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Words and phrases whose definition contains two:   (2416 results)

add, aged, ane, ark, bag, ball, band, bars, base, beat, belt, bike, bin, biped, bit, blend, blur, boob, booth, bow, brace, branch, branched, break, breast, bridge, bridged-t, brig, broad, brush, bulk, bus, cab, call, cant, cart, case, chad, chaise, cheek, chess, chord, clack, clap, clash, clasp, class, cleat, close, club, corps, coupe, cox, craps, crib, crossed, cup, cusp, cut, dah, dash, day, death, deuce, dot, drag, draughts, each, edge, egg, end, face, fae, feud, field, find, fives, flat, fluke, fly, fork, forked, front, gap, gig, give, gnarl, go, good, grimm, grip, group, half, hall, halve, hand, have, head, hedge, hinge, hit, hoops, horse, horst, house, join, joined, joint, joust, jump, ketch, key, kill, knight, lace, lead, lear, learn, length, lid, limb, line, ling, link, love, luge, lung, mad, match, mate, meld, midge, nook, norm, nut, odd, odds, ohm, one, pact, pair, pass, pier, pin, pint, plane, play, plug, plus, pole, prawn, press, pronged, puff, quilt, range, raphe, reel, rhaphe, rhyme, rig, run, sack, scarf, scrum, scull, seam, set, sex, shared, shay, sheet, shin, short, side, sign, sill, slam, snare, sound, source, space, span, spare, spend, splice, split, spoon, spread, square, squash, squinch, staff, stage, step, stilt, strait, stream, stroke, sum, sure, switch, tasse, team, tee, thill, three, tick, tide, tie, tier, tilt, times, tone, tongs, touch, trace, train, trap, truck, trust, tuck, twain, twice, twin, twinned, twins, vest, vise, volt, walk, wedge, weight, wheel, whist, word, yoke, zip

accord, adopt, afford, ago, agree, aldol, alloy, angle, apiece, arc lamp, arc light, at least, babble, ballock, bandsaw, barouche, baseball, base pair, bass drum, battle, bench vise, better, between, bevel, bezique, biceps, bichrome, bicorn, bicorne, bicorned, biface, bifid, bifold, biform, bigram, bilges, bilge keel, bilobed, binate, biplane, bisect, bitmap, bivalve, bivalved, blind eel, blood cell, blood knot, bobsled, bobsleigh, boer war, bokmal, bollock, bosom, botha, bowknot, boxcars, bracket, broadsword, bronchus, buckboard, buckle, bull run, busbar, buttock, caisson, calf bone, canine, carport, carriage, car port, castle, catch crop, chadic, chamfer, channel, checkers, cheekpiece, chelate, chess game, choroid vein, circle, cleavage, closer, co-star, cockfight, combat, combined, common, compact, compound, confine, conflict, conjoined, conjoint, conjunct, connect, contact, contest, contract, corgi, corner, cottar, cotter, couple, couplet, coupling, crapette, crapshoot, crap game, crenel, crenelle, creole, cribbage, cricket, cromlech, cross-link, cross-stitch, crossbar, crossbones, crossbred, crossfire, crossing, crossruff, cross hair, curb roof, curie, cuspid, cycle, cylix, cymbal, dayfly, deadlocked, debut, deimos, descartes, diarchy, dibranch, dickey, dickie, dicky, dicot, differ, digraph, dimer, diode, diploid, dipole, diptych, dissolve, distance, distich, distinct, diverge, divide, dogtooth, dogwatch, dolmen, double, doubled, doubles, dowel, dressing, drop arch, dual, duel, duet, duette, dugout, dumbbell, duo, duple, duplex, dutch door, dyad, eagle, earflap, earlap, eland, elder, elgar, era, escaped, ether, even, extend, extract, eyecup, eyelid, eyetooth, eye tooth, face-off, factor, fennic, festoon, finnic, first half, fishplate, fish joint, fission, flatness, flat file, flemish, flip-flop, flypast, football, foremast, foremilk, former, foully, four-lane, fourfold, fraction, funnel, furcate, fusion, gallop, gambrel, gantlet, gatepost, gator, gauntlet, go-cart, go fish, go game, grapple, grass snake, green snake, groined vault, gros point, half-time, halfa, halfway, half door, half rest, hammock, handball, handcart, hand truck, hansom, harding, hatted, haunting, hedging, henbit, herod, highboy, hire, hockey, hold down, hopeful, hot line, hurling, hydra, inshore, isthmus, i kings, janus, joggle, joining, joint hinge, joystick, jump ball, junction, junior, kerr cell, ketone, kidney, king lear, kirchhoff, kleenex, knocker, koodoo, koudou, kylix, lacewing, lacing, lacrosse, ladder, landau, landsmal, lap joint, last half, latter, layer, legume, lemma, limber, limit, ling ko, link up, litter, lizard, longer, longest, longways, long whist, love life, love seat, lower, macao, macau, mainmast, male plug, mangle, mansard, marriage, master, matching, mayfly, merger, merging, merlon, metal, metric, milliped, minus, minute, mismatch, mixed drink, mixer, mixture, moiety, mule deer, mullet, nandu, naphthol, narrow, nearer, nosepiece, nostril, nutmeg, nynorsk, observe, obverse, older, one-half, opposed, orchis, oscines, ostrich, paiute, para, partial, partsong, phobos, pier glass, pinner, pipe wrench, piquet, pitsaw, piute, planar, planeness, platoon, pliers, plural, plyers, polyp, prism, product, program, prongy, propose, psoas, pubis, pueblo, puffin, punkey, punkie, punky, pushball, pushcart, pyrrhic, pyrrhus, quadrant, quantal, quantized, quotient, rabbet, rather, rebate, redwood, red oak, red pine, region, relate, rhea, rhino, ricksha, rickshaw, riffle, riksmal, rima, romance, rondeau, rondel, running, saddle, saltbox, salyut, sampan, sandfish, sandwich, sawpit, scarf joint, scissors, scooter, scrummage, scyphus, seahorse, sea chub, sea cow, sea hare, sea horse, secant, sector, sedan, seizing, semi, senior, septum, serving, settle, set shot, shadfly, sherman, shia, shiah, shinbone, shoofly, short whist, shuttle, side drum, side horse, sigmoid, sixth form, slapstick, slip stitch, snake eyes, snap ring, snare drum, soccer, solder, solstice, spandrel, spandril, spark gap, spindle, splicer, splicing, split shift, sports car, sport car, sport kite, spreadhead, spread head, squadron, square knot, stair-rod, state line, staysail, step stool, straight line, strangle, strap hinge, stretcher, striking, struggle, stunt kite, subject, sulky, sunder, sunni, suppose, surface, surrey, swedish, swim meet, synapse, takedown, tallboy, tambour, tandem, tasset, tear sac, tennis, teres, testis, thirdhand, tie beam, tie rod, time-out, title, toggle, tolstoy, tongue worm, tonsil, touching, track meet, trammel, treaty, trochlear, tropic, trunk line, tub-cart, tube wrench, tuppence, twin-prop, twinjet, twinning, twin bill, two-eared, two-faced, two-piece, two-ply, two-thirds, two-time, two-way, two-wheel, two-wheeled, two-year, twofer, twofold, twopence, twosome, two times, ugric, ulva, umlaut, ungroomed, union, upper, upset, verb phrase, vermis, vicksburg, voltage, walnut, walrus, wavelength, welding, whipsaw, whole step, whole tone, wivern, wringer, wyvern, younger, zeugma, zipper

abutment, addition, agreement, alchemy, alembic, alignment, alla breve, allele, alternate, alula, amphora, ampulla, anestrum, anestrus, anoestrum, anoestrus, anova, antipodes, antonym, arbitrage, armed combat, asaph hall, atrium, average, avulsion, azo group, a level, babinski, baccarat, backgammon, balancing, balkan wars, barrel knot, baseball game, basketball, basket weave, beam balance, better-known, bevel square, biaxal, biaxate, bicentric, bichloride, bicolor, bicolored, bicolour, bicoloured, bicornate, bicuspid, bicycle, bicyclic, bifacial, bifilar, bifocal, bifurcate, bigamy, bikini, bilingual, bilobate, bimetal, bimodal, bimonthly, bimotored, binary, binaural, biparous, bipartite, bipedal, bipolar, biracial, biramous, bisection, biting midge, bivalent, biweekly, biyearly, bizonal, bridecake, bridge circuit, bridge over, brigantine, brokerage, buffer state, burro deer, caddice-fly, caddice fly, caddis-fly, caddis fly, caliper, calipers, calliper, callipers, calypter, canasta, canine tooth, carotid, carriageway, carrick bend, center bit, centre bit, centriole, cerebrum, chalaza, chariot, checkerboard, chemistry, chiasm, chiasma, chiasmus, chickpea, chickpea plant, chincapin, chinkapin, chinquapin, chishona, chromatid, circumscribe, clerihew, cloven foot, cloven hoof, coherent, coincide, collider, collision, colostrum, comforter, commensal, company, complement, compound lens, compromise, concerted, concordat, concurrence, congo eel, congo snake, conjugate, conjunction, conjunctive, connection, connexion, conspire, continue, contraction, contrary, convergence, cornerstone, corpuscle, correlate, cosigner, cotenant, coulomb's law, counterpoint, county line, covenant, cowl muscle, crap shooting, cricket frog, cricket match, cross-linkage, cross product, cross wire, cylinder, dalton's law, darling pea, data link, daughter cell, dead nettle, decapod, dialog, dialogue, diamine, diaphone, dichloride, dickey-seat, dickie-seat, dicky-seat, dihybrid, dimorphic, dimorphous, dioxide, directly, direct sum, discharge lamp, distortion, district line, divalent, divergence, division, divisor, dizygous, do-si-do, domino, donkey cart, dot product, double-edged, double-glaze, double-prop, double-team, doublethink, doubletree, double bar, double bed, double bond, double clinch, double date, double door, double dutch, double fault, double first, double flat, double knit, double play, double rhyme, double salt, double sharp, double star, doubling, dowel pin, dry season, duologue, duplex house, duple time, duplicate, dyadic, dyarchy, eighty-two, elbow bone, elderly, elision, entitled, entr'acte, equation, equator, equinox, equipage, exogen, eye contact, face-to-face, face angle, fairy cup, fen orchid, fen orchis, fibula, field hockey, fifty-two, finisher, flageolet, flash welding, flotilla, flying jib, flyover, folio, football game, forficate, fortnightly, forty-two, for each one, fraternal, from each one, funnel shape, gambrel roof, gauge boson, germanic, gipsywort, golden mean, gran casa, gresham's law, grotesquely, guilloche, guillotine, gypsywort, handbarrow, hansom cab, hawser bend, head-to-head, hexagram, hockey game, homograph, homonym, homophone, hypallage, hyperfine, ice hockey, ii kings, impinging, incense wood, interface, internode, interval, intervene, isotope, i samuel, jakob grimm, janus-faced, jaunting car, jaunty car, keep going, lacewing fly, lagomorph, laminate, laocoon, lawn tennis, ligature, lobata, longways dance, lorentz force, lorraine cross, lovemaking, love affair, loving cup, lower berth, machine stitch, macrospore, magnitude, maisonette, maisonnette, making love, mandara, mangosteen, manifold, mansard roof, man and wife, marattia, massed fire, may lily, mediate, medusa, megaspore, mendel's law, microspore, millepede, millipede, minisub, mitral valve, mixed-blood, mixed marriage, modulus, morning coat, morristown, mosquito, mountain pine, mugho pine, mugo pine, multilane, multiphase, multiplex, muscidae, muscle-bound, mutual, ninety-two, no-see-um, non-ugric, normal school, north island, no man's land, nutmeg tree, odonate, on-off switch, one-on-one, oocyte, opposite, optic cup, osculate, os pubis, ovary, overhand, overpass, oversew, oversewn, pair of tongs, palatine, pallium, palpebra, parallax, partnership, party line, party wall, passeres, pas de deux, pectoral, penuchle, phenotype, phrenic vein, pier mirror, piggishly, pinochle, pinocle, plane angle, plane figure, platysma, pleistocene, poison bush, poison pea, polarise, polarize, polyphase, polyphone, pommel horse, ponycart, pony cart, portmanteau, position, postcava, potential, predicate, premolar, presuppose, prismatoid, privately, pubic bone, public square, purse seine, quarterly, rabbet joint, racing gig, radical, radius, ramify, rapier, ratio, reducer, relation, render-set, resultant, retinal, retinene, right angle, rouge et noir, running mate, russian bank, saddleback, safety bike, safety glass, saint louis, salsify, sandwich board, sash window, savory, savoury, scapula, scatter pin, schizocarp, secernment, second half, semester, senega, separate, sequoia, serosa, shabbily, shepherd's pipe, short circuit, shoulder blade, shoulder bone, shunt circuit, shuttle bus, siamese, sister ship, sixty-nine, sixty-two, sleepily, soixante-neuf, solar year, solution, south island, spinal nerve, square bracket, squash rackets, squash racquets, st. louis, stakeholder, stalemated, stereo, street corner, subtraction, summation, suturing, swallowtail, swimming meet, swinging chad, syllable, syllepsis, sympathy, symphysis, synchroscope, synergy, synonym, t-junction, t-network, tangency, tarantelle, tefillin, tennessee, teres muscle, testament, testicle, tete-a-tete, tetherball, the shiites, the sunnites, third party, thirty-two, three-way switch, three hundred, tibia, tic-tac-toe, tick-tack-toe, ticktacktoe, ticktacktoo, tide over, tit-tat-toe, toggle joint, toggle switch, tonsilla, to each one, tragopan, trammel net, translation, trapezoid, tremolo, triangle, triple-space, trochlear nerve, trophoblast, truelove knot, true glottis, tuning fork, turning point, twenty-three, twenty-two, twilight zone, two-chambered, two-channel, two-footed, two-handed, two-hundredth, two-party, two-sided, two-way street, ugrian, unalike, unify, unison, united, uniting, upper berth, vacation, van allen, vector sum, vis-a-vis, vocal band, vocal cord, vocal fold, volleyball, voltmeter, vowelize, wandala, watershed, wedding cake, welsh corgi, wide-body, wilhelm grimm, winter sweet, working group, yellowlegs, zygospore

affiliate, air division, allegiant, allelomorph, alligator, allotropy, ambiguous, amphiuma, analytic, anapaestic, anapestic, angle bracket, antinomy, antiphony, antistrophe, antonymy, arytaenoid, arytenoid, associate, attachable, autonomous, babinski sign, barycenter, basketball game, basket rummy, biaural, biaxial, bicameral, bicapsular, bicephalous, bicipital, bicornuate, bicornuous, bicuspidate, bicuspid valve, biennial, biflagellate, bifoliate, bifurcated, bifurcation, bijugate leaf, bijugous leaf, bilabiate, bilateral, bilinear, bilobated, bilocation, bilocular, biloculate, bimanual, bimestrial, bimetallic, bimetallic strip, bimorphemic, binary star, binomial, binuclear, binucleate, biovular, birefringence, bivariate, blended whiskey, blended whisky, blood corpuscle, bog asphodel, brachial vein, broad-leaved twayblade, bronchial tube, buddy system, buffer country, bunya bunya, cabriolet, carabiner, catamaran, catenary, catharism, cavity wall, celestial pole, central gyrus, chadic language, chelate compound, chemical group, chemin de fer, choreograph, chrysolepis, cladorhyncus, co-occurrence, coconspire, coincidence, coinsurance, collared lizard, colubridae, combat pilot, common factor, common fraction, common measure, comparison, competition, complementary, compound number, compound pistil, compound sentence, condensation, conference call, conjugated, consent decree, conspiracy, constituent, consultation, contradiction, contrapuntal, copolymer, coreference, correlation, correlative, correspondence, covariance, cross-cultural, cross of lorraine, cyanine dye, cydippea, cydippida, dacryocyst, daily double, decussation, deservedly, development, diaeresis, diagonal, diameter, diapason, diapsida, diastole, diatomic, diatonic, dibasic salt, dibranchiate, diceros simus, dichotomise, dichotomize, dichotomous, dichotomy, dichroism, dichromacy, dichromasy, dichromatic, dichromia, dicotyledon, dicot genus, dieresis, differential, dihybrid cross, dimorphism, diplopia, diplopoda, disaccharide, displaced fracture, dissimilate, dissociate, dissyllable, disyllabic, disyllable, divisible, divisional, dizygotic, double-barreled, double-barrelled, double-bogey, doubleheader, double agent, double birdie, double bogey, double boiler, double digit, double dipper, double dipping, double feature, double glazing, double saucepan, double stopping, double vision, dry battery, dualism, duality, dwarf mountain pine, egyptian pea, electroscope, elephant seal, eliminate, eminently, english walnut, epiphora, epistrophe, equivalent, equivocal, facing pages, false dragonhead, false dragon head, false vocal cord, false vocal fold, faucial tonsil, fisherman's knot, flash butt welding, flexible joint, flowering glume, folie a deux, forty-second, fourth cranial nerve, fraternal twin, frontal suture, functionally, g. r. kirchhoff, genlisea, genus marattia, genus ulva, geodesic, giant foxtail, glacial epoch, glottis vera, gnawing mammal, golden section, gravitation, hendiadys, herod the great, heterodyne, heteronym, himantopus, homogenize, homozygous, horse latitude, hydrogen bond, hymenopter, ii samuel, indecision, inner product, interactive, intermural, interregnum, interrelate, intersection, intertrigo, intervening, intimately, inventory, irrational, isosceles, isotonic, i chronicles, jekyll and hyde, jinrikisha, junior college, karabiner, lacrimal sac, lamellibranch, leo tolstoy, lesser twayblade, lobe of the lung, lophophora, lower egypt, madame curie, magen david, magnetic pole, mahayana, majority, major axis, marie curie, married couple, maxwell's demon, mediana, mediety, metacenter, metacentre, metacentric, metathesis, metric function, minority, mixed metaphor, mogen david, monohybrid, motorcycle, multipartite, multiplexer, muscoidea, new norwegian, noughts and crosses, nova zembla, occam's razor, ophthalmic vein, opposite word, osculation, pair of pliers, pair of scissors, palatine bone, parallel bars, parenthesis, pectoralis, pelecypod, pentastomid, phasmidia, phylactery, pinus mugo, pisha paysha, pleomorphism, polarity, polemicize, polyandrist, polygamist, polygynist, polymorphic, polymorphism, polymorphous, polyphonic, polysemy, portmanteau word, potential drop, prepuberty, prisoner's base, productively, property line, psychodidae, quixotically, radio link, railway junction, rainy season, ramayana, ratbite fever, reciprocal, rene descartes, retrovirus, reversible, rhetorical, rhinoceros, run-on sentence, salad dressing, same-sex marriage, saphenous vein, scalar product, sea elephant, second power, semidetached house, semifinal, separably, serous membrane, seventy-two, sex-limited, sexual love, sex chromosome, shatterproof glass, shiah islam, shield of david, simple fraction, sirenian, situation, slide fastener, solomon's seal, spinal fusion, star of david, state boundary, strip-jack-naked, suborder passeres, suicide pact, superimpose, swallow-tailed coat, swiss mountain pine, syllogism, symbiosis, synaeresis, synchroniser, synchronizer, synchronoscope, synchronously, syndactyly, syneresis, synergism, synergistic, synonymy, tandem trailer, tarantella, teachers college, tertium quid, theravada, thermocouple, thermojunction, third dimension, thirty-second, time interval, transverse process, trapezius, triple-spacing, trochlearis, tropical year, true lover's knot, true vocal cord, true vocal fold, two-handed saw, uninflected, universal, unreconciled, unusual, upper egypt, uterine vein, vector product, vena cava, virginia reel, volleyball game, volleyball net, warren harding, water parting, water polo, water spaniel, welwitschia, wilhelm karl grimm, x chromosome, zip-fastener

accessory nerve, allotropism, amalgamation, amalgamator, angular distance, anisogamy, aphasmidia, archaeozoic, archeozoic, articulation, artificial skin, auditory tube, augean stables, auricular vein, azo radical, babinski reflex, bactrian camel, battle of bull run, beggar-my-neighbor, beggar-my-neighbour, biauricular, bicylindrical, bidirectional, biennially, bimetallism, bimetallistic, bimolecular, binary compound, binucleated, bipedalism, bunya bunya tree, caesium clock, cantilever bridge, cartesian product, chemical compound, class diplopoda, class myriapoda, class phasmidia, commensalism, commercial treaty, common divisor, common multiple, compound microscope, confederacy, consolidation, contradictory, convex polygon, cooperative, coordination, coordinative, copolymerize, corpus callosum, corpus mamillare, cosignatory, cryptogamia, cuculus canorus, cydippidea, cytokinesis, dano-norwegian, decomposition, diapason stop, diatonic scale, dibasic acid, dicarboxylic, dichromatism, dicot family, differential gear, dinoflagellate, dipole antenna, discrimination, dissimilation, dizygotic twin, double-hung window, double negative, double refraction, dracaenaceae, dracenaceae, duplex apartment, electrolytic, embroidery frame, embroidery hoop, epicardium, equinoctial point, equinoctial year, equivalent word, eubacteriales, eustachian tube, facilitation, family muscidae, flemish dialect, gastrolobium, gastroomental vein, gemini program, genus chrysolepis, genus cladorhyncus, geodesic line, germanic language, great cerebral vein, hastinapura, hermaphrodite brig, heroic couplet, heroic stanza, hindu calendar, hymenopteran, hymenopteron, idealisation, identical twin, ii chronicles, incorporation, indecisiveness, inseparably, interconnection, intermediate, internal angle, international, interpenetrate, interreflection, intervertebral, iron disulfide, irresolution, kronecker delta, laminated glass, laryngeal vein, leptomeninges, magellanic cloud, magnoliopsid, mahabharata, mahabharatam, mahabharatum, mamillary body, mammillary body, marya sklodowska, melodramatic, merger agreement, mesenteric vein, metalworking vise, minisubmarine, monohybrid cross, monozygous twin, morphologically, mosaicism, most-favored-nation, multiengine airplane, multinucleate, multiplication, multiprocessing, multiprocessor, multiprogramming, multivariate, mutualism, myriapoda, myristica fragrans, nasal cavity, nervus spinalis, novaya zemlya, obedient plant, olfactory bulb, optical fusion, optic chiasm, optic chiasma, order lobata, palatine tonsil, parallel circuit, parasitism, parietal bone, patriarchal cross, pectoral muscle, person-to-person, phanerogamae, phi coefficient, phi correlation, pleistocene epoch, plica vocalis, poison arrow plant, polyatomic, polymorphemic, posterior naris, potentiation, president harding, proboscidea, proterozoic, pseudomonadales, pterygoid process, rectifying tube, rectifying valve, renegociate, resting potential, rima glottidis, rima vocalis, safety bicycle, sagittal suture, salicaceae, scalene triangle, significantly, sir edward elgar, spherical angle, stereophonic, stereoscopy, stereo system, suborder oscines, superfetation, superordinate, superposition, syndactylism, synonymity, synonymously, synonymousness, tandem bicycle, telescopically, tennessee river, trapa bicornis, trapezius muscle, treble recorder, trente-et-quarante, triangulation, trichodontidae, tubal ligation, twin-propeller-plane, two-dimensional, ultimate frisbee, universal joint, vena choroidea, vena phrenica, vena saphena, venomous lizard, ventricular fold, vertical angle, vestibular fold, via media, victoria sponge, white rhinoceros, wide-body aircraft, widebody aircraft, willow family, xenogenesis

aldehyde-alcohol, american football, anastomotic vein, angle of refraction, aniseikonia, anisometropic, annual parallax, anterior naris, aplysia punctata, ark of the covenant, articulatio, associate degree, astronomical year, biauriculate heart, bicycle-built-for-two, bilocular capsule, bulbourethral gland, canadian red pine, carotid artery, chiasma opticum, class aphasmidia, combined operation, complementarity, complementary angles, complementary color, concentrated fire, concurrent negligence, conjugate solution, correlation table, correlativity, cyclooxygenase, data multiplexer, democratic party, deviated septum, diametrically, dibranchiate mollusk, dichotomisation, dichotomization, dichromatopsia, dicotyledonous, diurnal parallax, electric potential, electronic image, eleventh cranial nerve, european cuckoo, exclusion principle, family colubridae, family psychodidae, fibonacci sequence, genus himantopus, gustav robert kirchhoff, heterogenesis, homogeneity, homozygosity, hysteron proteron, idealization, indistinguishable, interfacial tension, interior angle, internasal suture, intervertebral disc, intervertebral disk, isometropia, jakob ludwig karl grimm, james alfred van allen, joint probability, labia majora, labia minora, large magellanic cloud, lateral ventricle, law of gravitation, law of parsimony, lilies of the valley, lily of the valley, listera cordata, lunar time period, magnetic monopole, maianthemum canadense, maxillary artery, megalonychidae, middle cerebral vein, mitella diphylla, monophysitism, monozygotic twin, multiple regression, musculus trapezius, musical interval, mutual inductance, mutual induction, nuclear deterrence, order cydippea, order cydippida, order of magnitude, parallel processing, partial correlation, partial derivative, pillars of hercules, pinus resinosa, plexus pulmonalis, polar coordinate, polar opposition, polyphonic letter, polytonalism, polytonality, potential difference, psocopterous insect, reconciliation, refectory table, republican party, serial processing, sirenian mammal, small magellanic cloud, spectrophotometer, spinal accessory, split personality, stereoscopic picture, stereoscopic vision, sternocleidomastoid, struthio camelus, subclass diapsida, superfecundation, sutura frontalis, tarahumara frog, theory of gravity, thermionic current, thermocouple junction, tiliomycetes, unexceptionable, vena auricularis, vena brachialis, vena laryngea, vermis cerebelli, victoria sandwich

aba transit number, acquisition agreement, albigensianism, american football game, anisometropia, arteria carotis, arytenoid cartilage, association football, bilingual dictionary, binary operation, boolean operation, camelus bactrianus, cartesian coordinate, cerebellar hemisphere, cicer arietinum, circumflex femoral vein, class tiliomycetes, common denominator, concurrent execution, concurrent operation, dawson's encephalitis, dipterocarpaceae, dominican republic, double decomposition, dyadic operation, false lily of the valley, family salicaceae, family trichodontidae, fourfold point correlation, gastroepiploic vein, genus lophophora, genus proboscidea, geocentric parallax, geological era, gravitational theory, heterozygosity, hymenopterous insect, inferior vocal cord, inferior vocal fold, interdisciplinary, intermaxillary suture, internal cerebral vein, isosceles triangle, kendall rank correlation, laryngeal artery, liparis loeselii, lycopus europaeus, magnoliopsid genus, mahayana buddhism, mesenteric artery, metacentric chromosome, multichannel recorder, multiplex operation, multiple correlation, musculus pectoralis, mutual opposition, nervus accessorius, order cydippidea, order eubacteriales, order pseudomonadales, parallel operation, pulmonary artery, rana tarahumarae, rhea americana, sir edward william elgar, spurious correlation, stereophonic system, sternocleido mastoideus, subclavian artery, superior vocal cord, sutura sagittalis, theory of gravitation, tweedledee and tweedledum, tweedledum and tweedledee, two-dimensionality, two-dimensional figure, vena cerebri magna, vena gastroomentalis, warren gamaliel harding, william tecumseh sherman

analysis of variance, arteria laryngea, arteria maxillaris, arteria pulmonalis, arteria subclavia, atrioventricular valve, ceratotherium simum, convallaria majalis, coordinating conjunction, correlational statistics, correlation coefficient, decomposition reaction, di-iodotyrosine, double replacement reaction, electrodynamometer, electrolytic condenser, elimination reaction, family megalonychidae, heliocentric parallax, hyperbolic geometry, inferior vena cava, interfacial surface tension, interparietal suture, interpersonal chemistry, law of multiple proportions, lexical ambiguity, listera convallarioides, magnoliopsid family, middle cerebral artery, multiple personality, newton's law of gravitation, pauli exclusion principle, principle of parsimony, pterocnemia pennata, simultaneous equations, stereoscopic photograph, sternocleidomastoid muscle, subfamily dracaenaceae, subfamily dracenaceae, superfamily muscoidea, sutura internasalis, theravada buddhism, van bogaert encephalitis, vena cerebri media, vena cerebrum internus, visceral pericardium, welwitschia mirabilis

acocanthera spectabilis, alternation of generations, arteria mesenterica, autosomal recessive defect, autosomal recessive disease, bank identification number, coefficient of correlation, constant of proportionality, count lev nikolayevitch tolstoy, department of commerce and labor, electrolytic capacitor, factor of proportionality, family dipterocarpaceae, inferior pulmonary vein, law of equivalent proportions, law of reciprocal proportions, left atrioventricular valve, odocoileus hemionus, radio interferometer, sclerosing leukoencephalitis, simultaneous operation, superior pulmonary vein, sutura intermaxillaris, tetrachoric correlation, vena circumflexus femoris, zeroth law of thermodynamics

anterior cerebral artery, double decomposition reaction, habenaria orbiculata, inclusion body encephalitis, physostegia virginiana, secretary of commerce and labor, tau coefficient of correlation, vena pulmanalis inferior, vena pulmonalis superior

acocanthera oblongifolia, binary arithmetic operation, coefficient of mutual induction, eysenck personality inventory, multiple correlation coefficient, musculus sternocleidomastoideus, severe combined immunodeficiency

subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

secretary of health education and welfare, severe combined immunodeficiency disease, subacute inclusion body encephalitis, subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis, tetrachoric correlation coefficient

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