Definitions of rail:

  • noun:   any of numerous widely distributed small wading birds of the family Rallidae having short wings and very long toes for running on soft mud
  • noun:   a horizontal bar (usually of wood)
  • noun:   short for railway
    Example: "He traveled by rail"
  • noun:   a barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and supports
  • noun:   a bar or bars of rolled steel making a track along which vehicles can roll
  • verb:   provide with rails
    Example: "The yard was railed"
  • verb:   enclose with rails
    Example: "Rail in the old graves"
  • verb:   complain bitterly
  • verb:   fish with a hand-line over the rails of a boat
    Example: "They are railing for fresh fish"
  • verb:   lay with rails
    Example: "Hundreds of miles were railed out here"
  • verb:   convey (goods etc.) by rails
    Example: "Fresh fruit are railed from Italy to Belgium"
  • verb:   separate with a railing
    Example: "Rail off the crowds from the Presidential palace"
  • verb:   criticize severely
    Example: "She railed against the bad social policies"
  • verb:   travel by rail or train
    Example: "They railed from Rome to Venice"
  • verb:   spread negative information about
  • name:  A surname (very rare: popularity rank in the U.S.: #34929)