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Words and phrases whose definition contains shaped:   (1452 results)

3 letters:
ala, cam, cup, cut, dna, ern, fez, fig, gem, hat, key, lid, nan, orb, pin, rod, yew

4 letters:
akee, boat, chip, chub, cone, corm, erne, fine, flag, head, hewn, iris, kiwi, last, lime, loaf, lute, orzo, pack, pixy, shoe, star, trap, vela, zarf

5 letters:
ackee, acorn, agave, anvil, arcus, areca, aster, bagel, basin, beroe, brass, caaba, ceiba, comma, crook, curet, donut, eggar, egger, galax, galea, gouda, grand, heath, hyoid, icaco, kaaba, ladle, notch, ovate, ovoid, oxbow, pasta, pixie, point, pyxie, raven, rough, saber, sabre, sling, spoon, state, tamus, tenon, torus, uncus, uncut, wedge

6 letters:
almond, ananas, banana, bicorn, blotch, bogmat, bubble, bulbil, carina, cashew, cither, citole, cleome, clevis, collet, corner, corona, crater, cuboid, cuneal, cupule, cymbid, daphne, discus, dished, drogue, falsie, finely, fornix, frijol, funnel, galaxy, galley, gingko, ginkgo, goblet, hoodoo, hopper, idesia, jumbal, jumble, keeled, kidney, labium, ligule, linden, lunula, lunule, maikoa, mammee, medusa, mescal, mezcal, molded, mortar, muffin, mullet, pelvis, pestle, peyote, pistia, platan, pliant, pomelo, poppet, pruned, puppis, quince, ridged, ringed, romper, rosita, router, sacrum, saddle, sapote, serger, sinker, sorrel, sphere, stapes, staple, stripe, styrax, tarmac, tenpin, toroid, turkey, zodiac

7 letters:
abalone, agnatha, anchusa, annular, avocado, awlwort, bacilli, batwing, blotchy, bracket, bugloss, bulblet, caimito, calycle, cattail, caudate, cavetto, chalice, chapeau, chevron, cithern, cittern, cochlea, console, cordate, cubical, cupular, curette, cyclops, dogbane, ductile, epacris, erwinia, eyeball, fantail, frijole, frogbit, gittern, haycock, iceboat, lycopod, minivan, obovate, ocarina, oxheart, pachisi, papilla, paprika, peg top, pessary, petunia, pimento, pliable, pothook, pygopus, saclike, sandbox, scallop, scollop, scooter, scuttle, sea cow, sea fan, shackle, sheared, shoofly, siamese, snuffer, spinous, splodge, splotch, steamer, stentor, stirrup, stripes, tensile, tokamak, tornado, trained, twister, wrought

8 letters:
agnathan, aguacate, alocasia, alstonia, amphiuma, amygdala, annulate, asterisk, asterism, asteroid, bacillus, bacteria, basidium, basswood, bear paw, bellwort, bell jar, bentwood, bergamot, biconvex, bicorned, blackcap, blotched, bluebell, bootjack, box kite, calabash, carinate, carrycot, catapult, cattleya, cercaria, circular, colander, conodont, cotyloid, cow lily, cruciate, cubelike, cubiform, cuboidal, cupulate, cusk-eel, daffodil, doliolum, doughnut, duckbill, eggplant, ensiform, enterics, escallop, fan palm, fig tree, fireball, flashing, flat pea, gladiola, gloxinia, hammered, harebell, hip tile, honeypot, jack oak, kohlrabi, lancelet, mariposa, martynia, may lily, mniaceae, moonseed, mortally, mushroom, ovenbird, oxtongue, palatine, palmetto, pear haw, pilewort, pimiento, pinwheel, poroporo, proturan, pup tent, quadrate, rhomboid, root cap, scaphoid, seasnail, shaddock, shamrock, shigella, shinleaf, sirenian, snowball, snowshoe, sphenoid, squeegee, stapelia, starwort, strobile, sycamore, s wrench, tamarisk, tarboosh, teaberry, teardrop, thalamus, topology, toroidal, tractile, trombone, trumpets, tuckahoe, unshaped, unshapen, voussoir, wild fig, wind tee, zucchini

9 letters:
acanthoid, acanthous, accordion, achimenes, acorn cup, aitchbone, allamanda, allantoid, amphioxus, angelfish, annulated, aubergine, auricular, bacterium, bacteroid, bear claw, bell tent, bicornate, blackjack, bladelike, blind eel, blood cup, box kodak, bursiform, butternut, caliculus, calyculus, camachile, campanula, candy bar, candy egg, cardiidae, carinated, cast iron, cat's-ear, circinate, club moss, cocklebur, coco plum, coltsfoot, conacaste, concavely, congo eel, conically, cordiform, courgette, croissant, cross bun, cruciform, cullender, cuneiform, cupflower, cup morel, cymbidium, daisybush, death cap, death cup, diaphragm, dunce cap, ear-shell, fairy cup, felt fern, forcipate, forsythia, gladiolus, goldbrick, half-moon, hand-hewn, handlebar, heartleaf, heathfowl, hermannia, horseshoe, huamachil, jew's-ear, king crab, lancelike, laterally, lentiform, lent lily, lime tree, lingulate, love vine, luna moth, mad apple, maleberry, malleable, maravilla, megaphone, mertensia, millstone, ming tree, mouth bow, navicular, octagonal, orphanage, outrigger, pezizales, pine lily, pycnidium, regularly, roughhewn, rudbeckia, sauceboat, screw log, sea snail, sego lily, slingshot, snailfish, space bar, spadefish, spark gap, splotched, stomacher, strobilus, swordlike, tacamahac, tamarillo, tennessee, trabecula, turbinate, urceolate, vase-fine, vase vine, waxmallow, wax plant, wild oats

10 letters:
acetabular, acetabulum, amygdaloid, angle iron, antennaria, astrocytic, barramunda, barramundi, beetleweed, belladonna, bellflower, bell glass, bendy tree, bicornuate, bicornuous, bitterweed, blackthorn, bonnethead, botuliform, box camera, breadstick, bullethead, calceiform, calceolate, campanular, candy corn, cashew nut, cassiopeia, chaenactis, clostridia, cocoa plum, corrugated, cotyloidal, cumuliform, cup-shaped, daisy bush, dog wrench, ear fungus, easter egg, fetterbush, fool's cap, frangipani, frog's-bit, funnel web, genus arum, globe lily, granadilla, gravy boat, grindstone, guitarfish, hackmatack, hammerhead, hartebeest, helotiales, hotdog bun, hyoid bone, jew's-ears, jew's harp, jimsonweed, kiwi fruit, klebsiella, ladyfinger, lanceolate, legionella, lenticular, leper lily, life saver, lyreflower, lyre snake, male berry, milk adder, milk snake, mud midget, needlebush, notostraca, oblongness, octangular, ommatidium, onion dome, onion stem, oregon fir, ovate leaf, oxbow lake, paddlefish, patent log, penny bank, pentagonal, piggy bank, pillar box, plane tree, plasticity, plesiosaur, poker chip, ray floret, ray flower, regenerate, rhomboidal, saddleback, salmonella, scorzonera, shovelhead, sidewinder, sneezewort, squareness, starflower, star anise, star apple, star drill, star grass, star tulip, stink bell, stitchwort, strap fern, suksdorfia, sword fern, sword lily, tarmacadam, telsontail, tetragonal, tiger lily, tonka bean, tortellini, triangular, tulip tree, twinflower, urn fungus, vorticella, wake-robin, wandflower, water flea, wax mallow, white lily, woody pear

11 letters:
actias luna, bacillaceae, basket hilt, bell pepper, black widow, bladderwort, bowling pin, broad arrow, brown bells, calceolaria, campanulate, cashew tree, cherry bomb, chinese yam, classically, clostridium, club fungus, coat hanger, cock's eggs, coffee ring, cone clutch, congo snake, corn cockle, cos lettuce, crystal tea, cube-shaped, cuboid bone, dagger fern, death angel, diamondback, dish-shaped, dunce's cap, earthtongue, easter lily, frangipanni, gentianella, genus ceiba, genus mucor, genus tamus, grand piano, gray mullet, groundberry, hippocampus, holothurian, house snake, ichthyosaur, indian club, iron maiden, irregularly, jimson weed, keratoconus, kidney bean, kidney fern, king protea, landing net, linden tree, merry bells, musa ensete, native pear, needle bush, nitrobacter, oregon pine, os hyoideum, papilliform, pear-shaped, pentangular, perithecium, pistol grip, porterhouse, portia tree, potter wasp, quince bush, rein orchid, rein orchis, rickettsias, ring-shaped, rue anemone, salmonberry, sand myrtle, sansevieria, scarlet cup, shield fern, silver bell, sleepy dick, slipperwort, spatangoida, spatterdock, spherically, spike heath, squeeze box, star-shaped, sun pitcher, sword grass, sympetalous, tongue fern, tree tomato, water level, wintergreen

12 letters:
acorn squash, alluvial fan, amygdaliform, amygdaloidal, anigozanthus, avocado pear, bermuda lily, bonnet shark, bottle gourd, brace wrench, buckler fern, campanulated, canker brake, cantharellus, cervical cap, chalice vine, checkerberry, clusia flava, coal scuttle, collet chuck, common camas, common lilac, cordate leaf, corn campion, corvus corax, cuckoo bread, cuneate leaf, deltoid leaf, discomycetes, douglas pine, dress hanger, egg-and-dart, electric eel, elephant ear, erica carnea, false azalea, fleur-de-lis, friar's-cowl, gamopetalous, garrison cap, genus ananas, gouda cheese, hastate leaf, heart-shaped, heart cherry, heart urchin, helmetflower, hoya carnosa, infundibulum, jawless fish, labrador tea, leopard lily, machine shop, madonna lily, malleability, market cross, molucca balm, moon trefoil, mountain tea, mud plantain, mya arenaria, mycobacteria, native holly, nierembergia, obovate leaf, oconee bells, os palatinum, overseas cap, peltate leaf, plesiosaurus, polecat weed, poppet valve, pouch-shaped, prickly pear, quadrangular, renal pelvis, rhinobatidae, rhizobiaceae, rhododendron, salmon berry, sarsaparilla, sausage curl, sea cucumber, sheep sorrel, shelter tent, spiderflower, spider plant, spring heath, star aniseed, steamer clam, storage ring, sweet pepper, sweet potato, sword-shaped, t-bone steak, taffrail log, thimbleberry, thiobacillus, tongueflower, trumpet vine, tulip poplar, vibrio comma, wedge-shaped, white violet, widow's peak, winter heath

13 letters:
alluvial cone, almond-shaped, almond cookie, american aloe, angle bracket, apple of peru, arctium lappa, arcus senilis, baby's breath, balsam poplar, barrel cactus, blackjack oak, black salsify, bullock heart, cacalia lutea, canada violet, cape hyacinth, cardiospermum, century plant, chilean cedar, chinese anise, chocolate egg, cinnamon vine, cliff swallow, common sorrel, cottage tulip, crescent roll, day jessamine, elliptic leaf, ensiform leaf, eubacteriales, fairy lantern, falcatifolium, foetid pothos, french sorrel, galiella rufa, genus discina, genus pygopus, genus stentor, ginkgo biloba, great burdock, hamburger bun, helmet orchid, horseshoe bat, hot cross bun, humpty dumpty, hunting knife, hyalospongiae, indian turnip, jamaica apple, lactobacillus, levant cotton, loaf of bread, magnetic core, maltese cross, mariposa lily, marsh gentian, mescal button, mission bells, morning glory, mycobacterium, night jasmine, nuphar advena, palatine bone, papilionaceae, passion fruit, pear hawthorn, pinwheel roll, pressure dome, rat-tail file, reniform leaf, seaside mahoe, sickle medick, sigmoid colon, sigmoid sinus, skunk cabbage, slipper plant, sphenoid bone, spider flower, spring beauty, tassel flower, triangularity, tulip gentian, turban squash, viper's grass, water cabbage, water lettuce, white heather, wild tamarind, windsor chair, yellow poplar

14 letters:
adder's tongue, alligator pear, appendicularia, babies'-breath, bacon and eggs, bleeding heart, bowstring hemp, carrion flower, cervical canal, cestum veneris, christmas fern, clothes hanger, cobbler's last, comma bacillus, convexo-convex, convolvulaceae, crown imperial, datura arborea, douglas spruce, egg-and-anchor, egg-and-tongue, elephant's ear, emilia flammea, emilia sagitta, enterobacteria, genus alstonia, genus cyclamen, genus dracaena, grade insignia, gray sea eagle, hamburger roll, he-huckleberry, horseshoe crab, hound's-tongue, hubbard squash, illicium verum, jamestown weed, kangaroo apple, leather flower, lemaireocereus, long-neck clam, lyrurus tetrix, magic mushroom, mariposa tulip, marmalade bush, marmalade tree, martynia annua, miter mushroom, mushroom cloud, mushroom coral, nutmeg hickory, occipital bone, os sphenoidale, oxheart cherry, painted tongue, pandurate leaf, paper mulberry, poker alumroot, poker heuchera, potter's wheel, pyramidal tent, rainbow runner, rectangularity, rose of sharon, rubus odoratus, sagittate-leaf, sheep's sorrel, sickle alfalfa, sickle lucerne, slipper spurge, solomon's-seal, spanish dagger, spatulate leaf, sphyrna tiburo, trumpet flower, turnip cabbage, venus's girdle, water chestnut, water starwort, yellow jasmine, yellow trumpet

15 letters:
abronia villosa, actinomycetales, almond crescent, angel's trumpet, bergamot orange, black raspberry, bullock's heart, catherine wheel, caudate nucleus, cestrum diurnum, checkered adder, chilean jasmine, citrus bergamia, clematis viorna, comma butterfly, common flat pea, corrugated iron, cotyloid cavity, cow-tongue fern, cydonia oblonga, douglas hemlock, emilia coccinea, emilia javanica, family mniaceae, frankfurter bun, galax urceolata, genus digitalis, genus hermannia, genus mertensia, genus rudbeckia, greater burdock, green hellebore, helvella crispa, horseshoe vetch, hot water plant, huntsman's horn, lanceolate leaf, lilium candidum, liparis liparis, maidenhair tree, mandevilla laxa, manila tamarind, mushroom anchor, night jessamine, order pezizales, peziza coccinea, piano accordion, polygonia comma, pouteria zapota, prairie gentian, pseudomonadales, pyrrosia lingua, romaine lettuce, rose globe lily, sacred mushroom, semilunar valve, sigmoid flexure, sirenian mammal, soft-shell clam, starfish flower, state of matter, stellate venule, stillson wrench, stinking clover, streptobacillus, summer hyacinth, tennessee river, tonka bean tree, torpediniformes, trumpet creeper

16 letters:
aleuria aurantia, alimentary paste, alligator wrench, american frogbit, arisarum vulgare, babies' slippers, bells of ireland, black fritillary, bristly oxtongue, buttercup squash, butterfly orchid, butterfly orchis, butternut squash, cacalia javanica, calathian violet, camassia quamash, campsis radicans, canary whitewood, carolina jasmine, cleome serrulata, cucurbita maxima, cuscuta gronovii, destroying angel, dioscorea batata, dipteryx odorata, disciotis venosa, easter lily vine, enteric bacteria, ethiopian banana, family cardiidae, gentiana acaulis, genus antennaria, genus vorticella, green arrow arum, gyromitra infula, hammerhead shark, heartleaf arnica, huntsman's horns, idesia polycarpa, ipomoea purpurea, lesser celandine, lesser spearwort, lilium catesbaei, linnaea borealis, medicago arborea, medicago falcata, molucella laevis, observation dome, order helotiales, order notostraca, panduriform leaf, picris echioides, privet andromeda, pseudomonodaceae, pyrola elliptica, rumex acetosella, sagittiform leaf, sarracenia flava, sarracenia minor, shoemaker's last, sinus sigmoideus, siskiyou lewisia, solandra guttata, spanish tamarind, speaking trumpet, summer snowflake, syringa vulgaris, thiobacteriaceae, urnula craterium, viola canadensis, water star grass, white dipladenia, white fritillary, white globe lily, yellow pond lily

17 letters:
abronia elliptica, abronia latifolia, abyssinian banana, achillea ptarmica, annona reticulata, annunciation lily, arnica cordifolia, asarum virginicum, atropa belladonna, calocarpum zapota, calochortus albus, cestrum nocturnum, crotalus cerastes, datura stramonium, datura suaveolens, deadly nightshade, eleocharis dulcis, fibrous astrocyte, genus clostridium, genus mammillaria, genus nitrobacter, gloxinia spesiosa, greater spearwort, green douglas fir, guinea-hen flower, hakea lissosperma, hibiscus syriacus, hypericum ascyron, italian peninsula, lateral ventricle, lewisia cotyledon, limnodium spongia, lyonia ligustrina, montia cordifolia, nitrobacteriaceae, order spatangoida, oxalis acetosella, pieris floribunda, pistia stratiotes, pistia stratoites, platanus racemosa, polyodon spathula, porterhouse steak, protea cynaroides, ranunculus lingua, rubus parviflorus, sleeping hibiscus, sneezeweed yarrow, solanum aviculare, spreading pogonia, star-of-bethlehem, tall white violet, violet suksdorfia, yellow globe lily, yucca carnerosana

18 letters:
agrostemma githago, amanita phalloides, amygdaloid nucleus, bird's-nest fungus, bird's foot clover, blackcap raspberry, brugmansia arborea, calochortus luteus, checkered daffodil, chinese gooseberry, cleome hassleriana, common thorn apple, common wood sorrel, coumarouna odorata, crown-of-the-field, cyclophorus lingua, discina macrospora, elegant cat's ears, ensete ventricosum, enterobacteriaceae, european sea eagle, family bacillaceae, florida strap fern, florist's gloxinia, fool's huckleberry, fritillaria mutica, galtonia candicans, genus anigozanthus, genus cantharellus, greater stitchwort, haliatus albicilla, hart's-tongue fern, helleborus viridis, heteranthera dubia, hippocrepis comosa, hirundo pyrrhonota, horned rattlesnake, jack-in-the-pulpit, jawless vertebrate, leuciscus cephalus, lilium longiflorum, lily of the valley, limulus polyphemus, lotus corniculatus, mountain andromeda, oat cell carcinoma, orange peel fungus, pogonia divaricata, ranunculus ficaria, rubus occidentalis, scarlet fritillary, sinningia speciosa, stellaria holostea, subularia aquatica, superclass agnatha, sweet four o'clock, sweet pepper plant, sweet sand verbena, thespesia populnea, white trumpet lily

19 letters:
adder's tongue fern, arisaema atrorubens, arisaema triphyllum, bird's foot trefoil, broad-leaved montia, california bluebell, california sycamore, calochortus amoenus, calochortus elegans, class hyalospongiae, clatonia lanceolata, cleistes divaricata, convallaria majalis, crataegus tomentosa, crotalus adamanteus, desert sand verbena, evergreen wood fern, family papilionacea, family rhinobatidae, family rhizobiaceae, flowering raspberry, fritillaria affinis, fritillaria biflora, fritillaria recurva, genus cardiospermum, genus falcatifolium, gossypium herbaceum, heartleaf manzanita, helvella acetabulum, heuchera cylindrica, hypericum calycinum, lagenaria siceraria, latrodectus mactans, ledum groenlandicum, lepiota cepaestipes, meleagris gallopavo, mountain fetterbush, order eubacteriales, parnassia fimbriata, peltandra virginica, populus balsamifera, quercus marilandica, ranunculus flammula, shortia galacifolia, white fairy lantern, wolffiella gladiata, wynnea sparassoides, xylomelum pyriforme, yellow sand verbena

20 letters:
auricularia auricula, bullock's heart tree, calochortus amabilis, calochortus kennedyi, cassiope mertensiana, centaurium calycosum, chaetodipterus faber, common morning glory, cone friction clutch, corpus amygdaloideum, creeping wintergreen, dicentra spectabilis, elagatis bipinnulata, eustoma grandiflorum, flat tip screwdriver, floccose chanterelle, fritillaria agrestis, genus lemaireocereus, golden fairy lantern, great st john's wort, hooded pitcher plant, hyacinthus candicans, lilies of the valley, menziesia ferruginea, mirabilis longiflora, morning-glory family, nepal trumpet flower, orchis papilionaceae, pithecellobium dulce, platylobium formosum, polyporus tenuiculus, salpiglossis sinuata, sarcoscypha coccinea, scorzonera hispanica, seiurus aurocapillus, small cell carcinoma, suksdorfia violaceae, yellow pitcher plant

21 letters:
asarum shuttleworthii, brugmansia suaveolens, calochortus nuttallii, carya myristiciformis, chrysophyllum cainito, deoxyribonucleic acid, desert mariposa tulip, european black grouse, family convolvulaceae, fritillaria liliaceae, fritillaria meleagris, fritillaria micrantha, gaultheria procumbens, gentiana pneumonanthe, gypsophila paniculata, hypericum pyramidatum, lophophora williamsii, mushroom-shaped cloud, neoceratodus forsteri, order actinomycetales, order pseudomonadales, order torpediniformes, phacelia campanularia, pseudotsuga menziesii, rice-grain fritillary, salpichroa rhomboidea, subclass discomycetes, symplocarpus foetidus, trichomanes reniforme, xiphosurus polyphemus, yellow mariposa tulip

22 letters:
anacardium occidentale, austrocedrus chilensis, beaumontia grandiflora, campanula rotundifolia, canalis cervicis uteri, cantharellus floccosus, carya myristicaeformis, chinese water chestnut, crataegus calpodendron, cynoglossum officinale, desoxyribonucleic acid, dipladenia boliviensis, electrophorus electric, evening trumpet flower, falcatifolium taxoides, fritillaria imperialis, fritillaria lanceolata, fritillaria parviflora, gelsemium sempervirens, leiophyllum buxifolium, mandevilla boliviensis, pyxidanthera barbulata, salpichroa organifolia, streptosolen jamesonii, white-tailed sea eagle

23 letters:
broussonetia papyrifera, capsicum annuum grossum, contraceptive diaphragm, creeping st john's wort, diamondback rattlesnake, enterolobium cyclocarpa, family pseudomonodaceae, family thiobacteriaceae, lampropeltis triangulum, liriodendron tulipifera, ornithogalum umbellatum, playlobium obtusangulum, snake's head fritillary, wild lily of the valley, yellow-leaf sickle pine

24 letters:
anemonella thalictroides, cynoglossum virginaticum, family nitrobacteriaceae, hydrocharis morsus-ranae, rocky mountain bee plant

25 letters:
arctostaphylos andersonii, family enterobacteriaceae, lactuca sativa longifolia, narcissus pseudonarcissus

26 letters:
bruckenthalia spiculifolia, fringed grass of parnassus, polystichum acrostichoides, purple-flowering raspberry, saddled-shaped false morel, vangueria madagascariensis

27 letters:
funnel-crest rosebud orchid

28 letters:
brassica oleracea gongylodes

30 letters:
cucurbita maxima turbaniformis

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