Words and phrases that rhyme with class war:  (1122 results)
2 syllables:
aam-4, aancor, abhor, abor, accor, adoor, ador, adore, adour, affor, afore, afore-, ak-74, albor, all-on-4, amcor, amcore, amlor, an/pvs-4, ancor, and/or, andorre, angor, apcor, apport, arcore, ardmore, ardour, arfor, armscor, ashore, asoar, auror, back-door, backdoor, backshore, balaur, bancor, bangor, bardcore, barn-door, barndoor, basor, bator, bayshore, beardmore, becor, bedore, bedsore, before, begore, belcore, bellcore, bercor, bewhore, bezoar, bigorre, biltmore, blazor, bogor, booklore, bookstore, bor-4, borgore, botwar, breakcore, bron-yr-aur, bruncor, btr-94, c-store, c4, calore, candour, cantore, cared-for, cat-4, cencor, centaur, centaure, chador, chicore, cifor, citescore, clarcor, claymore, clearscore, closed-door, comor, comscore, concor, cornfloor, countor, crabcore, cromor, crunkcore, ctla-4, dacor, damore, dancefloor, darkcore, darkspore, deathcore, decor, delcor, delore, deplore, deplorre, dermstore, devor, dior, dogshore, dp-64, drawbore, drug-store, drugstore, e-store, earsore, eeyore, eightscore, elcor, elnore, emcore, emplore, en-dor, encor, encore, engore, enstore, epcor, exmor, explore, eyesore, fahlore, fakelore, faxlore, film4, filmore, first-floor, flamewar, foamcore, folclore, folklore, fomor, foot-sore, footsore, foreshore, forlore, forswore, four-door, fourscore, fragor, framestore, frenchcore, frontdoor, full-bore, gabor, galore, gartmore, gedore, gencor, gencorp, ghostlore, gilgore, glassdoor, glaymore, glencore, glenmore, glut4, goldcor, golore, graphcore, grindcore, ground-floor, guilor, gungor, gweedore, hard-core, hardcore, hardwar, healthcorp, heitor, hi-cor, hla-dr4, hogscore, hurtcore, hycor, icore, ifor, ignore, igor, ilmor, implore, in-store, incor, indoor, inshore, instore, iscor, izvor, j-sh04, jacor, jambor, javor, jib-door, karkor, kenmore, killgore, kishor, kishore, kishtwar, krikor, labore, lahore, lakeshore, lalor, lamaur, landour, languor, lazor, legore, lemoore, lenore, lepor, livor, lodore, lodwar, longcor, longed-for, longshore, m4, mador, maejor, mafor, mahore, mandsaur, manwhore, marcor, mathcore, mazor, mcore, mech-x4, mejor, melor, mentor, moidore, mont-dore, mordor, mysore, nador, nagor, naswar, navfor, nayaur, nearshore, nellcor, nerdcore, netwar, newcor, next-door, nextdoor, ngor, nicor, nightcore, ninescore, non-core, noncore, normcore, northmore, nucor, nycor, oct-4, octuor, off-shore, offshore, oncor, onore, onshore, opfor, otpor, outdoor, outpour, outroar, outscore, outsoar, outwhore, outwore, pagcor, pair-oar, pandoor, pandour, parore, pastore, pepkor, pershore, pezcore, phar-mor, phosphor, pintor, pitch-ore, pledgeor, pledgor, post-war, postwar, pre-war, prescore, prestore, prewar, pricor, pro-war, pro14, pylor, quaoar, quatuor, queercore, rapport, re-store, rebore, reddour, repour, rescore, restore, rg-34, roquemore, rossmore, rumore, sadcore, safor, salvor, samcor, seafloor, seashore, sedor, senor, shihor, sihor, sindoor, sixscore, slowcore, small-bore, smooth-bore, smoothbore, sobor, soft-core, softcore, sombor, sophomore, sopore, sordor, specwar, speedcore, spinor, splendour, stm-4, straight-4, streetcore, sts-4, su-24, su-34, subfloor, sudore, sun-4, suncor, swarmspore, swarthmore, syncor, tadmor, tagore, talmor, tambor, tandoor, ten-four, tengwar, tenore, tepor, therefor, therefore, thrashcore, three-score, threescore, ticor, timor, tofore, toothdrawer, top-drawer, toystore, tracor, trap-door, trapdoor, tricor, turpor, tuscor, tussore, two-door, two-four, twoscore, unswore, upbore, uproar, upsoar, val-d'or, valore, vapour, vencor, vibgyor, vsk-94, wardcorps, warnstore, webcore, wellbore, what-for, wherefor, wherefore, wicor, windbore, wire-drawer, withdrawer, worldwar, xicor, xkeyscore, xplore, zagor, zamor, zbd-04, zippor, zocor, zoochore, zoospore, zukor
3 syllables:
0-8-4, 2-8-4, 4-4-4, 4-6-4, 4-8-4, aarch64, aberdour, aetosaur, ah-64, airexplore, albacore, albicore, allosaur, alongshore, alticor, amador, amd64, amplocore, an-94, an/pvs-14, anacor, ankleshwar, ankylosaur, anti-war, antiwar, anymore, archosaur, arm64, armentor, arvidsjaur, auspuffrohr, avant-corps, avantor, avenzoar, ba-64, baal-hazor, bahadoor, baikonur, balasore, balisaur, balthazor, baltimore, bandalore, bangalor, bangalore, barosaur, barrackpore, barrymore, base64, battledoor, battledore, baykonur, belphegor, bensenyore, biochore, biowar, blastopore, blunderbore, bmd-4, borrador, brigador, brontosaur, bucentaur, bulbasaur, buscador, c-704, carnivore, carnosaur, cars24, cazador, centocor, chrysaor, chrysochlore, clue-by-four, coach-and-four, collymore, commodore, comprador, compradore, contador, control4, corocore, criador, cuddalore, datalore, deinosaur, desertshore, despertador, detracor, dictador, digi24, dinosaur, dinosaure, door-to-door, doukhobor, dual-core, dukhobor, dumbledor, dumbledore, dummador, durr-e-shehwar, e.164, easycore, ecuador, egregore, eighty-four, either-or, either/or, ekabor, elsinore, embraceor, emperador, en-hazor, epicor, equador, equicor, eurocorps, evercore, evermore, ex-mayor, farthermore, fenimore, fennimore, feofor, fidelcor, fifty-four, finamore, finedrawer, finger-four, folivore, forty-four, four-by-four, four-on-the-floor, frugivore, fundador, furthermore, g.984, galtymore, ganador, gaz-14, gaz-24, gaz-64, genencor, genitore, goblincore, gonopore, granivore, guarantor, hackamore, hadrosaur, halicore, hannelore, hardvapour, haridwar, herbivore, heretofore, hockamore, hoped-for, horrorcore, humidor, hwasong-14, indolore, infowar, inocor, inodore, inter-war, isidor, isidore, isopor, jaatishwar, jageshwar, jubbulpore, jugador, justacorps, justaucorps, kalpeshwar, kaochlor, khelaghor, kian84, kir2dl4, labrador, laramore, livermore, locavore, looked-for, luchador, madrepore, maheshwar, maiasaur, man-o-war, man-of-war, manacor, mangalore, manofwar, manticore, marcador, matador, matadore, megastore, men-of-war, meritor, metafore, metalcore, mevacor, mi-24, micropore, millipore, mingw-w64, minotaur, mirador, mli-84, mockadour, mogador, mokadour, montefiore, more4, mosasaur, mostrador, mpeg-4, mucivore, mukteshwar, multicore, mumblecore, murdeshwar, musescore, mylapore, nanosaur, nat64, neithermore, nethermore, neuropore, nevermore, ninety-four, nothosaur, novacor, nullipore, numb/encore, nutri-score, okafor, open-door, opendoor, oradour, out-of-door, overdoor, overmore, overscore, overstore, parador, paramore, pegador, pescador, phytosaur, picador, pinafore, piscivore, planktivore, plesiosaur, pliosaur, polydor, polypore, polyvore, portador, post-hardcore, privatecore, provedore, providore, pterosaur, pylagore, pyrochlore, quasi-war, quinotaur, qx-04, raffreddore, rallador, raspador, re-explore, reiser4, retepore, rhynchosaur, roncador, rpk-74, ruddigore, saddle-sore, salvador, salvatore, samobor, seismosaur, selangor, semilor, semitaur, serpentor, servifor, sevenscore, sicamore, singapore, singapour, singlestore, siquijor, sixty-four, skerryvore, sloop-of-war, sofamor, spatafore, sr.n4, stegosaur, stevedore, sts-114, sts-94, su-14, superstore, svetofor, sweet-and-sour, sycamore, synacor, taaqatwar, tambocor, tarakeswar, tat-14, teodor, theodore, therebefore, theretofore, thermidor, thirty-four, toz-34, travancore, triplestore, troubadour, trovatore, tubipore, tug-of-war, twelvescore, twenty-four, two-by-four, ultracore, umicore, uncalled-for, underfloor, undergore, underscore, unicor, unicore, unifor, unprofor, vega4, venusaur, volador, warrantor, whiggamore, wished-for, wist-94, without-door, wow64, x86-64, yearned-for, zil-114, zsu-23-4
4 syllables:
2-10-4, 2-8-8-4, 2n3904, 4-14-4, 4-8-8-4, acetochlor, acusador, admirador, aida64, ak-104, alentador, amanitore, ambasador, americorp, americorps, anemochore, animador, aparador, apatosaur, apishamore, arp4754, aspirador, atlas-centaur, atriopore, aviador, badroulbadour, bbv154, bhubaneshwar, bhubaneswar, bm-24, bolbbalgan4, cafe24, carbon-14, cavalli-sfor, caveator, celebrimbor, ceratosaur, chandernagore, cinemascore, circumferentor, colaborador, conquistador, conservador, consumidor, controlador, corythosaur, cotylosaur, cxcr4, cyp3a4, detritivore, distributore, do-204, do-214, do-254, dromaeosaur, e2-e4, el-salvador, el/m-2084, elasmosaur, eleonor, encantador, espectador, exclusive-or, f-104, forevermore, garhmukteshwar, gobernador, h.264, happened-before, helium-4, hereinbefore, herrerasaur, hippocentaur, holodomor, hylaeosaur, hyleosaur, ia-64, ichthyosaur, ictodosaur, impetigore, indicador, indoor-outdoor, jagjaguwar, javascriptcore, kinetochore, libertador, lithophosphor, maroochydore, masticador, mega64, megalosaur, montemayor, navegador, onocentaur, open64, ordenador, ornithosaur, partynextdoor, pc/104, pelycosaur, phytobezoar, pine64, pisanosaur, ppc64, project64, psittacosaur, radiador, revolving-door, rocamadour, russia-24, san-salvador, seventy-four, shuttle-centaur, sotomayor, staurikosaur, sts-134, styracosaur, supermajor, teleosaur, titanosaur, trichobezoar, tu-204, tubulipore, tyrannosaur, uncared-for, underinsure, unhoped-for, unit4, unlooked-for, unwished-for, ventilador, vfa-34, villasenor, vma-214, webstaurantstore
8 syllables:
Words and phrases that almost rhyme :  (508 results)
2 syllables:
khmer, brochure, lekvar, appear, austere, unfair, sour, grimoire, aware, impure, compere, secure, nightjar, velour, impair, insure, assur, guitar, amir, barre, myanmar, brumaire, skier, respire, sitar, qatar, career, confer, hire, midair, ensure, affair, scour, pasteur, defer, assure, immure, bazaar, seigneur, afire, hour, aspire, adjure, amour, compare, pierre, demur, unclear, endear, liqueur, premier, safar, disbar, unsure, prepare, babar, unbar, frontier, frotteur, inquire, inure, endure, saviour, masseur, cashier, grandeur, inter, inspire, retire, beware, concur, rehear, repair, sincere, frimaire, bizarre, dakar, incur, couture, cohere, ensnare, fire, voltaire, declare, wire, dinar, bazar, foursquare, severe, dour, flour, compeer, zaire, detour, mature, danseur, succour, monsieur, chauffeur, occur, refer, obscure, qintar, poseur, fervour, procure, emir, prefer, infer, manure, forswear, flavour, veneer, demure, premiere, affaire, perspire, deter, despair, revere, adhere, savour, voyeur, recur, allure, admire, transfer, expire, adar, cigar, abjure, aflare, anshar, asarh, ashir, astaire, astir, athar, besmear, bihar, bonaire, bonheur, bonior, bugbear, co-star, coiffeur, coiffure, cooccur, cottar, damar, debar, derriere, devoir, downstair, eclair, exmoor, fakeer, flexure, footgear, footsure, forbear, gravure, guinier, hachure, handwear, horsehair, hot-wire, houhere, inhere, jamjar, kaffir, kildeer, killdeer, kotar, lamar, longueur, lontar, markhoor, menhir, moliere, nervure, nuphar, o'hare, parterre, peignoir, pindar, pushchair, rancour, rest-cure, rigour, safire, sambar, sambur, sapir, secpar, selar, shamir, shophar, soilure, t-square, tangier, tarsier, testiere, tonsure, trochlear, upstair, vanir, vidar, vigour, vitharr, voussoir, wafture, wasteweir, wheatear, yasir
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