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Words and phrases whose definition contains soft:   (672 results)

1 letter:

2 letters:
la, li, na, nb, pb, pm, pr, rb, sr, th, tl, tm, yb, ag, au, ba, cd, cs, in

3 letters:
mud, nap, pad, rut, bap, cat, dab, fat, kid

4 letters:
lard, lead, leak, lory, melt, mess, mink, mire, miry, mush, pile, pith, puff, pulp, purr, quag, rail, roan, roll, sink, slot, slub, sugi, talc, thaw, tufa, whir, whiz, work, worm, wrap, birr, bole, boob, brie, buff, burl, chew, clam, clay, core, dink, down, dull, easy, feel, firm, gari, gold, gong, grub, head, icky, kiss, knot

5 letters:
light, mocha, mucky, muddy, paste, patch, press, pulse, ricer, samba, savoy, solid, squab, tabor, teddy, uvula, velar, whirr, whizz, arere, beret, boggy, bolus, bosom, chalk, crape, crepe, dinge, downy, duvet, earth, eider, flesh, floss, fluor, fudge, ganja, gooey

6 letters:
linden, manioc, marshy, morass, napped, obeche, obechi, pablum, pilary, pilose, pilous, pongee, poplar, quaggy, sachet, shammy, silver, sodium, soften, splash, spongy, spruce, stucco, swampy, swishy, tabour, talcum, tissue, tupelo, unthaw, velvet, vicuna, banana, barium, beaver, bootee, bootie, breast, bruise, buffer, caries, cavity, cesium, chammy, cooing, dethaw, dobson, dubbin, dumdum, earwax, etamin, fleece, fleecy, flossy, fluffy, gadoid, galena, gentle, gerbil, ground, indium

7 letters:
ladanum, lithium, mandioc, mollusc, mollusk, morocco, niobium, octopus, oxheart, padding, paisley, piculet, plaster, plastic, pudding, realgar, redwood, ricotta, silvern, sloughy, snoring, softish, spatula, squashy, squishy, stypsis, subdued, subside, tam-tam, termite, thorium, thulium, tinning, velvety, washout, acrilan, bandage, bivalve, boletus, bootees, booties, brushed, bulrush, cadmium, caesium, caracul, cerumen, challis, chamois, chewing, chiffon, chortle, chuckle, clogged, clotted, clupeid, contuse, cottony, curdled, cushion, doeskin, etamine, fictile, flannel, grumose, grumous, hemlock, hippies, karakul, kernite, kidskin, kleenex, knocker

8 letters:
labdanum, lavatera, lumpfish, macerate, mandioca, marmoset, milkweed, mocassin, moccasin, moldable, moquette, myacidae, nainsook, pea crab, porridge, poultice, psocidae, quagmire, rambotan, rambutan, rockrose, rubidium, rustling, salmonid, sea hare, semisoft, soaprock, soda can, soughing, sourdine, splatter, steatite, stibnite, swishing, thallium, thudding, true cat, tyrolean, underfur, undulate, unfreeze, vanadium, velveeta, wood-rat, wood rat, abrocome, basswood, buckskin, bullrush, cannabis, cashmere, chenille, clam dip, crooning, cyprinid, dissolve, downlike, dulciana, federita, feterita, fill out, floccose, fluorite, fur seal, gerbille, hipsters, indirect, keystone, kohleria

9 letters:
lanthanum, limburger, mammogram, marihuana, marijuana, mink coat, moccasins, molluscum, murmurous, nemertean, nemertine, pelecypod, potassium, pubescent, rock rose, sericeous, shellfish, simarouba, soap-rock, soapstone, soft-shoe, soft corn, soft roll, soft rush, soft soap, soft spot, strontium, susurrate, susurrous, underbody, undercoat, water gum, whispered, white ant, white fir, ytterbium, aphididae, argasidae, bog plant, broadtail, calc-tufa, camelhair, camembert, carbonate, cataplasm, cherimoya, coagulate, cork tree, currajong, dent corn, devilfish, dobsonfly, drop shot, eiderdown, endomorph, fluorspar, footprint, haphazard, holystone, jellyleaf, kid glove, kurrajong

10 letters:
manduction, mascarpone, noble cane, pianissimo, plasticine, polycirrus, pop bottle, powderpuff, promethium, puberulent, sea urchin, slouch hat, smothering, soft-nosed, soft-pedal, soft wheat, soughingly, spongelike, strawberry, succession, sugarberry, sweet corn, teddy bear, tulip tree, underbelly, white pine, willow oak, alcyonacea, astringent, bed pillow, candlewick, cherimolla, chinchilla, coagulated, cottonweed, cowboy hat, cushioning, dobson fly, drippiness, eared seal, eider duck, flint corn, flour corn, gag reflex, green corn, green soap, impression

11 letters:
leak fungus, liederkranz, marsh plant, mastication, mastiff bat, oyster crab, poplar tree, ribbon worm, shame plant, soda bottle, soft-boiled, soft-solder, soft-spoken, soft option, spoon bread, spruce pine, suede glove, swamp plant, swan's down, tooth decay, yankee corn, astringency, common rush, coregonidae, craniometry, flint maize, gadoid fish, hermit crab, isospondyli, japan cedar, kaffir boom

12 letters:
live-and-die, ooze leather, ossification, pinus glabra, plantar wart, praseodymium, slate pencil, soft pretzel, sponge cloth, sutural bone, sweet cicely, synodontidae, tissue paper, toilet paper, touch-me-not, trionychidae, triple cream, triple creme, tulip poplar, wormian bone, action plant, argentinidae, batter bread, camel's hair, canton crepe, cavalier hat, clupeid fish, colorado fir, cream cheese, dental floss, double cream, down feather, french chalk, handsaw fish, heart cherry, humble plant, iris pallida

13 letters:
lamellibranch, larix russica, mimosa pudica, open fracture, oyster agaric, oyster fungus, pinnotheridae, rensselaerite, savoy cabbage, scrambled egg, seaside alder, silky tamarin, tapioca plant, tartaric acid, toilet tissue, winter's bark, yellow poplar, abies lowiana, buffing wheel, compassionate, custard apple, cyprinid fish, dental caries, dumdum bullet, epicondylitis, flower people, frozen yogurt, genus boletus, genus episcia, holcus mollis, jamaica apple

14 letters:
larix siberica, nyssa aquatica, oxheart cherry, proboscis worm, rat chinchilla, shammy leather, siberian larch, smoking jacket, ten-gallon hat, whistling swan, whitebark pine, abies concolor, alnus maritima, bitter cassava, boston lettuce, bouncing putty, chammy leather, chinchilla rat, dalmatian iris, drimys winteri, edible-pod pea, english setter, genus lavatera, hoary plantain, japanese beech, japanese cedar, juncus effusus

15 letters:
lounging jacket, myrrhis odorata, noli-me-tangere, oyster mushroom, queensland hemp, quercus phellos, raft foundation, ring rot fungus, sensitive plant, strawberry mark, abronia villosa, atomic number 3, bathroom tissue, bullock's heart, cape kafferboom, chamois leather, cyprinodontidae, family myacidae, family psocidae, genus simarouba

16 letters:
pianissimo assai, pinus albicaulis, sida rhombifolia, whitebarked pine, aplysia punctata, atomic number 11, atomic number 19, atomic number 23, atomic number 37, atomic number 38, atomic number 41, atomic number 47, atomic number 48, atomic number 49, atomic number 55, atomic number 56, atomic number 57, atomic number 59, atomic number 61, atomic number 69, atomic number 70, atomic number 79, atomic number 81, atomic number 82, atomic number 90, canary whitewood, celtis laevigata, cypriniform fish, erythrina caffra, family aphididae, family argasidae, genus polycirrus, hare's-foot fern

17 letters:
manihot esculenta, order isospondyli, pharyngeal reflex, soft-shoe dancing, soft-shoe shuffle, sonchus oleraceus, zea mays amylacea, zea mays indurata, chlorophthalmidae, compound fracture, continental quilt, edible-podded pea

18 letters:
manihot utilissima, mouse-ear hawkweed, pearly everlasting, perognathus flavus, plantago virginica, polypropenonitrile, silky pocket mouse, winter's bark tree, zea mays indentata, butterhead lettuce, chinchilla laniger, corydalus cornutus, custard apple tree, cyclopterus lumpus, family coregonidae, hemangioma simplex

19 letters:
leontocebus rosalia, lepiota clypeolaria, pinnotheres ostreum, pleurotus ostreatus, psocopterous insect, rhizopus stolonifer, suborder alcyonacea, creeping soft grass, desert sand verbena, family argentinidae, family synodontidae, family trionychidae, hieracium pilocella

20 letters:
sesbania grandiflora, california white fir, cryptomeria japonica, family pinnotheridae

21 letters:
pilosella officinarum, scarlet wisteria tree, vegetable hummingbird, erythrina vespertilio

22 letters:
anaphalis margaritacea, brachychiton populneus, family cyprinodontidae

23 letters:
liriodendron tulipifera, oligoporus leucospongia

24 letters:
sorghum vulgare caudatum, family chlorophthalmidae

25 letters:
pisum sativum macrocarpon, triplochiton scleroxcylon

30 letters:
cygnus columbianus columbianus

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