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Words whose definition contains high:   (707 results)

2 letters:

3 letters:
alp, atm, cot, crt, dsl, esr, gay, gun, hdl, hot, job, ldl, lob, mew, set, tor, tss, wtc, yap, yip

4 letters:
aery, alum, ball, beat, beep, belt, bore, chop, coax, coil, crib, diet, drop, duke, eyry, fife, fine, fuse, glow, good, grad, grid, hard, hold, horn, jade, jump, junk, kaon, loft, loud, malt, mola, note, oink, ombu, pale, peep, pike, ping, pion, pony, rack, rich, ruff, rush, seth, soar, tall, test, thin, tide, tink, trip, veil, waul, wawl, well, wifi, wind, wlan, year, yelp, yogi, zing

5 letters:
aaron, adams, aegir, aerie, alert, aloft, aloud, aswan, awing, begum, bleak, bleep, bluff, booth, brake, braze, break, bryan, burnt, cachi, cheep, china, chink, chirp, choke, cliff, clink, close, creak, crest, curse, dense, drift, durum, eager, eagre, ebola, eigen, elate, eyrie, fetch, flare, flute, galan, glory, hi-fi, hurry, jolly, kamet, laudo, level, linen, liver, lofty, logan, merry, nepal, noble, nylon, peaky, perch, piled, pitch, point, price, pricy, pupil, pylon, racer, range, rapid, rocky, saute, score, sharp, sinai, solid, spark, spiky, steep, stilt, stock, swing, twirp, upset

6 letters:
active, alnico, alumna, assuan, attest, bogota, bonete, bubbly, bullet, burned, burnup, calpac, cancan, career, choker, cicada, cicala, cirrus, cognac, costly, detect, easily, ecarte, elated, escape, eureka, h-bomb, hasten, highly, hollow, humate, jingly, jocund, jovial, joyful, jumper, lauder, lhotse, liquid, loiter, loudly, maglev, makalu, marble, mobcap, mortar, nuptse, peeper, piracy, pissis, plague, pricey, ramjet, regard, repute, rocket, ruffle, sajama, sander, screak, scream, search, senate, shasta, shriek, shrill, skreak, social, speedy, squall, squeak, squeal, stably, static, strong, svelte, syrupy, tinkle, tinkly, treble, typhus, upland, uplift, urbane, vizier, wailer, wilson, worthy

7 letters:
aldomet, alumnus, assouan, athodyd, bezique, blucher, bracken, catwalk, ceramic, chatter, chirrup, chitter, chopine, chopper, colonic, command, coronet, couture, crowned, dapsang, dignity, dudgeon, essence, everest, exalted, ferment, fighter, fortran, freeway, gleeful, heights, hessian, hubbard, illampu, k-meson, magneto, meeting, namibia, olimbos, olympus, pegasus, pitched, playful, protein, provost, quality, radical, raphael, refined, regalia, screaky, screech, sherman, soprano, sparkly, spoiler, squeaky, squeeze, stature, stepper, stopper, stylite, sublime, sunfish, tarwood, thruway, titania, toluene, twitter, vaulter, venture, viscous, whining, whitney, yelping, yiddish

8 letters:
ablative, acidosis, all-time, anapurna, ancohuma, baseball, betatron, bluchers, bubbling, changtzu, chopines, clawfoot, coropuna, cowberry, crucible, derelict, desirous, dragoman, drop-off, eminence, erethism, extoller, falsetto, familiar, foxberry, freshman, glibness, graduate, headfish, high-low, high-top, highness, howitzer, illimani, jackboot, jingling, jubilant, laudable, laudator, lookdown, low-tech, mahogany, mandarin, manifest, mckinley, merciful, miliaria, minister, mirthful, motorway, nichrome, overlook, overrate, penuchle, pi-meson, piercing, pinochle, platform, polished, precious, prestige, pushcart, pyrostat, rarefied, rarified, relocate, rhetoric, roughage, screechy, seagoing, sky-high, smoother, sonogram, speedway, stunning, superior, supernal, thermion, tidemark, tinkling, upmarket, vivacity, whistler, whizbang, windburn, yearbook, yerupaja

9 letters:
aconcagua, alkalosis, altissimo, annapurna, antheraea, ayatollah, blackdamp, blueberry, cabinetry, chihuahua, chokedamp, civilized, craftsman, dedicated, deterrent, developed, diathermy, downscale, estimable, expensive, extension, extremely, festinate, foreshore, garibaldi, halogeton, high-rise, highboard, huascaran, hydrofoil, hypericum, important, inspector, intensity, intensive, jadestone, justiciar, kok-sagyz, lingberry, liquidity, loftiness, multiplex, negociate, overdrive, overprice, overreach, overshoot, overspend, overvalue, platforms, polo-neck, pyrometer, rakaposhi, ruinously, screaming, seafaring, shrieking, skyrocket, sparkling, squeaking, squealing, stoneware, stridence, stridency, subalpine, tightrope, tupungato, underplay, unnerving, valuation, weisshorn, whizzbang

10 letters:
acrophobic, acrylamide, alpestrine, asceticism, atherodyde, atmosphere, candyfloss, centrifuge, chattering, chimborazo, consecrate, constantan, dhaulagiri, divinatory, estimation, excellence, expressway, first-year, friskiness, gasherbrum, glucosuria, glycosuria, gosainthan, high-flown, high-level, high-power, high-speed, high-toned, hydroplane, hypertonic, idealistic, intoxicate, ionosphere, justiciary, kok-saghyz, liquidness, lyophilize, matterhorn, mercedario, methyldopa, motivation, nacimiento, oceangoing, overcharge, overrating, pestilence, piezometer, refractory, reputation, scratchpad, screeching, shrillness, sonography, spot-check, technician, tenderloin, third-year, throughway, translunar, turtleneck, ultrasound, unfriendly, upstanding, volleyball, waist-high, wellington, wheeziness, wiggliness

11 letters:
angiopteris, anticyclone, applaudable, bombardment, breast-high, cabinetwork, calcination, commendable, consecrated, distinction, fourth-year, grandiosity, high-minded, high-octane, high-priced, high-topped, homothermic, hospitalize, hypercapnia, hypercarbia, hyperpiesia, hyperpiesis, hyperthermy, intelligent, kappa-meson, kilimanjaro, kwashiorkor, lingenberry, lingonberry, lyophilised, lyophilized, mt. everest, mt. olympus, perchloride, preeminence, prestigious, schoolchild, scintillate, second-year, stagflation, translunary, troposphere, unexpansive, watercannon, welwitschia, x-radiation

12 letters:
anticyclonic, biodiversity, buccaneering, centrifugate, chiropractic, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus, confucianism, effervescent, exorbitantly, fibroadenoma, freeze-dried, gratifyingly, high-pitched, high-powered, high-stepped, high-tension, high-voltage, holocephalan, homeothermic, hyperpyrexia, hypertension, hypertensive, hyperthermia, kanchanjanga, kanchenjunga, kinchinjunga, llullaillaco, mt. mckinley, next-to-last, noble-minded, noncivilized, overestimate, oxyacetylene, praiseworthy, sportiveness, superhighway, technobabble, turtlenecked, unacceptably, unproductive, unreasonably

13 letters:
electrostatic, expensiveness, glorification, high-fidelity, high-low-jack, high-pressure, high-sounding, high-stepping, homoiothermic, hydrocracking, hypercalcemia, hyperglycemia, impermissibly, impracticably, intensiveness, magniloquence, methylbenzene, mezzo-relievo, mezzo-rilievo, overappraisal, overreckoning, overvaluation, perfectionist, recombination, scintillating

14 letters:
astronomically, disappointment, discouragingly, frolicsomeness, grandiloquence, hypercalciuria, hyperglycaemia, mettlesomeness, overcapitalize, overestimation, scrupulousness, unapproachable, unprofessional

15 letters:
conspicuousness, high-principled, high-resolution, phenolphthalein, polyelectrolyte, prestigiousness, record-breaking, ultracentrifuge, ultrasonography, unrealistically

16 letters:
antihypertensive, highly-developed, thermoacidophile

17 letters:

18 letters:
histocompatibility, hyperbilirubinemia

19 letters:
hyperparathyroidism, ultracentrifugation

20 letters:

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