Words and phrases that rhyme with prehistory: (902 results)
2 syllables:
-chory, borey, borie, chhorii, chori, chory, corey, corie, corre, corrie, corry, cory, coury, cuore, door he, dorey, dori, dorie, dorrie, dory, florey, flori, florrie, florry, flory, forie, forrey, forry, for he, frory, fuori, gauri, glori, glorie, glory, gorey, gori, gorry, gory, haury, hoary, hori, horry, jorie, jory, kaori, kauri, kaury, koeri, korey, korry, kory, laurey, lauri, laurie, laury, lawrie, lawry, lorey, lori, lorie, lorri, lorrie, lorry, lory, lowrie, mauri, maurie, maury, morey, more he, mori, morie, morrey, morrie, morry, mory, mowrey, mowry, norie, norrie, norry, nouri, ori, ory, or he, quarry, raury, roary, rorie, rory, saury, scorey, scorie, shorey, shory, snorri, sorey, storey, storie, story, swore he, tauri, torey, tori, torie, torii, torrey, torrie, torry, tory, towry, warri, warrie, warry, war he
-chory, borey, borie, chhorii, chori, chory, corey, corie, corre, corrie, corry, cory, coury, cuore, door he, dorey, dori, dorie, dorrie, dory, florey, flori, florrie, florry, flory, forie, forrey, forry, for he, frory, fuori, gauri, glori, glorie, glory, gorey, gori, gorry, gory, haury, hoary, hori, horry, jorie, jory, kaori, kauri, kaury, koeri, korey, korry, kory, laurey, lauri, laurie, laury, lawrie, lawry, lorey, lori, lorie, lorri, lorrie, lorry, lory, lowrie, mauri, maurie, maury, morey, more he, mori, morie, morrey, morrie, morry, mory, mowrey, mowry, norie, norrie, norry, nouri, ori, ory, or he, quarry, raury, roary, rorie, rory, saury, scorey, scorie, shorey, shory, snorri, sorey, storey, storie, story, swore he, tauri, torey, tori, torie, torii, torrey, torrie, torry, tory, towry, warri, warrie, warry, war he
3 syllables:
-atory, acore, aghori, ainori, amauri, amaury, aor e, aporie, arbore, astore, atory, attore, aurore, backstory, basore, blairgowrie, blindstory, blue story, bufori, calori, calory, centaury, chidori, chikory, cichory, clearstory, clerstory, coorie, decore, delore, detore, dettore, difiore, disglory, dottore, ecori, ephori, ettore, euphorie, fattore, feudtory, fiore, fiori, forbore, goatwhore, good story, gregori, grigori, hattori, herstory, histrory, hitori, hodori, inori, inscore, irori, jeogori, john dory, kachori, kalloori, kamori, kgori, komori, kumouri, lahori, latorre, lead story, lepore, life story, liguori, liquori, love story, mahori, malory, man-whore, mcclory, mccorry, mccrorey, mccrory, mcglory, mcgrory, mclaury, mcrorie, metrorrey, midori, mokkori, montuori, nagore, nanori, news story, nigori, nobori, o'mori, old glory, omori, outlawry, pansori, pecore, phosphori, pittore, plethory, pomorie, priore, priori, procore, pumori, pylori, randori, recore, rettore, rewari, santore, sartori, satori, savoury, sedore, settore, shibori, short-story, short story, signori, signory, sob story, sonore, star-glory, suntory, tamori, tandoori, tempore, trattore, uncore, vainglory, valori, vanstory, vidaurri, yesstory, zagori, zoochory
-atory, acore, aghori, ainori, amauri, amaury, aor e, aporie, arbore, astore, atory, attore, aurore, backstory, basore, blairgowrie, blindstory, blue story, bufori, calori, calory, centaury, chidori, chikory, cichory, clearstory, clerstory, coorie, decore, delore, detore, dettore, difiore, disglory, dottore, ecori, ephori, ettore, euphorie, fattore, feudtory, fiore, fiori, forbore, goatwhore, good story, gregori, grigori, hattori, herstory, histrory, hitori, hodori, inori, inscore, irori, jeogori, john dory, kachori, kalloori, kamori, kgori, komori, kumouri, lahori, latorre, lead story, lepore, life story, liguori, liquori, love story, mahori, malory, man-whore, mcclory, mccorry, mccrorey, mccrory, mcglory, mcgrory, mclaury, mcrorie, metrorrey, midori, mokkori, montuori, nagore, nanori, news story, nigori, nobori, o'mori, old glory, omori, outlawry, pansori, pecore, phosphori, pittore, plethory, pomorie, priore, priori, procore, pumori, pylori, randori, recore, rettore, rewari, santore, sartori, satori, savoury, sedore, settore, shibori, short-story, short story, signori, signory, sob story, sonore, star-glory, suntory, tamori, tandoori, tempore, trattore, uncore, vainglory, valori, vanstory, vidaurri, yesstory, zagori, zoochory
4 syllables:
a-priori, abditory, additory, adjutory, alatorre, allegorie, allegory, amatory, antistory, aomori, apriori, aratory, assertory, auditory, awamori, a ghost story, balamory, belfiore, bensenyore, bibitory, bonsignore, buonocore, cacciatore, cantatory, caracore, catagory, categorie, category, cellepore, cenatory, chrismatory, citatory, clerestory, collutory, compaore, completory, conditory, counterbore, counterflory, crematory, crinatory, crinitory, cubatory, culpatory, cunctatory, damnatory, decretory, defiore, delatorre, deletory, delpriore, delsignore, demon core, depletory, desultory, deviatory, dilatory, dimissory, direttore, dirty story, donatory, dormitory, elinore, emissory, excretory, expletory, exsputory, exutory, fairy story, faldistory, feretory, feudatory, filatory, finding dory, fortiori, fujimori, fumatory, fumitory, funny story, gestatory, gradatory, grallatory, gustatory, gyratory, hortatory, hunky-dory, hunkydory, inspirtory, inventory, juratory, kategorie, kinderwhore, koinobori, kumadori, laboratory, laudatory, lavatory, libatory, liberatory, libratory, lisey's story, maggiore, maheswari, mandatory, manditory, marriage story, meritory, migliore, migliori, migratory, millepore, minatory, miyamori, mondadori, montessori, moratory, moriori, morning-glory, morning glory, motonori, multi-storey, multi-story, multistorey, multistory, mundatory, mussoorie, narratory, natatory, negatory, nidatory, nugatory, oblatory, offertory, olitory, omamori, operatory, oratory, oshibori, over-story, overstory, palpatory, paratore, pargetory, paritory, pellinore, pellitory, pesatori, pescatore, petitory, philatory, phonatory, photostory, pingitore, piscatory, placatory, placitory, plauditory, plesiosauri, polidori, polypori, polyzoary, precatory, predatory, prefatory, preparatory, probatory, proditory, promissory, promontory, pulsatory, punitory, purgatory, raspatory, raukokore, repertory, repletory, reptatory, rogatory, rotatory, ruwenzori, saltatory, salvatore, salvatori, salvatory, sanatory, scattergory, scintilore, scortatory, scyphophori, secretory, sedatory, sekitori, senatore, sensitory, separatory, serratore, shackatory, shiritori, signatory, sitecore, spoliatory, statutory, stillatory, subsultory, sudatory, sumotori, suppletory, taraori, territory, tessitore, tornatore, toshiyori, transitory, tunecore, understorey, understory, user story, vallatory, vanacore, vincitore, vomitory, yakitori, yasunori
a-priori, abditory, additory, adjutory, alatorre, allegorie, allegory, amatory, antistory, aomori, apriori, aratory, assertory, auditory, awamori, a ghost story, balamory, belfiore, bensenyore, bibitory, bonsignore, buonocore, cacciatore, cantatory, caracore, catagory, categorie, category, cellepore, cenatory, chrismatory, citatory, clerestory, collutory, compaore, completory, conditory, counterbore, counterflory, crematory, crinatory, crinitory, cubatory, culpatory, cunctatory, damnatory, decretory, defiore, delatorre, deletory, delpriore, delsignore, demon core, depletory, desultory, deviatory, dilatory, dimissory, direttore, dirty story, donatory, dormitory, elinore, emissory, excretory, expletory, exsputory, exutory, fairy story, faldistory, feretory, feudatory, filatory, finding dory, fortiori, fujimori, fumatory, fumitory, funny story, gestatory, gradatory, grallatory, gustatory, gyratory, hortatory, hunky-dory, hunkydory, inspirtory, inventory, juratory, kategorie, kinderwhore, koinobori, kumadori, laboratory, laudatory, lavatory, libatory, liberatory, libratory, lisey's story, maggiore, maheswari, mandatory, manditory, marriage story, meritory, migliore, migliori, migratory, millepore, minatory, miyamori, mondadori, montessori, moratory, moriori, morning-glory, morning glory, motonori, multi-storey, multi-story, multistorey, multistory, mundatory, mussoorie, narratory, natatory, negatory, nidatory, nugatory, oblatory, offertory, olitory, omamori, operatory, oratory, oshibori, over-story, overstory, palpatory, paratore, pargetory, paritory, pellinore, pellitory, pesatori, pescatore, petitory, philatory, phonatory, photostory, pingitore, piscatory, placatory, placitory, plauditory, plesiosauri, polidori, polypori, polyzoary, precatory, predatory, prefatory, preparatory, probatory, proditory, promissory, promontory, pulsatory, punitory, purgatory, raspatory, raukokore, repertory, repletory, reptatory, rogatory, rotatory, ruwenzori, saltatory, salvatore, salvatori, salvatory, sanatory, scattergory, scintilore, scortatory, scyphophori, secretory, sedatory, sekitori, senatore, sensitory, separatory, serratore, shackatory, shiritori, signatory, sitecore, spoliatory, statutory, stillatory, subsultory, sudatory, sumotori, suppletory, taraori, territory, tessitore, tornatore, toshiyori, transitory, tunecore, understorey, understory, user story, vallatory, vanacore, vincitore, vomitory, yakitori, yasunori
5 syllables:
abjuratory, absolutory, absolvatory, absolvitory, acclamatory, accusatory, adhortatory, adjuratory, admonitory, adulatory, adventure story, advocatory, affirmatory, aleatory, allenatore, ambagitory, ambasciatore, ambulatory, amelioratory, amendatory, annunciatory, aplanospore, appellatory, applicatory, apprecatory, appreciatory, approbatory, aspiratory, assentatory, asseveratory, auscultatory, auxiliatory, balneatory, beach morning glory, bishwoshundori, buccinatory, cachinnatory, calciatore, calcinatory, calculatory, castigatory, celebratory, cementatory, circulatory, coimbatore, collaboratory, combinatory, commandatory, commendatore, commendatori, commendatory, comminatory, compellatory, compensatory, compulsatory, conciliatory, concionatory, condemnatory, condolatory, confirmatory, confiscatory, consecratory, consignatory, consolatory, conspiratory, constellatory, consultatory, consummatory, contributory, copulatory, corroboratory, cosignatory, cottagecore, criminatory, deambulatory, declamatory, declaratory, declinatory, defamatory, defiatory, deglutitory, dehortatory, delegatory, demonstratory, denigratory, depilatory, depository, depreciatory, depredatory, depuratory, depurgatory, derogatory, designatory, desolatory, desquamatory, detective story, disclamatory, discubitory, disculpatory, disegnatore, dispensatory, disquisitory, distillatory, divinatory, duplicatory, elaboratory, eleonore, emanatory, emendatory, emulatory, epilatory, excitatory, exclamatory, exculpatory, excusatory, execratory, exhibitory, exhortatory, expatiatory, expiatory, expiratory, expiscatory, explanatory, explicatory, exploitatory, exploratory, expository, exprobratory, expurgatory, feodatory, ford gt40, fulminatory, fumigatory, gratulatory, habilatory, helen mccrory, hesitatory, hikikomori, home territory, ichthyosauri, illustratory, immigratory, imperatore, imperatory, impetratory, imploratory, imprecatory, improbatory, incantatory, inclinatory, inculpatory, indicatory, indilatory, inferiore, infirmatory, inflammatory, informatory, inhibitory, initiatory, inquisitory, inspiratory, instilllatory, interruttore, invitatory, invocatory, involutory, irritatory, jaculatory, joculatory, judicatory, kabutowari, kei nishikori, ken sugimori, knickknackatory, kujiratori, lachrymatory, lacrimatory, lavoratore, liberatore, lucubratory, maculatory, manducatory, marvin vettori, masticatory, mediatory, melicratory, memento mori, millefiori, mitigatory, modulatory, monoamory, montefiore, montfort-l'amaury, mystery story, nintendocore, nonmandatory, nonmigratory, nuncupatory, nyotaimori, obfuscatory, objurgatory, obligatory, obsecratory, observatory, obsignatory, oscillatory, osculatory, ovulatory, palliatory, perfumatory, perspiratory, phantasmagory, postulatory, praemunitory, predicatory, premunitory, preservatory, prestigiatory, proclamatory, procuratory, profanatory, prohibitory, propitiatory, provocatory, radiatore, radiatori, reconditory, redargutory, redhibitory, reformatory, refutatory, registratore, regulatory, rehibitory, reificatory, reparatory, repository, requietory, requisitory, reservatory, resolutory, respiratory, restoratory, retaliatory, retributory, revelatory, revocatory, salutatory, secrete-metory, shaggy dog story, sibilatory, simulatory, somniatory, space laboratory, speculatory, sternutatory, stimulatory, stipulatory, stridulatory, subcategory, sublimatory, suburgatory, succussatory, superiore, supplicatory, suppository, sussultatory, terminatory, transmigratory, transpiratory, transudatory, trust territory, undulatory, usurpatory, vacillatory, vesicatory, videocore, vindicatory
abjuratory, absolutory, absolvatory, absolvitory, acclamatory, accusatory, adhortatory, adjuratory, admonitory, adulatory, adventure story, advocatory, affirmatory, aleatory, allenatore, ambagitory, ambasciatore, ambulatory, amelioratory, amendatory, annunciatory, aplanospore, appellatory, applicatory, apprecatory, appreciatory, approbatory, aspiratory, assentatory, asseveratory, auscultatory, auxiliatory, balneatory, beach morning glory, bishwoshundori, buccinatory, cachinnatory, calciatore, calcinatory, calculatory, castigatory, celebratory, cementatory, circulatory, coimbatore, collaboratory, combinatory, commandatory, commendatore, commendatori, commendatory, comminatory, compellatory, compensatory, compulsatory, conciliatory, concionatory, condemnatory, condolatory, confirmatory, confiscatory, consecratory, consignatory, consolatory, conspiratory, constellatory, consultatory, consummatory, contributory, copulatory, corroboratory, cosignatory, cottagecore, criminatory, deambulatory, declamatory, declaratory, declinatory, defamatory, defiatory, deglutitory, dehortatory, delegatory, demonstratory, denigratory, depilatory, depository, depreciatory, depredatory, depuratory, depurgatory, derogatory, designatory, desolatory, desquamatory, detective story, disclamatory, discubitory, disculpatory, disegnatore, dispensatory, disquisitory, distillatory, divinatory, duplicatory, elaboratory, eleonore, emanatory, emendatory, emulatory, epilatory, excitatory, exclamatory, exculpatory, excusatory, execratory, exhibitory, exhortatory, expatiatory, expiatory, expiratory, expiscatory, explanatory, explicatory, exploitatory, exploratory, expository, exprobratory, expurgatory, feodatory, ford gt40, fulminatory, fumigatory, gratulatory, habilatory, helen mccrory, hesitatory, hikikomori, home territory, ichthyosauri, illustratory, immigratory, imperatore, imperatory, impetratory, imploratory, imprecatory, improbatory, incantatory, inclinatory, inculpatory, indicatory, indilatory, inferiore, infirmatory, inflammatory, informatory, inhibitory, initiatory, inquisitory, inspiratory, instilllatory, interruttore, invitatory, invocatory, involutory, irritatory, jaculatory, joculatory, judicatory, kabutowari, kei nishikori, ken sugimori, knickknackatory, kujiratori, lachrymatory, lacrimatory, lavoratore, liberatore, lucubratory, maculatory, manducatory, marvin vettori, masticatory, mediatory, melicratory, memento mori, millefiori, mitigatory, modulatory, monoamory, montefiore, montfort-l'amaury, mystery story, nintendocore, nonmandatory, nonmigratory, nuncupatory, nyotaimori, obfuscatory, objurgatory, obligatory, obsecratory, observatory, obsignatory, oscillatory, osculatory, ovulatory, palliatory, perfumatory, perspiratory, phantasmagory, postulatory, praemunitory, predicatory, premunitory, preservatory, prestigiatory, proclamatory, procuratory, profanatory, prohibitory, propitiatory, provocatory, radiatore, radiatori, reconditory, redargutory, redhibitory, reformatory, refutatory, registratore, regulatory, rehibitory, reificatory, reparatory, repository, requietory, requisitory, reservatory, resolutory, respiratory, restoratory, retaliatory, retributory, revelatory, revocatory, salutatory, secrete-metory, shaggy dog story, sibilatory, simulatory, somniatory, space laboratory, speculatory, sternutatory, stimulatory, stipulatory, stridulatory, subcategory, sublimatory, suburgatory, succussatory, superiore, supplicatory, suppository, sussultatory, terminatory, transmigratory, transpiratory, transudatory, trust territory, undulatory, usurpatory, vacillatory, vesicatory, videocore, vindicatory
6 syllables:
adjudicatory, airbus a340, allies of world war ii, alphonsus liguori, amplificatory, anovulatory, anticipatory, articulatory, associatory, calumniatory, capitulatory, certificatory, chicken cacciatore, chylificatory, circumgyratory, circumrotatory, clarificatory, classificatory, coagulatory, coming-of-age story, common morning glory, communicatory, confabulatory, congratulatory, constabulatory, delineatory, denunciatory, deregulatory, dexter's laboratory, dextrogyratory, dextrorotatory, disapprobatory, discriminatory, disobligatory, dissimilatory, edificatory, ejaculatory, eliminatory, elucidatory, emancipatory, emasculatory, epistolatory, equilibratory, equivocatory, evacuatory, expostulatory, expropriatory, exterminatory, exulceratory, frattamaggiore, funambulatory, gesticulatory, hallucinatory, improvisatore, improvisatory, improvvisatore, improvvisatori, inauguratory, incriminatory, interrogatory, intonarumori, investigatory, justificatory, keiko fujimori, laevorotatory, levorotatory, ludificatory, manipulatory, modificatory, neurosecretory, non-contributory, noncontributory, nonexploratory, noninflammatory, nonobligatory, nonoscillatory, northern territory, pacificatory, participatory, perambulatory, physics laboratory, preambulatory, preovulatory, pro-inflammatory, proinflammatory, pronunciatory, public lavatory, purificatory, purrificatory, qualificatory, reciprocatory, recommendatory, reconciliatory, recriminatory, recuperatory, regratiatory, riomaggiore, sacrificatory, self-accusatory, self-explanatory, self-regulatory, sensificatory, significatory, silenziatore, suzuko mimori, thermoexcitory, tony revolori, unexploratory, unificatory, vasodilatory, vehiculatory, verificatory, yukon territory
adjudicatory, airbus a340, allies of world war ii, alphonsus liguori, amplificatory, anovulatory, anticipatory, articulatory, associatory, calumniatory, capitulatory, certificatory, chicken cacciatore, chylificatory, circumgyratory, circumrotatory, clarificatory, classificatory, coagulatory, coming-of-age story, common morning glory, communicatory, confabulatory, congratulatory, constabulatory, delineatory, denunciatory, deregulatory, dexter's laboratory, dextrogyratory, dextrorotatory, disapprobatory, discriminatory, disobligatory, dissimilatory, edificatory, ejaculatory, eliminatory, elucidatory, emancipatory, emasculatory, epistolatory, equilibratory, equivocatory, evacuatory, expostulatory, expropriatory, exterminatory, exulceratory, frattamaggiore, funambulatory, gesticulatory, hallucinatory, improvisatore, improvisatory, improvvisatore, improvvisatori, inauguratory, incriminatory, interrogatory, intonarumori, investigatory, justificatory, keiko fujimori, laevorotatory, levorotatory, ludificatory, manipulatory, modificatory, neurosecretory, non-contributory, noncontributory, nonexploratory, noninflammatory, nonobligatory, nonoscillatory, northern territory, pacificatory, participatory, perambulatory, physics laboratory, preambulatory, preovulatory, pro-inflammatory, proinflammatory, pronunciatory, public lavatory, purificatory, purrificatory, qualificatory, reciprocatory, recommendatory, reconciliatory, recriminatory, recuperatory, regratiatory, riomaggiore, sacrificatory, self-accusatory, self-explanatory, self-regulatory, sensificatory, significatory, silenziatore, suzuko mimori, thermoexcitory, tony revolori, unexploratory, unificatory, vasodilatory, vehiculatory, verificatory, yukon territory
7 syllables:
alberto fujimori, american crime story, anti-inflammatory, antiinflammatory, articulated lorry, a classic horror story, chemistry laboratory, circumambulatory, excito-secretory, excommunicatory, flavio briatore, japanese morning glory, microcirculatory, neurocirculatory, non-discriminatory, nondiscriminatory, osmoregulatory, overcompensatory, ratiocinatory, recapitulatory, rogelio funes mori, self-congratulatory, supererogatory, thermoregulatory, vaso-inhibitory, yumiri hanamori
alberto fujimori, american crime story, anti-inflammatory, antiinflammatory, articulated lorry, a classic horror story, chemistry laboratory, circumambulatory, excito-secretory, excommunicatory, flavio briatore, japanese morning glory, microcirculatory, neurocirculatory, non-discriminatory, nondiscriminatory, osmoregulatory, overcompensatory, ratiocinatory, recapitulatory, rogelio funes mori, self-congratulatory, supererogatory, thermoregulatory, vaso-inhibitory, yumiri hanamori
8 syllables:
american horror story, biology laboratory, cardiocirculatory, cardioinhibitory, cardiorespiratory, grammatical category, immunomodulatory
american horror story, biology laboratory, cardiocirculatory, cardioinhibitory, cardiorespiratory, grammatical category, immunomodulatory
11 syllables:
imperial japanese morning glory
imperial japanese morning glory
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (318 results)
2 syllables:
aerie, airy, bari, barre, barrie, barry, berry, bleary, blurry, briery, burry, bury, carey, carrey, carrie, carry, cary, chary, cheery, cherry, clary, cowrie, cowry, curie, curry, dairy, dearie, deary, diary, dowry, dreary, eerie, erie, eyrie, faerie, faery, fairy, ferry, flurry, furry, fury, gari, garry, gary, gerry, gharry, glary, hairy, harry, houri, hurry, jerry, jury, kary, kerrey, kerry, larry, leary, leery, maori, mari, marri, marry, mary, merry, murray, neary, parry, perry, prairie, query, sari, scarey, scary, scurry, shari, sherri, sherrie, sherry, slurry, sorry, starry, surrey, tarry, teary, terry, theory, vary, veery, very, wary, weary, wherry, wiry, worry, yuri
aerie, airy, bari, barre, barrie, barry, berry, bleary, blurry, briery, burry, bury, carey, carrey, carrie, carry, cary, chary, cheery, cherry, clary, cowrie, cowry, curie, curry, dairy, dearie, deary, diary, dowry, dreary, eerie, erie, eyrie, faerie, faery, fairy, ferry, flurry, furry, fury, gari, garry, gary, gerry, gharry, glary, hairy, harry, houri, hurry, jerry, jury, kary, kerrey, kerry, larry, leary, leery, maori, mari, marri, marry, mary, merry, murray, neary, parry, perry, prairie, query, sari, scarey, scary, scurry, shari, sherri, sherrie, sherry, slurry, sorry, starry, surrey, tarry, teary, terry, theory, vary, veery, very, wary, weary, wherry, wiry, worry, yuri
3 syllables:
glittery, pillory, shivaree, trickery, fishery, gingery, stitchery, wintery, jittery, whinberry, bilberry, twinberry, piscary, hillary, inquiry, hickory, silvery, inkberry, misery, hymnary, shivery, frippery, bindery, splintery, slippery, piggery, injury, chicory, livery, victory, witchery, alary, algerie, aweary, a very, bad fairy, barbieri, bihari, bing cherry, bird cherry, black cherry, blood berry, bohr theory, canary, car-ferry, cassiri, centare, chokecherry, contrary, denary, enquiry, equerry, expiry, game theory, germ theory, glengarry, grand jury, ground cherry, group theory, hail mary, harare, heart cherry, hegari, helleri, in theory, kashmiri, khesari, knobkerrie, knobkerry, lake erie, lamb curry, make merry, male berry, mccurry, miscarry, mismarry, missouri, muscari, nagari, o'leary, ollari, pin cherry, qatari, remarry, rum cherry, safari, saimiri, sand cherry, seigneury, set theory, snow flurry, sweet cherry, unwary, unweary, venturi, verdure, walbiri, warlpiri, wave theory, wheat berry, wild cherry, wild clary, world-weary
glittery, pillory, shivaree, trickery, fishery, gingery, stitchery, wintery, jittery, whinberry, bilberry, twinberry, piscary, hillary, inquiry, hickory, silvery, inkberry, misery, hymnary, shivery, frippery, bindery, splintery, slippery, piggery, injury, chicory, livery, victory, witchery, alary, algerie, aweary, a very, bad fairy, barbieri, bihari, bing cherry, bird cherry, black cherry, blood berry, bohr theory, canary, car-ferry, cassiri, centare, chokecherry, contrary, denary, enquiry, equerry, expiry, game theory, germ theory, glengarry, grand jury, ground cherry, group theory, hail mary, harare, heart cherry, hegari, helleri, in theory, kashmiri, khesari, knobkerrie, knobkerry, lake erie, lamb curry, make merry, male berry, mccurry, miscarry, mismarry, missouri, muscari, nagari, o'leary, ollari, pin cherry, qatari, remarry, rum cherry, safari, saimiri, sand cherry, seigneury, set theory, snow flurry, sweet cherry, unwary, unweary, venturi, verdure, walbiri, warlpiri, wave theory, wheat berry, wild cherry, wild clary, world-weary
4 syllables:
bewitchery, delivery, periphery, artillery, biliary, auxiliary, reliquary, cruciferae, antiquary, distillery, rotisserie, actuary, beriberi, bladder cherry, bloody mary, buckthorn berry, calamari, calamary, charcuterie, charivari, christmas berry, coffee berry, dhaulagiri, fireman's carry, fuji cherry, guallatiri, harakiri, harikari, honey berry, intermarry, kalahari, lamasery, laurel cherry, lavaliere, mapinguari, marqueterie, mata hari, meadow clary, molinari, norfolk wherry, overweary, petit jury, petty jury, pigeon berry, prairie berry, presbytery, pudding berry, quantum theory, rosebud cherry, salmon berry, silver berry, sour cherry, special jury, tom and jerry, uakari, virgin mary, winter cherry, yellow berry
bewitchery, delivery, periphery, artillery, biliary, auxiliary, reliquary, cruciferae, antiquary, distillery, rotisserie, actuary, beriberi, bladder cherry, bloody mary, buckthorn berry, calamari, calamary, charcuterie, charivari, christmas berry, coffee berry, dhaulagiri, fireman's carry, fuji cherry, guallatiri, harakiri, harikari, honey berry, intermarry, kalahari, lamasery, laurel cherry, lavaliere, mapinguari, marqueterie, mata hari, meadow clary, molinari, norfolk wherry, overweary, petit jury, petty jury, pigeon berry, prairie berry, presbytery, pudding berry, quantum theory, rosebud cherry, salmon berry, silver berry, sour cherry, special jury, tom and jerry, uakari, virgin mary, winter cherry, yellow berry
5 syllables:
breech delivery, pyrrhic victory, whiplash injury, contradictory, field artillery, valedictory, benedictory, atomic theory, barbados cherry, blue ribbon jury, certiorari, common bird cherry, common canary, devanagari, downy ground cherry, evergreen cherry, flowering cherry, indian cherry, jamaican cherry, james matthew barrie, japanese cherry, juniper berry, kinetic theory, line of inquiry, little missouri, mountain blue berry, purple ground cherry, sapphire berry, surinam cherry, western sand cherry
breech delivery, pyrrhic victory, whiplash injury, contradictory, field artillery, valedictory, benedictory, atomic theory, barbados cherry, blue ribbon jury, certiorari, common bird cherry, common canary, devanagari, downy ground cherry, evergreen cherry, flowering cherry, indian cherry, jamaican cherry, james matthew barrie, japanese cherry, juniper berry, kinetic theory, line of inquiry, little missouri, mountain blue berry, purple ground cherry, sapphire berry, surinam cherry, western sand cherry
6 syllables:
cash on delivery, special delivery, assumption of mary, catalina cherry, economic theory, information theory, jerusalem cherry, maraschino cherry, mexican black cherry, new zealand wine berry, oriental cherry, political theory, rocky mountains cherry, scientific theory, sir james matthew barrie, west indian cherry
cash on delivery, special delivery, assumption of mary, catalina cherry, economic theory, information theory, jerusalem cherry, maraschino cherry, mexican black cherry, new zealand wine berry, oriental cherry, political theory, rocky mountains cherry, scientific theory, sir james matthew barrie, west indian cherry
7 syllables:
general delivery, capital of missouri, european bird cherry, madeira winter cherry, oriental bush cherry, philosophical theory, probability theory, relativity theory, solemnity of mary, winter flowering cherry
general delivery, capital of missouri, european bird cherry, madeira winter cherry, oriental bush cherry, philosophical theory, probability theory, relativity theory, solemnity of mary, winter flowering cherry
9 syllables:
special relativity theory
special relativity theory
10 syllables:
general relativity theory
general relativity theory
12 syllables:
right to speedy and public trial by jury
right to speedy and public trial by jury
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