Words and phrases that rhyme with mire:  (732 results)
2 syllables:
ayer, beier, bleier, breier, briar, briare, brier, bryer, buyer, buy her, byer, by her, choir, criar, crier, cryer, dire, diyer, dreier, drier, dryer, dwyer, dyar, dyer, eyer, feier, fire, flier, flyer, friar, frier, fryar, fryer, geier, grier, guier, guyer, heier, hier, hier-, higher, hire, hyer, iyer, kleier, klier, krier, kyer, leier, liar, maiar, meier, meyer, mier, myer, neier, nigher, plier, plyer, prier, prior, pryer, pryor, pyre, ryer, scheier, schier, schleier, schmier, schneier, schnier, schreier, schrier, schryer, schwier, scryer, seier, shier, shyer, sigher, sire, skyer, slier, slyer, smyer, speier, spier, sprier, spryer, squier, steier, stier, styer, swier, tire, trier, twire, twyer, tyer, viar, why're, why her, wigher, wire, wrier, wryer, wyer, abshire, admire, afire, alkire, aquire, archspire, archwire, ash-fire, aspire, back-fire, backfire, balefire, banffshire, barbed-wire, barbwire, barkshire, bemire, berkshire, binaire, blackfire, blackshire, brockmire, brushfire, bushfire, bushire, camphire, catchfire, chat-shire, collyre, cookfire, crossfire, dannemeyer, dehire, dipyre, dishfire, drumfire, elvire, empyre, esquire, expire, fedwire, fen-fire, fesmire, fifeshire, finire, firewire, flintshire, foxmeyer, freespire, frostwire, frymire, glenayre, goldwire, grandsire, grassfire, guidewire, guy-wire, hamshire, hamsphire, hangfire, hard-wire, haywire, headtire, hehmeyer, hell-fire, hellfire, high-wire, highwire, hot-wire, impire, inquire, inspire, intire, jaghire, kintyre, lifewire, limewire, linspire, livewire, loudwire, maguire, martyre, mcguire, mcquire, missfire, nairnshire, navire, needfire, newswire, o'dwyer, ohlmeyer, outcrier, outhire, perspire, perthshire, pickmire, pin-fire, pipewire, pismire, proxmire, pugmire, quavemire, quick-fire, quickfire, rehire, respire, retir, rightmire, rim-fire, rimfire, rivire, ross-shire, rothmeier, saffire, safire, saltire, samphire, saphire, scarefire, sentire, servire, shellfire, shropshire, slamfire, spacewire, sparlyre, spellfire, starfire, stegemeier, sunfire, suttmeier, swingfire, tacfire, ti-nspire, tietmeyer, tightwire, tripwire, unsquire, vampyre, watchfire, waymire, white squire, whitmire, wilshire, wiltshire, xfire
3 syllables:
acquire, air fryer, applier, appsflyer, appuyer, attire, barbed wire, bitflyer, blackfriar, black friar, blow-dryer, blowdryer, bonfire, brush fire, bullbrier, call fire, campfire, capire, car tire, catch fire, cease-fire, ceasefire, clothes dryer, complier, condire, confiar, conspire, crachoir, cross wire, crown fire, decrier, defier, denyer, deny her, descrier, desire, destrier, dewier, disfriar, dog-brier, doubtfire, ebuyer, edayar, enfire, enfriar, ennuyer, enquire, entire, essuyer, etrier, figuier, flat tire, foxfire, fratire, frohnmayer, gestire, gipsire, gray friar, greek fire, greenbriar, greenbrier, ground fire, gunfire, hairdrier, hairdryer, hair dryer, hardwire, harmeyer, hayes grier, high-flier, high-flyer, highflier, highflyer, high wire, homebuyer, home buyer, horse-brier, horsebrier, hotwire, ipfire, jetfire, jon cryer, kiteflier, live wire, longmeyer, madrier, massed fire, mcbryar, mcguyer, mctier, mediar, misfire, nash grier, norsefire, odwyer, on fire, partyer, pimplier, pinfire, pochoir, portfire, ps-05/a, quagmire, red fire, refire, relier, replier, replyer, require, retire, rewire, sarplier, satire, shahriar, shanghaier, snow tire, souscrire, spare-tire, spedire, spin-drier, spin-dryer, spin drier, spin dryer, spitfire, starflyer, stunt flier, sucrier, supplier, sure-fire, sweetbriar, take fire, tawdrier, town-crier, town crier, transpire, trip wire, uighur, umpire, untier, unwire, variar, verier, watch fire, white friar, whitmyer, wildfire, will grier, zone fire, acrospire, alamire, amortir, angelfire, apple-squire, argyllshire, berwickshire, biedermeier, bipartire, boysetsfire, brake-by-wire, brecknockshire, buteshire, cafetire, cambridgeshire, center-fire, centerfire, consentire, counterfire, darbyshire, denbighshire, devonshire, dissentire, dorsetshire, dumfriesshire, fly-by-wire, forfarshire, gardenhire, granophyre, isopyre, izaguirre, jurgensmeyer, kastenmeier, lamprophyre, lanarkshire, lancashire, leptospire, macintyre, mcintire, mcintyre, megafire, monmouthshire, morayshire, nanowire, obermaier, overtire, peeblesshire, pembrokeshire, prerequire, racamier, radnorshire, rapid-fire, rapidfire, reacquire, reinspire, renfrewshire, retemeyer, retrofire, richmondshire, roxburghshire, selkirkshire, settlemire, settlemyre, set afire, stabilire, stiegemeier, stirlingshire, stoudemire, stoudenmire, tinkershire, underwire, untermeyer, warwickshire, wigtownshire
4 syllables:
advertir, amplifier, antechoir, arcade fire, arthrodire, austin friar, auto tire, avodire, ayrshire, baling wire, ball of fire, barrage fire, basifier, beacon fire, beautifier, boutonnire, calendrier, cammermeyer, cannon fire, certifier, clarifier, classifier, coconspire, codifier, contredire, crucifier, cualquier, danny dyer, deifier, densifier, didemeyer, direct fire, disattire, dixie fire, dubilier, edifier, eggemeyer, falsifier, forest fire, fortifier, frequent-flier, fructifier, gasifier, glorifier, gratifier, grazing fire, horrifier, impedire, jackie speier, justifier, kinzlmaier, lars von trier, line of fire, liquefier, ls3/5a, magnifier, markiplier, mattifier, modifier, mollifier, monifier, mortar fire, mortifier, multiplier, mystifier, nitrifier, notifier, nullifier, nyanpire, observed fire, occupier, openfire, open fire, ossifier, ostermeyer, pacifier, prettifier, purifier, qualifier, quantifier, r. budd dwyer, radar fire, ratifier, rectifier, rubber tire, sanctifier, sanguifier, satisfier, scarifier, scheduled fire, scorifier, searching fire, set on fire, signal fire, signifier, simplifier, specifier, speechifier, staffordshire, streets of fire, stultifier, surefire, surface fire, tackifier, terrifier, terrifyer, testifier, the good liar, trasgredire, tumble-dryer, typifier, unattire, underlier, under fire, unifier, unretire, verifier, versifier, vivandire, vivifier, wagon tire, washer-dryer, wedemeyer, yzaguirre, aberdeenshire, adipocire, buckinghamshire, caernarfonshire, cardiganshire, carmarthenshire, clackmannanshire, drew mcintyre, glamorganshire, globenewswire, huntingdonshire, inverness-shire, jerry maguire, linlithgowshire, mediafire, nottinghamshire, pneumatic tyre, somersetshire
Words and phrases that almost rhyme :  (1289 results)
2 syllables:
freight car, ask for, khmer, brochure, lekvar, appear, austere, unfair, sour, grimoire, small beer, aware, impure, leap year, great bear, compere, look for, call for, secure, nightjar, blue star, rock star, word square, velour, impair, hot air, sea star, insure, assur, guitar, flare star, amir, hirer, barre, big sur, bronx cheer, myanmar, first gear, brumaire, lord's prayer, send for, light air, sitar, stock car, qatar, rapport, career, bock beer, confer, try square, midair, ensure, life peer, affair, boer war, great war, scour, pasteur, defer, milk bar, school year, assure, immure, hot war, bazaar, seigneur, hour, pay for, spruce beer, adjure, red deer, amour, compare, ground floor, price war, galore, so far, senor, snack bar, light year, first floor, pierre, vigour, demur, unclear, what for, low gear, endear, dance floor, inshore, liqueur, premier, tank car, safar, disbar, offshore, speak for, unsure, joint fir, prepare, due care, babar, unbar, bath chair, deplore, squad car, day care, frontier, wood tar, north star, mouse ear, frotteur, next door, trap door, dog star, inure, lead ore, all clear, back door, postwar, ant bear, peace corps, endure, saviour, front door, musk deer, root beer, near beer, masseur, cashier, bronze star, grandeur, root hair, inter, world war, lawn chair, ignore, fall for, black bear, spur gear, beware, concur, screen door, rehear, repair, sincere, pace car, dutch door, restore, tumour, adore, frimaire, pinch bar, bell jar, cold sore, bizarre, dakar, abhor, incur, couture, set square, cohere, valour, ensnare, barn door, voltaire, declare, health care, pap smear, deck chair, dinar, space bar, bazar, side chair, foursquare, severe, dour, flour, compeer, au pair, stand for, prewar, zaire, detour, roe deer, mature, danseur, succour, take care, sports car, monsieur, child care, de jure, care for, times square, swing door, shop floor, chauffeur, occur, sea hare, go for, coal tar, refer, obscure, before, qintar, poseur, fervour, procure, ashore, emir, for sure, guard hair, mule deer, brown bear, vapour, prefer, infer, explore, high gear, manure, forswear, french door, flavour, veneer, great year, demure, premiere, affaire, skin care, worm gear, cash bar, done for, stage door, deter, despair, fixed star, film star, grand tour, wet bar, decor, pine tar, revere, adhere, wing chair, savour, make sure, voyeur, recur, allure, mouse deer, transfer, by far, wild boar, implore, sand bar, cold war, adar, cigar, abjure, abor, aflare, air corps, anshar, asarh, ashir, astaire, astir, athar, beach chair, bear's ear, besmear, bihar, birch beer, black maire, blue air, bog star, bonaire, bonheur, bonior, bugbear, bus fare, cab fare, called for, calm air, camp chair, cared-for, car care, car door, cat bear, chair car, church year, class war, co-star, coal car, coiffeur, coiffure, come near, cooccur, coon bear, cottar, cross hair, cry for, damar, dark beer, date bar, death chair, debar, derriere, devoir, downstair, draw near, dressed ore, each year, eclair, exmoor, faith cure, fakeer, false hair, feel for, fend for, flexure, footgear, footsure, forbear, fourscore, fruit bar, gill bar, give care, give ear, got your, go far, grab bar, grand fir, gravure, great care, grope for, ground fir, guinier, gum myrrh, hachure, hair care, half door, handwear, held dear, high bar, hold dear, horsehair, houhere, ice bear, igor, inhere, jamjar, kaffir, kildeer, killdeer, king's spear, kotar, lamar, languor, lenore, light beer, longed-for, longueur, lontar, lounge chair, mail car, make for, make pure, markhoor, marsh hare, menhir, mens store, moliere, mouse hare, nervure, not far, no more, nuphar, nut bar, o'hare, once more, on tour, opt for, outroar, outscore, parterre, peignoir, per year, pindar, plump for, plunk for, press corps, prowl car, pry bar, pushchair, put your, quest for, race car, rancour, red scare, rest-cure, rigour, run for, salvor, sambar, sambur, sapir, schenk beer, scotch fir, scout car, secpar, selar, shamir, shoe store, shoot for, shophar, side door, skunk bear, slice bar, slight care, slop jar, sloth bear, smoothbore, soilure, sport car, squeeze for, stall bar, straight chair, stud mare, sun gear, swamp hare, sweep oar, t-square, take for, tangier, tarsier, testiere, that you're, that your, there are, third gear, threescore, thus far, tonsure, track star, train fare, trochlear, true fir, try for, tussore, twoscore, upstair, up here, vanir, vidar, vitharr, voussoir, wafture, wasteweir, weiss beer, what's your, what are, what you're, wheatear, where are, white fir, white maire, who are, yacht chair, yasir, you are
3 syllables:
baggage car, balladeer, saddle sore, croix de guerre, guarantor, quadrature, answer for, evening prayer, morris chair, buccaneer, evening star, buffet car, apgar score, overhear, sleeping car, verdure, barking deer, nom de guerre, polypore, npr, polar star, pinot noir, bombardier, reappear, bill of fare, puppeteer, fire door, honey bear, candy bar, hardware store, engineer, ameer, wear and tear, trolley car, pamphleteer, fallow deer, cookie jar, crimean war, reinsure, billionaire, racing car, morning star, chandelier, bumper car, blazing star, superstar, wrecking bar, first world war, woolly bear, laissez faire, double bar, ginger beer, camel's hair, doctrinaire, magic square, dental care, chevalier, souvenir, raconteur, liquid air, snowshoe hare, leyden jar, disappear, sedan chair, millionaire, inner ear, little bear, cavalier, tidal bore, anymore, solar flare, solitaire, edward lear, saboteur, mutineer, bevel gear, connoisseur, pioneer, candy store, love affair, insincere, musketeer, silver star, escritoire, folding door, commandeer, holy year, persevere, landing gear, feather star, salad bar, common year, louis d'or, premature, arctic char, gondolier, state of war, immature, volunteer, civil war, profiteer, color bar, questionnaire, pubic hair, haute couture, domineer, disrepair, lunar year, middle ear, steering gear, solar year, crystal clear, in the air, rocking chair, grizzly bear, open air, mal de mer, dining car, account for, interfere, polar bear, underscore, package store, iceland spar, balsam fir, discount store, morning prayer, force majeure, cable car, douglas fir, balsam pear, belgian hare, heavy spar, bandolier, racketeer, heretofore, sightseer, financier, brigadier, reassure, au revoir, trojan war, compressed air, easy chair, bevel square, petit four, unaware, potty chair, movie star, patrol car, civil year, neutron star, prickly pear, outer ear, basket star, sloop of war, debonair, steel guitar, double star, rouge et noir, brittle star, fiscal year, giant star, marine corps, flying mare, silver fir, auctioneer, police car, shooting star, liquor store, estate car, windsor chair, belvedere, swivel chair, teddy bear, six day war, green manure, latin square, mason jar, parlor car, touring car, open door, soup du jour, a. t. r., abampere, abattoir, aide-memoire, air-to-air, allosaur, allow for, alpine fir, amanpour, and there are, ankylosaur, archosaur, arctic hare, axle bar, baccilar, bandoleer, barber chair, barosaur, bartlett pear, bartle frere, baseball score, basketeer, baudelaire, belshazzar, blackamoor, bowling score, bring to bear, brontosaur, budget for, buffer store, burro deer, c. p. r., cabin car, cafe noir, cannoneer, captain's chair, carob bar, carte du jour, cattle car, chinaware, chocolate bar, christian year, christmas star, clothing store, cockleburr, coffee bar, coinsure, come before, come in for, compact car, cote d'ivoire, country store, cover for, cry out for, debonaire, debonnaire, double door, duty tour, elaphure, embouchure, encolure, ex-mayor, f. d. r., far and near, feeding chair, fishing gear, flower store, folding chair, football score, fraser fir, gadgeteer, garden chair, gazetteer, giant fir, god of war, golden star, gomphothere, gondoliere, go to war, greenland spar, guinevere, hadrosaur, halberdier, harpooneer, have been there, head of hair, hekmatyar, hershey bar, hitching bar, hold still for, hoped-for, house of prayer, in one ear, in so far, iron ore, isobar, jaunty car, kieselguhr, know the score, laissez-faire, last frontier, lavalier, leisure wear, looked-for, looking for, lowland fir, man-of-war, market square, marston moor, megathere, metal bar, microbar, minibar, more and more, muleteer, munich beer, native bear, native pear, nothosaur, nursing care, ocean floor, open-air, opera star, outside door, overbear, over here, oyster bar, p. c. r., palace car, panda bear, paramour, parlour car, parquet floor, peacock ore, peanut bar, pied-a-terre, pistoleer, planet gear, plesiosaur, polar hare, porte-cochere, porter's beer, powder store, prairie star, prepare for, presbyter, privateer, provide for, pterosaur, public square, puff of air, pullman car, r. j. r., railroad car, railway car, re-explore, red dwarf star, retail store, ripping bar, river pear, samovar, savoir-faire, scimitar, scrutineer, seckel pear, second gear, secretaire, seismosaur, serpent star, service door, set ashore, sinecure, sliding door, sloganeer, smoking car, sonneteer, sorry for, spanish war, stable gear, standing for, stegosaur, stinging hair, subway fare, sushi bar, swinging door, take a dare, take the floor, tamanoir, taxi fare, texas star, that you are, time of year, towel bar, to be sure, to one ear, tug-of-war, tv star, uncalled-for, v. c. r., volt-ampere, walk on air, warrantor, water deer, what is more, whitetail deer, white dwarf star, white lead ore, wicket door, wirehair, wished-for, without fear, with great care, woodland star, woody pear, world premiere, yearned-for
4 syllables:
second world war, financial year, virginia deer, binary star, kodiak bear, uncared-for, gondola car, charioteer, korean war, multiple star, litterateur, thirty years' war, calendar year, celestial sphere, hundred years' war, department store, convenience store, louis pasteur, black marketeer, flight engineer, limited war, concessionaire, passenger car, ichthyosaur, general store, internal ear, cinnamon bear, vanity fair, entrepreneur, conventioneer, cervical smear, esprit de corps, mexican war, external ear, vietnam war, kuala lumpur, elephant ear, anchovy pear, tropical year, walking on air, grocery store, koala bear, electric chair, restaurateur, apatosaur, apricot bar, bahrain dinar, basketball score, brace oneself for, buffalo bur, camera care, candidature, carabineer, carpenter's square, ceramic ware, ceratosaur, coffee liqueur, come to the fore, commissionaire, computer store, conservatoire, corythosaur, dense blazing star, devil's cigar, dromaeosaur, dyaus-pitar, earning per share, earthenware jar, electric car, elephant's ear, every year, gala affair, going ashore, granola bar, green douglas fir, hospital care, ictodosaur, in disrepair, japanese deer, jewelry store, jewish new year, kala-azar, kangaroo bear, kangaroo hare, legal transfer, liquidambar, little chief hare, lowland white fir, medical care, mezzanine floor, milliampere, mineral tar, musical score, nonsmoking car, orange liqueur, oregon fir, out of thin air, overstuffed chair, pays de la loire, pelycosaur, pere david's deer, persian gulf war, photogravure, platonic year, psittacosaur, reclining chair, red silver fir, rotogravure, sensory hair, seven years' war, social affair, specialty store, staurikosaur, step to the fore, styracosaur, supersedure, surface-to-air, syrian bear, tropical sore, tyrannosaur, uintathere, ulaanbaatar, unhoped-for, unlooked-for, unwished-for, us marine corps, varying hare, vina del mar, warning of war, war to end war, yom kippur war
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