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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to bearing:   (1035 results)

Often used in the same context:
imprinted, carrying, embossed, emblazoned, affixed, emblazed, inscribed, engraved, blazoned, signifying, stenciled, etched, stamped, superimposed, adorned, attached, plastered, beared, containing, symbolizing, hanging, embroidered, denoting, emblems, attesting, rests, cartouches, indicating, hoisting, festooned, inscription, minter, eyeblack, scrawled, uppermost, relation, bares, bearers, insignia, identifiable, tattooed, monogrammed, sewn, altered, fasces, yielded, resemblance, fastened, oversized, toting, scribbled, chevron, weighing, displaying, preprinted, obverse, upraised, unmistakable, dangling, dented, associated, withstanding, pontil, printed, similarity, drupe, alteration, fractional currency, waratah, scapulars, symbols, armorial, shouldering, identification, bespeak, holding, deformed, initials, shaped, slung, stitched, freighted, bulging, handwritten, imbedded, doorpost, laminated, ovate, mistaking, handing, crayoned, discernable, burdened, outspread, logos, palps, interposed, hinged, connotes, swaybacked, fruit, interlocking, ex, con, im, distinction, concern, incentive, independent, meaning, point, poise, purpose, re, utility, advantage, connexion, inducement, pre, rea, relevancy, respect, permeable, pervious, clayey, metalliferous, subjacent, arenaceous, auriferous, brecciated, denuded, fossiliferous, lateritic, leached, limy, mineralized, overlying, petroliferous, quartzitic, siliceous, stressed, surficial

More specific:
annulet, awkwardness, ball bearing, chevron, clumsiness, dignity, fifth wheel, fleur-de-lis, fleur-de-lys, gracefulness, journal bearing, lordliness, manner of walking, needle bearing, ordinary, roller bearing, roundel, slouch, tack, thrust bearing, walk

Appears in the definition of:
., abyssinian banana, acerola, acorn squash, actinidia, adam-and-eve, adenium multiflorum, adenium obesum, aecium, aframomum melegueta, aleurites fordii, almond tree, alpine sunflower, amarelle, amentaceous, amentiferous, american elder, american hazel, american persimmon, anacardium occidentale, ananas comosus, anastatica hierochuntica, anchovy pear, anchovy pear tree, angiocarp, annona cherimola, annona muricata, annona reticulata, annona squamosa, antheridiophore, aplectrum hyemale, apple tree, araucariaceae, araucaria araucana, araucaria bidwillii, araucaria family, arbutus unedo, arecaceae, areca catechu, armed, armorial, arrowleaf groundsel, artocarpus odoratissima, ascoma, attestation, aureolaria, austere, autographed, averrhoa bilimbi, averrhoa carambola, avocado, avocado tree, aware, azotaemia, azotemia, babbitting, baccate, bacciferous, balthasar, balthazar, banana, banana tree, barbados cherry, barren, bartle frere, basidiomycota, basidiomycotina, basidium, beach aster, bear, bearing brass, bell pepper, berried, berry fern, bertholletia excelsa, betel palm, big-bud hickory, bilimbi, bird pepper, black, blackness, black currant, black elderberry, black flag, black hickory, black huckleberry, black nightshade, bladed, blighia, bloodroot, bloom, blooming, blueberry, blueberry bush, boletaceae, boll, bombay ceiba, bond, bond certificate, boojum tree, brachiopod, bramble bush, branded, brazil-nut tree, brazil nut, breeding, briony, bryonia alba, bryony, bryophyta, bryozoan, buckthorn family, bulblet bladder fern, bulblet fern, bullace, bullock's heart, bullock's heart tree, bullock heart, bunya bunya, bunya bunya tree, burdened, butea frondosa, butea monosperma, buttercup squash, butternut squash, caesalpinia decapetala, caesalpinia sepiaria, calciferous, caliche, california buckthorn, california coffee, calochortus elegans, caltrop, calypso, calypso bulbosa, canavalia ensiformis, canavalia gladiata, capparis arborea, capparis mitchellii, capsella bursa-pastoris, capsicum, capsicum annuum cerasiforme, capsicum annuum conoides, capsicum annuum grossum, capsicum annuum longum, capsicum baccatum, capsicum frutescens, capsicum frutescens baccatum, capsicum pepper plant, carambola, carambola tree, carib wood, carnegiea gigantea, carpellate, carriage, carya, carya tomentosa, cashew, cashew tree, caspar, cattley guava, cayenne, cayenne pepper, ceiba pentandra, ceiba tree, cephalopod, cephalopod mollusk, charge, cherimoya, cherimoya tree, cherry pepper, cherry plum, cherry tomato, chickasaw plum, chilean hazelnut, chilean nut, chile hazel, chile nut, chile pine, chili pepper, chilli pepper, chilopoda, chinese anise, chrysobalanus icaco, cinnamon fern, cirio, citrus aurantifolia, citrus paradisi, class chilopoda, class coniferopsida, cleistocarp, cleistothecium, cobalt bloom, cobnut, coco, cocoa palm, cocoa plum, coconut, coconut palm, coconut tree, cocos nucifera, coco palm, coco plum, coco plum tree, coffeeberry, cola, cola acuminata, comate, common apricot, common nightshade, comose, cone, cone-bearing, cone pepper, conifer, coniferophyta, coniferophytina, coniferopsida, coniferous, coniferous tree, corallorhiza maculata, corallorhiza striata, corallorhiza trifida, corn, corozo, corozo palm, corylus, corylus americana, corylus avellana, corylus avellana grandis, cotton, cotton plant, cotyledon, court card, couvade, cowberry, cranberry, crataegus aestivalis, crested, cubeb, cubeb vine, cucurbita argyrosperma, cucurbita maxima, cucurbita maxima turbaniformis, cucurbita mixta, cucurbita moschata, cumquat, currant, currant bush, cushaw, custard apple, custard apple tree, cystopteris bulbifera, dak, darwin tulip, dated, dateless, date palm, decal, decalcomania, desert rose, devil's turnip, dhak, dictum, dignified, dignity, diospyros kaki, diospyros virginiana, direct, discontentedly, distinguished, division bryophyta, dog tag, dotted gayfeather, drawbar, dryland berry, dryland blueberry, early coral root, earth-nut pea, earthnut pea, edible banana, egg-producinga, eight ball, elegant cat's ears, ensete ventricosum, eponymic, eponymous, erigeron glaucous, eriophyllum lanatum, erythrite, ethiopian banana, european black currant, european dewberry, evergreen, fabaceae, face card, facts of life, fairy-slipper, family araucariaceae, family arecaceae, family boletaceae, family fabaceae, family lecythidaceae, family leguminosae, family palmaceae, family palmae, family rhamnaceae, family santalaceae, family sapindaceae, family tilletiaceae, fertile, fiddlehead, fiddlehead fern, fifth wheel, filbert, firethorn, fire thorn, flag, fleur-de-lis, foliaceous, foliaged, foliose, fortunella japonica, fortunella margarita, fossiliferous, fouquieria columnaris, foxberry, fructification, fruiting, fruition, fruit tree, gametophore, garambulla, garambulla cactus, garden current, gaspar, gastropod, gaylussacia baccata, gemmiferous, general, genip, genipa, genipap fruit, genipa americana, genus actinidia, genus aureolaria, genus bartle-frere, genus blighia, genus carya, genus cola, genus corylus, genus genipa, genus mangifera, genus melicocca, genus melicoccus, genus phlebodium, genus pyracantha, genus ribes, genus rubus, genus vaccinium, genus wolffia, genus wolffiella, giant stock bean, ginep, gleba, goa bean, goa bean vine, god tree, golden yarrow, goldfields, goora nut, grains of paradise, grape, grapefruit, grapevine, grape fern, gravitas, green dinosaur, grewia asiatica, grias cauliflora, ground cherry, grouse-berry, grouseberry, grouse whortleberry, guava, guevina avellana, guevina heterophylla, guidepost, guinea grains, guinea pepper, hammerhead, hammerhead shark, haricot, harmonious, hazel, hazelnut, hazelnut tree, hazel tree, heath pea, heavy, heavy-laden, hickory, hickory tree, high-bush blueberry, hog plum, hog plum bush, honey berry, honey mesquite, hortensia, hotbox, hot pepper, huckleberry, husk tomato, hydnocarpus laurifolia, hydnocarpus wightiana, hydrangea macrophylla hortensis, hymenium, hymenoxys acaulis, hymenoxys grandiflora, icaco, identifier, idria columnaris, illicium verum, immediately, impala lily, impressionistic, indian corn, indian crocus, information measure, iris, irish strawberry, irrelevant, ivory-nut palm, ivory palm, ivory plant, jack, jack bean, jagua, jalapeno, japanese persimmon, japanese plum, jatropha curcus, java pepper, jolly roger, journal, journal bearing, journal box, kaki, kapok, king, kit, knave, knock, knocking, kola, kola nut, kola nut tree, kudu lily, kumquat, kumquat tree, l-plate, labeled, labelled, lampshell, lamp shell, langsat, langset, lanseh tree, lansium domesticum, laocoon, lasthenia chrysostoma, lathyrus tuberosus, leatherleaf saxifrage, lecythidaceae, legume family, leguminosae, leptarrhena pyrolifolia, liatris punctata, license plate, lime, lime tree, lingberry, lingenberry, lingonberry, load-bearinga, loaded down, long pepper, lordliness, low-bush blueberry, low blueberry, lupin, lupine, lycopersicon esculentum cerasiforme, maize, majestic, malpighia glabra, mamoncillo, mangifera, mangrove, manila bean, maple, marang, marang tree, marasca, marasca cherry, maraschino cherry, marmalade box, marumi, marumi kumquat, mayhaw, melagueta pepper, melchior, melicocca, melicocca bijuga, melicocca bijugatus, melicoccus, mindful, mockernut, mockernut hickory, mock azalia, monkey puzzle, monocarpic, morello, moss animal, mountain cranberry, musa ensete, musa paradisiaca, musa paradisiaca sapientum, mustelid, musteline, musteline mammal, myrobalan, myrobalan plum, myrtillocactus geometrizans, mysore thorn, nagami, nagami kumquat, named, nameplate, native orange, native pear, native pomegranate, necklace, nectarine, nectarine tree, nephelium lappaceum, nephelium mutabile, nimbus, nimbus cloud, nodding groundsel, nominal, nominative, northern dune tansy, numberplate, nut pine, nut tree, obiter dictum, obverse, oil-bearing, old man of the mountain, olympian, omnidirectional radio range, omnidirectional range, omnirange, onymous, orange, orange tree, ore, osmunda cinnamonea, oval kumquat, pacific plum, palas, pale coral root, palmaceae, palmae, palm family, paprika, passionflower, passionflower vine, peach blight, pea family, pedicel, pedicle, peduncle, pepper, peridium, persea americana, phalsa, phanerogamae, phlebodium, phoenix dactylifera, physic nut, phytelephas macrocarpa, picture card, pillow block, pimento, pimiento, pineapple, pineapple plant, piper cubeba, pirate flag, pistachio, pistachio tree, pistacia vera, pistil, pistillate, plantain, plantain tree, plate, platform, pogonia, poison-berry, poisonberry, polychaete, polychaete worm, polychete, polychete worm, polypore, polyzoan, pomaderris apetala, poncirus trifoliata, pore fungus, pore mushroom, possumwood, posture, potato, prickly custard apple, princely, procreation, prolific, prosopis glandulosa, prunus angustifolia, prunus armeniaca, prunus cerasifera, prunus cerasus austera, prunus cerasus caproniana, prunus cerasus marasca, prunus insititia, prunus persica nectarina, prunus salicina, prunus subcordata, pseudonymous, psidium cattleianum, psidium littorale, psidium littorale longipes, psophocarpus tetragonolobus, puccoon, pulasan, pulasan tree, pulassan, pulse, purple strawberry guava, puttyroot, pyracanth, pyracantha, queen, quillwort, radio compass, rain cloud, rambotan, rambutan, rambutan tree, raspberry, raspberry bush, redroot, red currant, red raspberry, relevant, reproduction, resurrection plant, rhamnaceae, rhamnus californicus, rhizophora mangle, ribes, ribes nigrum, ribes rubrum, ribes sativum, rose of jericho, round kumquat, rubus, rubus caesius, sabinea carinalis, saguaro, sahuaro, sambucus canadensis, sandalwood family, sanguinaria canadensis, santalaceae, sapindaceae, sapphire berry, sarcophagus, seal ring, seaside daisy, sea mat, sea moss, seed leaf, seminiferous, senecio bigelovii, senecio doublasii, senecio triangularis, sertularian, service tree, shamefaced, shepherd's pouch, shepherd's purse, sierra plum, signet ring, signpost, silk-cotton tree, soapberry family, solanum jamesii, solanum nigrum, solanum tuberosum, sorbus domestica, sorbus torminalis, sorb apple, sorb apple tree, soursop, soursop tree, spaghetti squash, spall, spanish lime, spanish lime tree, spice tree, spike, sporangiophore, sporophore, spotted coral root, spray, squash, squash vine, star anise, star tulip, stela, stele, stemless hymenoxys, stern, strawberry, strawberry guava, strawberry tree, stressed, striped coral root, strobile, strobilus, subdivision basidiomycota, subdivision basidiomycotina, subdivision coniferophytina, summer haw, support, supporting, supportinga, surinam cherry, swamp blueberry, sweetsop, sweetsop tree, sweet elder, sweet pepper, sweet pepper plant, sword bean, sword lily, symplocus paniculata, t-bill, tabasco pepper, tabasco plant, tablet, tagged, tall bilberry, tanacetum douglasii, tangle orchid, telescopically, tetraneuris acaulis, tetraneuris grandiflora, tetterwort, threadleaf groundsel, thrust bearing, tilletiaceae, tine test, titular, trade acceptance, tragopogon dubius, treasury bill, trifoliata, trifoliate orange, truncocolumella citrina, tuberous vetch, tung, tung-oil tree, tung tree, turban squash, type, umbellar, umbellate, unaccented, undated, undramatic, ungraceful, univalve, unknown quantity, unobtrusively, unstressed, uraemia, uremia, vaccinium, vaccinium angustifolium, vaccinium corymbosum, vaccinium pallidum, vaccinium pennsylvanicum, vaccinium scoparium, vaccinium vitis-idaea, vanilla orchid, vanilla planifolia, venus's shoe, venus's slipper, venus' slipper, vice chancellor, water chestnut, water chestnut plant, weapons platform, weighed down, western honey mesquite, west indian cherry, white, white-heart hickory, white-rayed mule's ears, whiteness, white bryony, white currant, white potato, white potato vine, white silk-cotton tree, wild orange, wild potato, wild rice, wild service tree, winged bean, winged pea, winter crookneck, winter crookneck squash, wolffia, wolffiella, wonder bean, woody pear, wyethia helianthoides, xylomelum pyriforme, xylopia aethiopica, yellow cattley guava, yellow salsify, young-bearinga, zea mays, zizania aquatica

Part of:
rotating mechanism

More general:
bodily property, direction, heraldry, manner, personal manner, relatedness, support, way

aim, armorial bearing, carriage, charge, comportment, heading, heraldic bearing, load-bearing, mien, posture, presence, productive, supporting

Also try:
— Nouns for bearing: animals, rocks, age, trees, strata, plants, cells, minerals, capacity, deposits, areas, more...

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