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Words and phrases whose definition contains hard:   (937 results)

1 letter:

2 letters:
co, cr, mn, ni, os, rh, ta

3 letters:
bad, bed, bop, dig, elm, gar, hit, hob, jet, lam, nut, oak, pip, pit, rut, set, tug

4 letters:
barb, bash, blow, boil, bonk, boom, camo, cisc, clam, clay, corn, cure, fail, grit, hack, hewn, huff, knot, moil, nail, peel, plug, plum, poke, poon, port, puff, push, ride, rind, rock, rusk, seed, sell, shot, skin, slug, sock, suet, teak, test, toil, tufa, tuff, tusk, type, wham, whap, whin, whop, wood, work

5 letters:
aalii, alger, amber, anime, badly, bagel, birch, blast, boron, braze, break, briar, brier, candy, chuff, clout, coral, crack, crust, damar, dense, derby, drill, drive, durum, ebony, emery, emmer, flail, flint, frame, glaze, gourd, grain, grind, ivory, jiqui, knock, labor, maple, melon, olive, opepe, paint, perry, pound, price, quira, rigor, scour, scrub, shell, shout, slave, smack, smash, snort, start, stiff, stone, stony, storm, sweat, thick, throe, thump, tooth, tough, whack, woody

6 letters:
abrade, afraid, almond, balata, bamboo, beaver, beigel, bowler, brazil, bridge, callus, cerate, cherry, clavus, cobalt, cookie, creaky, curing, daikon, dammar, drudge, durian, durion, effort, enamel, escape, garnet, groove, guaiac, hacker, harden, helmet, heroin, hitter, ixodid, killer, knotty, kowhai, kurchi, labour, lichen, locust, lontar, lorica, maguey, marble, nickel, notice, nutmeg, osmium, ossify, pecker, pyinma, pyrene, quahog, quartz, rigour, sabicu, scarce, sculpt, sealer, shallu, spinel, sticky, sucker, thanks, thrash, thresh, thwack, totara, trying, uphill, wallop, walnut

7 letters:
adamant, anemone, awkward, babassu, beat-up, bluster, boxwood, breakax, bumelia, caliche, camwood, cantala, ceramic, chancre, cheddar, clinker, coconut, conessi, corncob, cuticle, deserve, diamond, dogwood, ebonite, elmwood, encrust, eugenia, exploit, fatigue, felspar, fig wax, garfish, garpike, geebung, hammett, hardpan, incrust, jadeite, joewood, kurchee, lacquer, lac wax, logwood, marbles, palatal, palmyra, placoid, prevail, promote, quahaug, red elm, require, rhodium, sapsago, sealant, slogger, slugger, striver, thirsty, torpedo, travail, treated, trouper, unpaved, varnish, worsted

8 letters:
asperity, baffling, barbasco, barnacle, battered, beefwood, billfish, bitterly, blechnum, blue ash, blue fig, bow wood, breakaxe, calabash, calculus, capacity, carapace, carnauba, cerriped, chestnut, chromium, clanking, clattery, cocoanut, concrete, continue, corundom, corundum, decrepit, die hard, drudgery, endocarp, exertion, fecalith, feldspar, firetrap, flindosa, flindosy, fracture, furuncle, granitic, grimness, gritrock, guaiacum, hardback, hardened, hardship, hardtack, hardwood, hard put, haymaker, holm oak, indurate, ironwood, ixodidae, kalantas, kedgeree, ko punch, lacewood, lollipop, magnetic, mahogany, material, overhead, override, overwork, painless, palatine, parmesan, planting, pleasure, plodding, plug hat, podocarp, practice, puffball, quandong, rocklike, rosewood, run-down, sandarac, sclerite, scorcher, scrawler, screamer, sea lily, semihard, semolina, severity, skeleton, sourball, stellite, sycamore, tamarind, tantalum, teakwood, tempered, tireless, untiring, vegetate, vitreous, walloper, whipcord, zwieback

9 letters:
alabaster, applejack, apple nut, bargainer, beaten-up, beat down, break-axe, briarroot, briarwood, brierwood, cacuminal, callosity, campeachy, cementite, cerripede, certainly, chipboard, component, coprolith, courbaril, dent corn, detection, directory, earthball, energetic, faecalith, firethorn, golf ball, gritstone, gumptious, hand-hewn, hard-core, hard-line, hardboard, hardbound, hardcover, hardening, hard coal, hard copy, hard lead, hard line, hard roll, hard tick, hard time, holm tree, inaptness, interface, ivory nut, jacaranda, lemonwood, lignified, malaysian, manganese, mockernut, nakedwood, obscurity, obturator, operculum, overdrive, overreach, partition, pistachio, platelike, pleasance, plug away, plum tree, pyracanth, quartzite, red alder, red coral, red lauan, retroflex, rock cake, ruby wood, satinleaf, satinwood, scribbler, sculpture, stiffness, sugarcoat, tamarindo, thermoset, tine test, tiredness, tolu tree, toughened, veneridae, vulcanite, weariness, whinstone, white ash, wine palm, woebegone

10 letters:
alpine ash, anthracite, bay myrtle, bonduc nut, bowler hat, brazil nut, brier-wood, bully tree, caimitillo, camouflage, candy cane, clattering, cohune nut, common oak, concretion, conjecture, coral root, donkeywork, easter egg, edible nut, fastidious, fire thorn, flint corn, gourd vine, grid metal, gum dammar, hard-baked, hard-nosed, hardbacked, hard beech, hard candy, hard wheat, head crash, industrial, insufflate, intangible, iridosmine, ivory tree, jawbreaker, laurelwood, lemon-wood, lemon drop, marblewood, montan wax, nicker nut, oregon ash, osmiridium, pepperwood, puckerbush, pyracantha, rock candy, rock maple, round clam, satin leaf, scleredema, scotch egg, seasonable, soft water, spice tree, stercolith, surprising, take pains, taskmaster, toddy palm, tool steel, tree heath, tug-of-war, unbeatable, unenviable, watermelon, woodpecker

11 letters:
alnus rubra, babassu nut, balata tree, beaver away, be at pains, black birch, black maire, buckle down, button tree, calabazilla, cassiterite, cebu maguey, cherry tree, chrysoberyl, crustaceous, damson plum, deviled egg, dog biscuit, durian tree, durum wheat, english oak, flea-bitten, flint maize, frost-bound, gondang wax, granitelike, hard-fought, hardworking, hard rubber, hard worker, hickory nut, industrious, job's tears, locust tree, longar palm, marble-wood, mock orange, nicker seed, obscureness, onyx marble, orchid tree, pacific yew, palatalised, palatalized, pilot bread, power drill, problematic, red sanders, romanticize, sandblaster, scleroderma, sea anemone, sea biscuit, shellac wax, shumard oak, solidifying, speculation, sphaeriales, stuffed egg, subsistence, sugar maple, sweet birch, tenebrionid, terra cotta, tridacnidae, ulmus rubra, vienna roll, western yew, woody plant, yankee corn, yellow pine

12 letters:
abstruseness, babassu palm, betula lenta, black walnut, bottle gourd, butterscotch, carnauba wax, castile soap, caviuna wood, cherry birch, cleft palate, coquilla nut, damask steel, dammar resin, elbow grease, embarrassing, encrustation, granny smith, gutta balata, hard-hitting, hard-pressed, heavy hitter, honey locust, horse trader, in-your-face, incrustation, iron carbide, knuckle down, lignum vitae, logwood tree, mexican onyx, mountain oak, native beech, oregon alder, osage orange, os palatinum, palmyra palm, quercus alba, quercus ilex, red saunders, rigorousness, shingle tree, ship biscuit, shoulder pad, silver maple, slippery elm, starch wheat, store cheese, sunday punch, sweet almond, swiss cheese, tartar sauce, tooth enamel, transgressor, wild pumpkin

13 letters:
actinomycosis, agave cantala, al-muhajiroun, baphia nitida, black hickory, bracelet wood, buffalo gourd, chestnut tree, clinker brick, coco de macao, daytona beach, diamond point, erica arborea, evergreen oak, false truffle, genus bumelia, genus eugenia, goncalo alves, grated cheese, hard-and-fast, horatio alger, jordan almond, juglans nigra, juglans regia, mahogany tree, manila maguey, name-dropping, oregon myrtle, palatine bone, pilot biscuit, pistacia vera, prairie gourd, problematical, prunus dulcis, quandong tree, quercus robur, reconditeness, rubber bullet, sandarac tree, tamarind tree, tartare sauce, thermosetting, turban squash, up-and-coming, winter squash, wolfram steel

14 letters:
acer saccharum, all-day sucker, andaman marble, backhand drive, bloodwood tree, caliche-topped, california yew, candelilla wax, cheddar cheese, damascus steel, english walnut, forehand drive, genus blechnum, hot-work steel, hyperventilate, initialisation, initialization, intractability, knockout punch, lancewood tree, lemonwood tree, ligneous plant, macaroni wheat, missouri gourd, mountain ebony, nutmeg hickory, palatine raphe, panama redwood, patent leather, persian walnut, pistachio tree, precious coral, red sandalwood, removable disk, satinwood tree, scrub beefwood, solidification, toona calantas, triticum durum, tungsten steel, virtual memory, zanzibar copal

15 letters:
accounting data, anthracite coal, atomic number 5, australian pine, big-bud hickory, button mangrove, carya tomentosa, dalbergia nigra, darkling beetle, disk controller, eugenia dicrana, family ixodidae, hard-shell clam, hard-shell crab, intractableness, japanese radish, lemon-wood tree, lysiloma sabicu, mountain laurel, myrica cerifera, pedunculate oak, red sanderswood, shumard red oak, silicon carbide, skeletal system, tectona grandis, turkish boxwood, two-grain spelt, vegetable ivory, virtual storage

16 letters:
acer saccharinum, african mahogany, atomic number 24, atomic number 25, atomic number 27, atomic number 28, atomic number 45, atomic number 73, atomic number 76, break one's back, brussels biscuit, calcium stearate, california olive, cedrela calantas, closed-captioned, dashiell hammett, diacetylmorphine, diospyros ebenum, diospyros kurzii, durio zibethinus, family veneridae, fraxinus oregona, high-speed steel, holly-leaved oak, maclura pomifera, magnetic storage, philippine cedar, precision cookie, prunus amygdalus, sassafras laurel, speaking trumpet, taxus brevifolia, tolu balsam tree, winter crookneck

17 letters:
black walnut tree, brisbane quandong, california laurel, circassian walnut, genus scleroderma, grevillea striata, keratosis pilaris, malpighia obovata, mockernut hickory, olea cunninghamii, orbignya martiana, orbignya spesiosa, order sphaeriales, podocarpus totara, quercus shumardii, southern live oak, systema skeletale, tamarindus indica, triticum dicoccum, triticum turgidum, twice-baked bread, zea mays indurata

18 letters:
african sandalwood, american white oak, amygdalus communis, bauhinia variegata, brazilian rosewood, conocarpus erectus, cucurbita moschata, family tridacnidae, fraxinus americana, fraxinus latifolia, hymenaea courbaril, jacquinia keyensis, lamellicorn beetle, lepisosteus osseus, myroxylon balsamum, orbignya phalerata, oriental alabaster, pholiota destruens, prairie gourd vine, pternohyla fodiens, quercus virginiana, sophora tetraptera, zea mays indentata

19 letters:
bend over backwards, calcium bicarbonate, california bay tree, elaeocarpus grandis, english walnut tree, fall over backwards, lagenaria siceraria, manilkara bidentata, nauclea diderrichii, nothofagus truncata, philippine mahogany, psychotria capensis, sloanea jamaicensis, white-heart hickory, winter squash plant

20 letters:
borassus flabellifer, flindersia australis, holarrhena pubescens, jacquinia armillaris, low-level formatting, myroxylon toluiferum, silver quandong tree, stenocarpus salignus

21 letters:
calcium octadecanoate, carya myristiciformis, chloroxylon swietenia, file allocation table, gleditsia triacanthos, hard-skinned puffball, magnesium bicarbonate

22 letters:
callitris quadrivalvis, carya myristicaeformis, casuarina equisetfolia, cucurbita foetidissima, darkling groung beetle, fraxinus quadrangulata, pterocarpus santalinus, tetraclinis articulata

23 letters:
astronium fraxinifolium, eucalyptus delegatensis, samuel dashiell hammett, winter crookneck squash

24 letters:
acrocarpus fraxinifolius, chrysophyllum oliviforme, thousand island dressing, umbellularia californica

25 letters:
calophyllum candidissimum, haematoxylum campechianum, sarcocephalus diderrichii, tweedledee and tweedledum, tweedledum and tweedledee

26 letters:
holarrhena antidysenterica, lowland burrowing treefrog, sorghum vulgare rosburghii

27 letters:
northern casque-headed frog

30 letters:
cucurbita maxima turbaniformis, raphanus sativus longipinnatus

32 letters:
complex instruction set computer

33 letters:
complex instruction set computing

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