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Words whose definition contains can:   (1340 results)

1 letter:

2 letters:
ai, go, np, pi, po, pr, pu, rh, so

3 letters:
ada, afp, art, bar, bet, bog, box, bus, bwr, cap, cbr, cmb, cmv, dvd, etd, far, fax, fet, few, fig, fit, fly, fps, ftp, gem, gin, gps, gsr, hob, hs2, ill, ken, key, lid, mug, nog, pda, peg, pin, pox, pvc, pwr, ram, rom, rue, see, sew, sls, stm, tab, tin, top, zen

4 letters:
alar, back, base, best, blog, camp, cane, card, carp, cart, cd-r, ciao, clip, cmbr, code, cuff, dado, dead, deal, dflp, dock, door, down, draw, drop, dust, fact, fast, fire, flag, flak, flop, flux, food, ford, form, fuel, fuse, gate, gene, germ, giro, give, good, hold, hume, iris, item, jack, jdam, jook, juke, jump, keel, keep, land, last, leak, lean, lens, line, live, load, lock, loge, make, male, many, mark, meet, mono, name, noun, once, pall, pass, pawn, peat, pick, pita, play, pool, pore, port, raft, rail, rain, read, reel, reit, rest, risc, roll, rook, root, rule, safe, sars, scid, scum, seat, sign, silo, slip, snag, snap, soil, stay, syph, take, tole, trap, type, unit, view, wade, wash, word, work, worm, yell, yoke

5 letters:
401-k, actin, aloha, anova, arava, being, belay, berth, bevel, blaze, block, board, break, bring, broad, caddy, calpe, cd-wo, chute, clear, cleat, clone, close, clove, cobra, count, crash, creep, cruel, crush, cuffs, dolly, ebola, email, eprom, field, flack, golan, golem, graft, group, grout, guide, handy, haven, hinge, hitch, horse, hotel, house, hsv-2, index, inept, jakes, juice, lagan, latch, layby, lidar, ligan, light, limit, lysin, match, metal, moped, mosta, mucus, muton, niddm, noise, ozone, party, pdflp, phone, picul, plate, point, press, privy, pruno, rails, range, ravel, reach, refer, relay, ricin, rival, robot, salon, scald, scent, scout, sense, shlep, sigeh, silly, slate, slide, snare, spade, spark, splay, spool, stack, stage, stand, stead, steel, stoma, stone, taste, there, think, throw, thyme, title, token, toner, touch, tower, track, treat, truce, trust, wedge, wheel, world

6 letters:
afield, allele, always, amends, amount, answer, anyway, arjuna, armful, basics, beacon, bishop, bobbin, breech, busbar, can-do, canful, canned, caries, carter, castle, cavity, cd-rom, ceftin, chetah, choice, clevis, closed, closer, cocain, cohere, couple, coupon, dander, decree, detail, divide, domino, donkin, dumper, e-mail, edible, energy, escape, etymon, exacta, extend, eyelid, factor, female, figure, follow, fomite, format, gantry, gbu-28, goiter, goitre, greedy, grille, ground, hangar, hanger, harbor, hawala, hayrig, hearth, icebox, ignite, import, indent, invite, jigsaw, kettle, knight, ladder, lagend, landau, lapful, lay-by, leasta, lipase, locate, longer, lounge, master, medium, memory, mobile, mortar, mugful, notate, object, offing, oilcan, option, outlet, parlor, potted, puddle, puffer, pulley, reader, record, regrow, remote, repair, rotate, runner, runway, schema, scheme, schist, screen, scroll, sector, shaker, shamus, shovel, signer, signor, slough, socket, sooner, spider, spirit, spring, square, stands, staple, strobe, struma, surety, t-bill, tenant, theory, ticket, tinker, tinned, tipper, toggle, tracer, trojan, tropic, uplift, valium, vector, voider, wicket, winder, zapper

7 letters:
acapnia, acrylic, address, adjunct, advance, agonist, airdock, airfoil, aladdin, allergy, analogy, anthrax, apropos, armhole, arrange, automat, bayonet, bedrock, bivouac, blowgun, bolivia, botulin, breathe, bullpen, busload, buttery, calcify, canteen, capsule, carload, carrier, ceiling, central, channel, cheetah, cistron, cocaine, compare, compass, compile, conduit, connect, console, contain, content, control, cooking, cowbell, cudweed, datable, deedbox, deposit, divisor, doorway, drizzle, drydock, duality, dungeon, dustpan, e. coli, earshot, eatable, element, express, finance, firebug, fistful, flutter, focused, foghorn, forever, gateway, gauntry, geoduck, go-cart, handful, harbour, harness, hayrack, hearing, helpful, horizon, icterus, impasse, inhaled, inkwell, insofar, landing, lattice, laundry, lipitor, loading, lounger, lumbago, manacle, manhole, maypole, measure, medevac, medivac, modulus, molding, monitor, monomer, moorage, mooring, movable, mutagen, overbid, pabulum, padlock, painful, parking, parlour, passing, philter, philtre, pipeful, plantar, plastic, polyoma, premise, premiss, produce, program, protein, prowess, purview, pyrogen, quantum, rainfly, readily, recusal, reflect, regular, reissue, reserve, resolve, retreat, reverse, roundup, rubella, sandfly, seaport, seminal, shackle, signior, skepful, skidpan, skimmed, skyhook, sleeper, slipper, soliton, soonest, species, spyhole, standby, steamer, stencil, stomate, stopper, surface, surgery, synonym, theater, theatre, therein, thimble, timpani, tontine, trailer, treated, trental, tumbler, turnoff, tympani, unblock, unravel, upgrade, utterer, vehicle, verdict, victual, voucher, washing, washtub, zinacef

8 letters:
absolute, aerofoil, aircraft, allergen, alopecia, antonymy, anywhere, aquanaut, arguably, artistry, asbestos, atheroma, backrest, barbette, bareboat, behavior, benumbed, bitewing, blowfish, blowpipe, blowtube, boatload, botulism, brucella, campsite, cannikin, capacity, catapres, chatroom, coatroom, contrary, crossing, dateable, deadlock, decipher, declarer, diarrhea, diazepam, discover, diuresis, document, dumpcart, earreach, engraver, entrepot, ergotism, exchange, extended, fentanyl, finisher, firework, flatwork, forklift, gemstone, glanders, golfcart, handcart, handcuff, handlock, hideaway, identity, ignorant, illusory, immunity, impairer, indicant, inkstand, jaundice, joystick, keyboard, landmark, leverage, licenser, lifeline, liposome, literate, logicism, lysogeny, magazine, maildrop, marasmus, material, modeling, moulding, mouthful, narcotic, nescient, newsroom, nutrient, obligate, oceanaut, oliguria, organism, organize, original, outhouse, outmarch, ovenware, pacifism, painting, palpable, palpebra, paracosm, paradigm, parisian, partible, particle, peephole, pegboard, perfecta, pinpoint, polaroid, polonium, polygene, polysemy, portable, possible, poxvirus, property, pruritus, pull-off, pushcart, pyrectic, quantify, quantise, quantity, quantize, recliner, reflexly, reliving, reminder, repeater, republic, resource, saleroom, sandbank, scanning, scramble, seagrass, seaplane, secretin, security, semicoma, separate, sherlock, shigella, shipload, showcase, showroom, singular, slideway, slipknot, snarl-up, spadeful, stampede, standard, supermom, surfboat, symphony, synechia, synonymy, syphilis, tailgate, teetotum, tent-fly, tolerant, topology, totalize, treasury, trombone, turnspit, tympanum, universe, variable, vegetate, victuals, violable, wanderer, zoonosis

9 letters:
aflatoxin, aliterate, amphibian, amphiboly, antitoxin, apophatic, arbovirus, armistice, astrodome, asymptote, attribute, automaton, bandstand, bandwidth, bedground, benchmark, broadband, calibrate, casserole, cat's-paw, chromogen, cloakroom, clonidine, collotype, commander, component, concourse, container, contumacy, countable, covalence, covalency, crematory, criterion, crossover, crosswalk, democracy, detection, detergent, detonator, diarrhoea, dichromia, digestion, dimension, dispenser, dividable, drop-leaf, ductility, dystopian, eliminate, enlighten, fireplace, flip-flop, fogsignal, foodstuff, gibraltar, globefish, granulate, groupware, ha'p'orth, hallstand, handcuffs, hedgefund, heliotype, hemolysin, heritable, hitchrack, identikit, ignescent, immigrate, indicator, infection, inhibited, interpret, irregular, juiceless, kingmaker, landscape, lightning, listening, litterbin, lock-gate, looseleaf, lubricate, lunchroom, mastering, mechanism, megacolon, meliorism, microglia, microwave, mitigable, modelling, motivated, nullifier, numerable, oligopoly, operation, operative, organiser, organizer, orthopnea, parameter, penn'orth, phenotype, playhouse, pluralist, plutonium, polymorph, principle, programme, radiation, recombine, rectocele, reference, reimburse, renewable, rent-free, requisite, residence, retriever, retroflex, rhizobium, salesroom, saxitoxin, scombroid, scrapbook, selection, sequencer, shovelful, sightsing, signboard, signified, signifier, ski-plane, stalemate, statistic, stipulate, stopwatch, strongbox, sublimaze, summation, surveying, tailboard, tarantula, technical, telephone, testcross, threshold, titration, trainload, translate, transpose, treadmill, trivially, truculent, unrefined, vellicate, versatile, videodisc, videodisk, viewpoint, visualize, vocaliser, vocalizer, washables, whirligig, wholesale, woodscrew, xanthemia

10 letters:
acrylamide, admonisher, alphavirus, ammunition, appeasable, arborvirus, assumption, autophytic, background, bain-marie, barbershop, bed-ground, box-number, bunyavirus, campground, carvedilol, cataphatic, cease-fire, cefuroxime, cognizance, comestible, contractor, cornflower, daminozide, deductible, depository, descriptor, dichromacy, dichromasy, drawbridge, encampment, enumerable, exceedance, eyewitness, flashpoint, guardhouse, haemolysin, hammerhead, hectograph, hierarchic, holography, hydroplane, hypermedia, hypocapnia, illuminant, inarguable, inhibition, instrument, intoxicant, invaginate, kettledrum, lactosuria, leadership, legibility, legionella, map-reader, mycoplasma, naturalism, naturalist, packsaddle, particular, pathfinder, pennyworth, pilothouse, plasticity, ponderable, population, portcullis, proctocele, recusation, regression, repertoire, repository, reproducer, resilience, resiliency, resistance, reversible, rheumatism, rickettsia, salmonella, sclerotium, semitrance, sequenator, sheep-tick, shopaholic, shortgrass, sketchbook, smokestack, solubility, standstill, substitute, sufficient, superfecta, synonymity, telomerase, terreplein, test-cross, thermistor, touchstone, translunar, transplant, transposon, unarguable, unenforced, unscramble, wheelhouse

11 letters:
accommodate, agnosticism, allelomorph, alternative, amphibology, autotrophic, barbiturate, carotenemia, cine-camera, combustible, competition, conciliable, conditioner, constituent, contracting, convertible, correlation, crematorium, daggerboard, declaration, deliverable, denumerable, disentangle, disturbance, effectively, empirically, endorsement, enterovirus, everlasting, facultative, firelighter, floxuridine, four-poster, handwriting, hemosiderin, hyperpiesia, hyperpiesis, hypertrophy, implication, inheritable, invalidator, jactitation, keratoconus, latchstring, leflunomide, living-room, love-potion, menorrhagia, monochromia, multiplexer, orientalism, paternoster, pinocytosis, placeholder, postulation, preassemble, predication, preposition, probabilism, propanediol, pyrotechnic, rationalize, readability, replacement, short-grass, short-order, spellbinder, springiness, strawflower, stroboscope, succedaneum, superimpose, synthesiser, synthesizer, telepathize, temperament, teratogenic, thyromegaly, translunary, unbelieving, unrenewable

12 letters:
acrocyanosis, alphabetiser, alphabetizer, appropriable, atorvastatin, branchiopoda, characterize, commonwealth, comprehended, conceptually, constipation, dichromatism, disambiguate, earth-closet, erythrolysin, fundamentals, haemosiderin, hereditament, hierarchical, hydrocephaly, hypercoaster, immeasurably, incomparable, interference, intervention, irregularity, jurisdiction, legitimately, love-philter, love-philtre, machine-wash, malleability, malnutrition, metalanguage, monochromacy, monochromasy, nonrenewable, overcritical, papier-mache, permeability, perviousness, praseodymium, preeclampsia, prefabricate, pulley-block, rachischisis, receivership, reductionism, refrigerator, reproducible, rhetorically, significance, speakerphone, spectrograph, spiritualism, straightedge, strontium 90, supertwister, thrombolytic, touch-typist, transaminate, transitively, uncomparable, unreservedly

13 letters:
actinomycosis, agrobacterium, bimetallistic, communication, comprehension, diametrically, enjoyableness, hydrocephalus, labyrinthitis, litter-basket, mononucleosis, nullification, penetrability, permeableness, pneumatophore, pre-eclampsia, quasiparticle, sacerdotalism, spell-checker, streptokinase, switch-hitter, thermoplastic, toxoplasmosis, translocation, triangulation, uncomfortable, unconsummated, unexceptional

14 letters:
bayes' theorem, benzodiazepine, bioremediation, botulismotoxin, cytophotometer, dichromatopsia, dispensability, dracunculiasis, experimentally, ferrimagnetism, halfpennyworth, hypermenorrhea, initialisation, initialization, intransitively, light-fingered, lost-and-found, microevolution, millivoltmeter, monochromatism, nonproprietary, onchocerciasis, pentoxifylline, prefabrication, quantitatively, radiosensitive, synonymousness

15 letters:
cytomegalovirus, dispensableness, gastroenteritis, hypoproteinemia, interchangeable, interchangeably, kinesthetically, nephrosclerosis, rumpelstiltskin, schistorrhachis, semi-automatize

16 letters:
closed-captioned, electromagnetism, erythrocytolysin, eschatologically, hyperventilation, hypervitaminosis, hypothrombinemia, l. monocytogenes, machiavellianism, multiculturalism, underdevelopment

17 letters:
funeral-residence, immunosuppression, probabilistically

18 letters:
histocompatibility, trente-et-quarante

19 letters:

20 letters:

24 letters:

30 letters:

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