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Words whose definition contains like:   (1142 results)

2 letters:

3 letters:
act, bad, bag, cat, coy, das, dig, din, dna, dot, fez, fin, fly, gar, gnu, god, hog, ice, ilk, kat, mat, mew, nan, neo, new, owl, pad, pda, pig, pop, pun, qat, rue, sin

4 letters:
aloe, awny, barb, bead, beat, boom, bowl, cape, claw, comb, cony, crab, cusk, deck, ding, disc, dish, disk, dong, feel, felt, fins, fish, flue, foil, fold, fork, fury, fuss, gate, gibe, gilt, guan, guib, hare, hawk, herd, hewn, high, hive, honk, idea, jibe, khat, kite, last, lisp, look, make, mara, mate, meow, mola, orzo, oval, peck, ping, pink, play, pole, pump, quat, ride, roar, rock, salt, scat, sell, shad, shot, sial, sigh, skua, slam, slap, sour, spat, stud, tart, tick, tide, wave, yoke, yowl, zany

5 letters:
abuzz, ahead, alike, alula, anile, antic, aster, awned, basal, beady, beard, bilby, bilgy, board, caaba, cecal, champ, chela, civil, clear, clown, coney, corgi, croak, cronk, curet, dagga, dance, davit, deify, demon, downy, earth, fancy, fiery, flail, fluke, fondu, force, galea, genip, ghost, glans, glass, glaze, gleam, glide, gouge, grain, grapy, grave, grunt, ha-ha, haunt, holla, hollo, house, hyrax, inner, kaaba, knock, krill, light, lumpy, matte, meaty, miaou, miaow, midge, north, ovate, ovoid, panda, plash, pouch, prank, prawn, pulpy, putty, quiet, ratel, renew, saiga, salty, screw, shaft, shaky, share, sheep, shiny, shlep, siren, slave, smack, smelt, snake, spear, spork, sprat, stick, stone, straw, strut, suety, sweet, tangy, taste, telex, tench, thing, tiara, title, valve, wedge, whelk, woody

6 letters:
a-bomb, acidic, acinar, acinus, always, ardent, author, babble, beacon, behave, bellow, billyo, bitter, blenny, blower, bonxie, borage, bovine, bowery, branch, buffer, cackly, caecal, caiman, canopy, carpet, cayman, chicle, chunky, cicada, cicala, claret, clevis, cloche, coucal, creamy, croaky, cuboid, cuckoo, cuffed, cuneal, cuscus, dassie, dished, durian, echoic, either, ending, falcon, fender, flavin, flossy, fluffy, fondue, frisky, fuzzed, geyser, golden, gothic, grapey, grille, guggle, halter, hobble, holler, holloa, hooked, hooter, hopple, jangly, jingly, jujube, keeled, lancet, lectin, lemony, lentil, ligule, loiter, looped, lovage, mallet, mammee, mantle, mantra, marble, martyr, medlar, mental, mentum, mother, nipper, obsess, ormolu, paddle, papaya, papery, pecker, pelvis, pincer, pitted, poncho, prefer, psylla, putrid, radial, ramify, reecho, ribbed, ridged, ringed, rocket, romper, rustle, saddle, salute, sapote, saucer, sawfly, schism, schlep, sculpt, shroud, sizzle, splash, sponge, spongy, stream, string, stylet, surnia, tannia, tantra, temper, thresh, tinkly, turtle, unable, unlike, venter, verbal, vernix, weaver, wicket, wiggly, wilton, writer, yautia, yogurt

7 letters:
acerola, acetose, acetous, acicula, alewife, ameboid, anchovy, animate, animize, annular, antique, apodeme, arcella, areolar, aye-aye, batwing, bauxite, bearded, bizarre, blanket, boylike, breaker, bulbous, bulwark, buttony, buzzing, cabinet, carrier, cascade, catfish, cavetto, celtuce, ceriman, cestode, chapati, chervil, chipper, clypeus, coccoid, compton, conduct, cordate, costate, courser, crawdad, cubical, cupular, curette, dandify, daphnia, diptych, dogtrot, dredger, droning, ebonize, egotrip, elkwood, escolar, explode, falcate, federal, flipper, foliage, gallfly, garfish, garpike, ghostly, gilding, glimmer, grapple, griffin, growler, gryphon, haltere, hastate, haw-haw, hee-haw, heights, hissing, however, igneous, imitate, immense, jackson, lattice, lidless, likable, literal, loverly, lunette, malanga, meerkat, micelle, mierkat, muntjac, muskrat, mysidae, neutral, notched, nothing, nuclear, oceanic, opaline, oviform, ox-eyed, palatal, pattern, peccary, perkily, petrify, piddock, pretend, prolate, psyllid, pursued, quaking, radical, raining, redpoll, ricotta, roaring, rotifer, sabayon, saclike, serrate, shaking, shallot, shortly, sigmoid, skimmer, sororal, sourish, spinous, squawky, squeeze, success, sunfish, tabular, termite, toothed, trapped, trumpet, tuatara, unknown, unlearn, valvula, valvule, vesture, vitrify, walleye, whining, whisper, whiting, whorled, wrapped, wriggly, yoghurt

8 letters:
abstract, accentor, airbrush, ammonium, amoeboid, aneurism, aneurysm, annulate, aquiline, arborise, arborize, areolate, assassin, assuming, asteroid, baccilar, backward, balancer, basilica, beadlike, bellbird, billfish, bitchery, boyishly, brisling, bulwarks, bushbuck, calypter, cardamom, cardamon, cardamum, carinate, cavitied, cetacean, chapatti, chimeral, chimeric, cilantro, cingulum, circular, clinking, clowlike, clowning, clownish, coronary, coupling, cousinly, crawfish, crayfish, croaking, crotchet, crowding, cruciate, cubelike, cubiform, cuboidal, cupulate, dewberry, dingdong, discount, dormouse, downlike, echolike, elliptic, ensiform, fanlight, fatherly, filefish, fistular, flatbrod, flathead, flippers, fondness, frogfish, fungible, ganoidei, gaywings, globular, glowworm, graining, granular, guttural, hawkbill, headfish, hemipode, hygienic, indented, jangling, jingling, keyboard, lamblike, leucaena, likeable, likewise, lovesick, mastodon, mealybug, menhaden, meteoric, mirrored, mortally, mulberry, mushroom, musquash, nacreous, opalesce, ostracod, palatial, pandanus, penelope, phosgene, plantain, plumeria, plumiera, ponytail, popinjay, psammoma, reaction, register, resemble, rhomboid, rhonchus, ricebird, ringtail, rustling, sailfish, savagely, scaphoid, serrated, sheepish, shepherd, shipworm, shoebill, shoebird, sibilant, sirenian, sisterly, skipjack, snowshoe, snuggled, spectral, specular, spheroid, starless, stellate, surfbird, sycamore, tailwort, tangible, tantrism, tapeworm, tarboosh, teardrop, tentacle, thrasher, ticktack, ticktock, tinkling, toroidal, tortoise, tracheal, twisting, unrhymed, urbanise, urbanize, valvelet, variable, vegetate, vinegary, whirring, whizbang, wiggling, wolffish, writhing, yoghourt

9 letters:
acanthoid, acanthous, aciculate, acidulent, acidulous, allantoid, alligator, alveolate, annulated, argentine, artichoke, ascendant, auricular, automatic, avuncular, baby-like, baby-wise, bacillary, bandicoot, bassarisk, bearnaise, bellowing, bladelike, bombshell, boomerang, broadleaf, brotherly, buccaneer, bursiform, butterfly, cacomixle, cancerous, carinated, cartwheel, cat's-ear, chelicera, circinate, clamshell, cleansing, coatdress, continent, cordiform, coriander, courtelle, crenelate, cruciform, ctenidium, cuneiform, currawong, different, disciform, ecrevisse, embattled, falciform, faveolate, fistulate, fistulous, flagellum, fluctuate, foliation, following, forcipate, fraternal, frivolity, frogmouth, ghostlike, girlishly, goldbrick, gooseneck, hadrosaur, hand-hewn, hawksbill, hollering, honeycomb, husbandly, hydrolith, insinuate, jackknife, jellylike, jew's-ear, jumentous, killifish, kittenish, lancelike, lemonlike, lightship, lignified, lingulate, loverlike, marbleize, marmoreal, marmorean, martyrize, mastodont, megathere, mertensia, murmuring, navicular, nonverbal, octagonal, organiser, organizer, paperlike, pectinate, phalarope, phenotype, polyphone, prongbuck, pronghorn, protoavis, pseudoryx, pulmonata, purifying, quivering, quotidian, remodeled, resilient, retaliate, robotlike, rocambole, roguishly, sagittate, sculpture, semirigid, semivowel, sheeplike, shivering, similarly, skyrocket, snakefish, solmizate, spadefoot, sparkling, spiritual, spoonbill, squirming, susurrous, swordlike, teredinid, theridiid, threadfin, thunderer, tomatillo, trembling, unlikable, waxmallow, whirligig, whitefish, whizzbang, wistfully, woodhewer, wriggling

10 letters:
addlepated, aldermanic, aldermanly, amygdaloid, aphoristic, arthromere, baculiform, bestialise, bestialize, bitumenoid, bituminoid, bottleneck, botuliform, breadfruit, buffoonery, buffoonish, bullethead, buttonlike, cacomistle, campanular, casuaridae, catapultic, cellophane, chevrotain, childishly, chimerical, chondritic, clavichord, concertina, coquettish, corbiestep, crenelated, crenellate, ctenophore, cumuliform, cup-shaped, cynodontia, dendrobium, dickensian, dictyosome, dissimilar, egg-shaped, elliptical, eurypterid, evanescent, faithfully, fatherlike, formalized, gelatinous, gooseberry, grindstone, groundfish, harvestman, horselaugh, impishness, innovative, iridescent, jaboticaba, jaggedness, jew's-ears, ketembilla, kitambilla, kitembilla, lanceolate, lancetfish, lizardfish, mapinguari, megalithic, mirrorlike, musicality, napoleonic, nephoscope, oblongness, octangular, opalescent, ophidiidae, partiality, pentagonal, phantasmal, phenacomys, phocomelia, plasmacyte, pycnogonid, regenerate, rhomboidal, ribbonfish, rod-shaped, saddleback, sandgrouse, sandhopper, semidesert, semitrance, shirtdress, silhouette, sisterlike, squareness, tardigrada, tetragonal, therapsida, thundering, triangular, umbilicate, undulation, unlikeable, weaverbird, whispering, wildebeest, woodpecker, zabaglione

11 letters:
angelically, assassinate, bacilliform, brotherhood, brotherlike, buffalofish, butcherbird, butyraceous, campanulate, canalicular, catapultian, chartaceous, christianly, complaisant, constellate, contrastive, corbie-step, corythosaur, crenellated, crepuscular, cube-shaped, deification, dictyophera, diffidently, dish-shaped, dyslogistic, flirtatious, gelatinlike, glutinosity, hadrosaurus, hay-scented, hippocampus, honeycombed, ichthyosaur, laborsaving, lasiocampid, leatherette, machinelike, marbleizing, mountainous, musicalness, officiously, overprotect, papilliform, passionless, pearlescent, pentangular, peristalsis, polystyrene, predictably, psychedelic, puckishness, radiolarian, restoration, ring-shaped, sagittiform, sauce-alone, saurischian, saw-toothed, shuttlecock, snailflower, spoonflower, squatinidae, star-shaped, sympetalous, teleprinter, treasonable, warmhearted, welwitschia, woodcreeper

12 letters:
amygdaliform, amygdaloidal, animatronics, apothegmatic, apparitional, arrow-shaped, broad-leafed, broad-leaved, campanulated, cementitious, companionate, diamagnetism, domesticated, electroscope, epigrammatic, gamopetalous, harlequinade, heart-shaped, infrequently, innovational, mechanically, meretricious, nudibranchia, oligodendria, paramilitary, parochialism, phytohormone, pouch-shaped, quadrangular, redefinition, squirrelfish, straitjacket, stravinskian, stravinskyan, strontium 90, sword-shaped, unchristlike, volcanically, wedge-shaped, whimsicality, woodgraining, zoomastigote

13 letters:
almond-shaped, antiprotozoal, arundinaceous, automatonlike, burmanniaceae, chlamydomonas, corythosaurus, cryptophyceae, dissimilation, glutinousness, insinuatingly, irresponsible, ornithischian, paramagnetism, prostaglandin, sickle-shaped, streptocarpus, triangularity, unchristianly, vermiculation, zooflagellate

14 letters:
archaeornithes, ferromagnetism, fibrocartilage, gelatinousness, groundbreaking, monosaccharide, monosaccharose, progestational, pseudococcidae, rectangularity, sagittate-leaf, self-contained, solomon's-seal, straightjacket, sulfamethazine, sulfamezathine, swallow-tailed, teletypewriter, tintinnabulate, ustilaginoidea

15 letters:
dutchman's-pipe, heterometabolic, mischievousness, oligodendroglia, retrospectively

16 letters:
bird-on-the-wing, compartmentalize, heterometabolous, spearhead-shaped

17 letters:

18 letters:

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