly, knuckle, lather, lava, lawrence, legume, letdown, level, lever, license, ligate, lightbulb, litotes, loment, lonesome, lotion, luggage, margin, maroon, masted, metal, misplay, monsoon, muscle, muteness, nailrod, nectar, nicad, no-show, nutmeg, oakum, odor, odour, off-day, ointment, only, oral, outbid, pager, painter, panic, paper, pepper, phintias, planchette, plasma, plaster, plimsoll, polecat, pommel, popcorn, potluck, process, profess, pubescence, puddle, puffball, puncture, pupa, pyxis, quebec, rattle, recall, recoil, reedmace, regress, rehnquist, relax, relief, relish, renege, repose, reserve, resign, resource, resume, retire, revoke, revolt, rhubarb, rocket, roquette, rubbing, russia, sadness, salute, sandhi, savor, savour, scarcely, scatter, schooldays, schooltime, scissors, scrummage, serpent, shiny, shoetree, shooting, shower, shrivel, sideburn, silence, silent, sitter, sixfold, skipjack, slapstick, snapper, sneezewort, sniffle, snuffle, soapwort, solace, solder, solstice, soman, sour, sourness, spackle, spinner, spongelike, spongy, squeaker, squelcher, st. jude, stager, stampede, stand-in, standby, startle, stiffen, stonewall, stoplight, straighten, stridor, strong-arm, stupor, subside, surface, surprise, sweetness, swelling, tartness, tenno, threaten, threshold, timing, tinning, tollbar, tollgate, tongue-tie, touch-me-not, translate, trumping, twilight, tyler, untrue, upgrade, upstage, uptime, vacate, valiance, valor, valour, vanish, virga, wainscot, warlord, warming, wasteful, well-off, whiteout, whizbang, whizzbang, windsurf, wingspread, wisely, work-in, wrestle, wriggle, writing, zero, zircon

abdicate, abnormal, abortus, acceptor, accretion, achilles, acknowledge, aerofoil, aerosol, agonist, anaglyph, anaphase, angelus, angleworm, anonym, applecart, arbitrage, ascendance, ascendence, assuagement, assumption, assurance, astringence, atm, babinski, balata, bandwagon, belemnite, beluga, bitterness, blighia, boomerang, brunanburh, buddhism, carefreeness, carelessly, changeable, chasuble, chatoyant, circumstance, clarity, cloudiness, cloudlessness, clytemnestra, cocoanut, coconut, company, complacence, condition, congruent, constricted, counterpoint, counterstain, craftily, crazily, crucifix, cunaxa, damselfly, decision, deflagrate, deletion, deposit, depression, deputy, devastate, difference, diffident, diffraction, dismally, dismember, dissilience, dolefully, dominance, doorhandle, dormition, emollient, engagement, enjoyment, entasis, equinox, excision, excitement, factoring, father-god, fatherhood, firedamp, fluorescein, foolishly, forthcoming, fulgurant, gallantry, gestation, glycogen, guomindang, handiness, happiness, highwater, honeypot, hopefulness, hopelessness, hydromel, ibidem, indian, interrupt, inversion, jack-in-the-box, jumpiness, khomeini, kuomintang, lamplighter, laocoon, lieutenant, lightsomeness, limiting, lippizan, liquefy, liquify, littleneck, live-and-die, load-shedding, machilid, mandamus, martensite, mccauley, meiosis, memory, mesantoin, meteor, mevacor, middling, midsummer, mifepristone, mikado, misdating, mistiming, moderate, mortgagee, mortgagor, morula, naughtily, nervousness, newspaper, nightcrawler, nightwalker, nilpotent, niqaabi, nonfeasance, occlusion, off-season, operate, orpheus, overbid, overcall, overcast, overrule, palpation, pangaea, pangea, parasail, peacekeeping, pentothal, persimmon, phaethon, philemon, possumwood, powderize, pregnancy, proboscis, proportion, pseudonym, psyllium, puberty, pythias, quarrelsome, rain-in-the-face, raspberry, rattler, rattlesnake, reaction, realism, recessive, reconvene, redemption, refraction, regency, register, reliever, remainder, remotely, restiveness, retrial, retrofit, rewire, ribosome, rooibos, rubicon, salivate, saltiness, saponin, saracen, scintillate, self-locking, selflessly, seraphic, setterwort, sheepshearing, side-whiskers, signora, single-lane, sinistral, solacement, solenoid, solution, soreness, spallation, spinnaker, st. lawrence, stereo, stovepiping, submarine, substitute, syllabic, symmetry, synchrony, synthetic, tantalus, tea-strainer, telophase, temperament, tenderness, testament, testudo, tetany, thaddaeus, thermoset, tonocard, torpedo, valiancy, vocative, volt-ampere, waterline, watermark, weatherly, weatherstrip, wheeziness, widowhood, wiggler, zucchini

abocclusion, acidity, adjudicate, alteration, anaglyphy, antagonist, apogean, apoplexy, application, arugula, ascendancy, ascendency, astringency, asynchrony, autolysis, autotomy, baby-sitter, babysitter, babysitting, bujumbura, bulimia, calefacient, carambola, chalazion, change-of-pace, chemisorption, chemosorption, cine-camera, cloud-cuckoo-land, collaborate, complacency, complementary, consistency, consolation, cordarone, decalescence, dejectedly, delinquency, diaspora, diastole, dichroism, diplopia, disappointment, disastrously, disgustedly, dishonestly, dysphemism, elastomer, embarrassing, embarrassment, endocentric, endotoxin, equinoctial, evangelist, evasively, exocentric, expedient, factorisation, fibrinogen, flaminius, fluoresceine, full-of-the-moon, gelatinize, gosan-chiku, heroism, horripilate, hotei-chiku, hypertrophy, hysterically, identical, identity, immorally, immunogen, initiate, insouciance, intifada, intumescence, inward-moving, iridescent, isotropy, jitteriness, lactarius, laurentius, lightheartedness, literary, lovastatin, love-in-a-mist, luciferin, lysogeny, maternity, megacolon, mephenytoin, merry-go-round, metacenter, metacentre, metalworker, minority, neuroleptic, nonsyllabic, obstructively, offertory, olecranon, operculum, opportunely, orthopnea, outward-moving, overexert, overextend, papier-mache, parenchyma, pentimento, photocathode, plutonium, polybotrya, ponderosa, porcupinefish, praesidium, precipitin, preclinical, prepuberty, presidium, prohibition, protestingly, puerperium, pyxidium, qualifying, rationalize, reconstruction, rejuvenate, rumpelstiltskin, salinity, santiago, sapidity, satisfaction, scandalously, scintillation, sclerotium, security, sipunculid, speculation, sugariness, superfetate, synaesthesia, synchronism, synchronizing, synesthesia, synsemantic, tetanilla, thermoplastic, thermosetting, thiopental, tocainide, trichroism, unaffected, unconsciously, underemployed, understudy, ungrudgingly, unhappiness, unselfishly, usumbura, valorousness, vinegarroon

aboriginal, aborigine, acidulousness, acrylamide, actomyosin, agglutination, alleviation, amiodarone, anabiosis, anachronism, anamorphism, anamorphosis, anastylosis, anisotropy, antibiotic, antipsychotic, asynchronism, availableness, blackberry-lily, commensalism, consideration, decrepitation, desynchronizing, disassociate, discontentedly, disoriented, electromagnet, excommunicate, facilitation, factorization, glycogenesis, impersonally, incoherently, inconsistently, inconsolable, insecurity, interestingly, intumescency, irradiation, karyolysis, mechanistically, mesasamkranti, modification, oedogonium, orthochorea, overspecialize, pandiculation, paradoxically, photovoltaic, pleochroism, polybotria, presymptomatic, probabilism, self-complacency, self-satisfaction, superposable, synchroneity, synchronicity, synchronisation, synchronization, thiocyanate, tracheostomy, tracheotomy, unashamedly, unreasonably, x-radiation

accessibility, acrocyanosis, armillariella, availability, contradictoriness, desynchronisation, desynchronization, diametrically, ferromagnetism, government-in-exile, hospitalization, hypocritically, illegitimately, melodramatically, metastability, onchocerciasis, opisthobranchia, paramagnetism, proportionality, resorcinolphthalein, semidiameter, sternocleidomastoid, topicalization, transubstantiation, uninformatively, unscientifically

electromagnetism, electroretinogram, gastroenterostomy, inaccessibility, unavailability

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