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Words and phrases whose definition contains central:   (1866 results)

1 letter:

2 letters:
ar, co, hi, ic, il, ky, mi, mo, nd, oh, ok, rf, sd, tn, tt, up, wi, wv

3 letters:
aar, bse, cam, cia, cim, cpu, cst, ctc, dci, eye, fed, fes, fez, frg, frs, gsa, hub, imu, iva, key, nsc

4 letters:
aare, agua, alps, arno, avon, axis, bend, bill, body, cebu, chad, core, corn, cree, cyme, deep, down, drop, elbe, enid, eyre, fuji, gaba, gist, glia, gobi, gond, hays, iris, kivu, kuru, leon, lodz, lyon, najd, nave, nejd, note, oahu, ohio, paca, pith, sana, sian, soho, vaux, waco, webb, xian, yurt

5 letters:
alost, anzio, arena, argal, asama, balsa, bantu, batna, belau, bongo, brain, bryan, coati, congo, curia, darpa, delhi, dhole, durum, flint, focus, fuego, gafsa, gansu, gondi, guama, heart, hondo, hsian, hunan, kalka, kandy, kansu, kasai, kolam, kovna, kovno, kumis, kyoto, lanai, lazio, luxor, lyons, macaw, macon, maize, mamba, manda, miwok, munda, music, naiki, namur, nauru, newel, nidus, odesa, omiya, orono, ounce, palau, panga, parji, pecan, pelew, pengo, provo, saale, saiga, sanaa, selma, slask, sloth, speed, stele, taira, tajik, tatar, tayra, tchad, tepic, tiber, tonga, trent, upper, utica, uzbek, vichy, wuhan, yazoo, zaire, zaria

6 letters:
aalost, agency, agouti, allies, anchor, ankara, aquila, arauca, argali, argyle, argyll, arnhem, atrium, bangor, bangui, barren, belize, bogota, bonduc, bosnia, brasil, brazil, burden, cahita, caiman, casper, cayman, center, centre, chadic, chanal, chanar, chicot, chiloe, circle, craton, dahlia, denali, denver, durham, effect, fatiha, fresno, gopher, goujon, grison, hawaii, honshu, humber, iguana, ijssel, ithaca, kaluga, kaunas, kekchi, khalka, kichai, kigali, kirgiz, kolami, lander, latium, lhotse, ligand, lister, loiter, loyang, macula, malawi, marche, memory, middle, molise, monroe, mordva, moscow, mudcat, muncie, nagano, nuptse, ocelot, odessa, ollari, peoria, pierre, poitou, poland, polska, puebla, quiche, racoon, raffia, ranier, raphia, riyadh, rotary, ruanda, rwanda, salina, sana'a, sangay, senega, serbia, shiraz, singan, srbija, stevia, strand, suisse, suslik, tabora, tacoma, tadjik, tartar, temuco, tevere, toledo, turkey, umbria, upload, upsala, uptown, urbana, vermis, viborg, virino, warsaw, wausau, yakima, yamani, zambia

7 letters:
abilene, abruzzi, altoona, arcadia, attalea, austria, bighorn, bisayas, bolivia, boulder, brescia, burundi, bur oak, buzzard, caimito, caracul, castile, centred, centrex, chablis, changan, clinton, cochimi, coconut, colobus, complex, concord, cordoba, cordova, courlan, crapaud, crappie, crinoid, croatia, decatur, duramen, durango, esfahan, essence, etruria, everest, fabiana, fatihah, federal, firenze, fixture, focused, fuchsia, gadsden, galatia, germany, glasgow, gorilla, helleri, humulus, hungary, isfahan, jackson, jagatai, karakul, karbala, kerbala, kerbela, keynote, khalkha, kirghiz, koumiss, lockjaw, logwood, luoyang, machete, mahonia, manakin, maracay, marathi, marches, matchet, midland, midmost, midwest, mindoro, molokai, moravia, mordvin, nahuatl, nidaros, okinawa, olmsted, ontario, orizaba, orlando, orleans, pee dee, phrygia, pigweed, pintail, potomac, prakrit, prussia, quetzal, raccoon, raleigh, redding, reggane, ritalin, rutland, saginaw, schinus, schweiz, scrapie, seattle, sedalia, sherman, sichuan, silesia, slezsko, souslik, sudbury, swahili, tadzhik, tagalog, tamandu, tampere, taproot, tetanus, toscana, tuscany, unitary, uppsala, utrecht, vaquero, warlord, wichita, yavapai, yucatan

8 letters:
ageratum, amaranth, amberboa, american, araguaia, araguaya, arkansas, aspadana, auvergne, backbone, banknote, bismarck, bluegill, blue ash, bocconia, botswana, bow wood, brasilia, buckaroo, buckeroo, budapest, burr oak, calamint, camelina, cameroon, cameroun, capuchin, caracara, castilla, centered, chagatai, changtzu, chemnitz, chichewa, cocoanut, colorado, columbia, coon cat, cotopaxi, coventry, cow lily, daffodil, dopamine, dopastat, download, downtown, dravidic, edentate, el-aksur, emphasis, epilepsy, federate, fentanyl, florence, fuji-san, fujiyama, fuselage, gray fox, grey fox, hartford, heartrot, holy see, honduras, hrvatska, humboldt, illinois, indented, intropin, iron oak, jabalpur, jack oak, jaghatai, kentucky, keystone, khirghiz, kirgizia, kiribati, kordofan, l'aquila, liakoura, lilongwe, limousin, linchpin, lombardy, lynchpin, lyonnais, mahratti, mainstay, mandalay, manitoba, markweed, marmoset, martynia, mckinley, michigan, missouri, modiolus, mongolia, nucellus, nyamwezi, oklahoma, omdurman, overarch, panamica, panamiga, paraguay, pep pill, post oak, prescott, preussen, radially, revolver, rhodesia, richmond, ringtail, sagittal, salvador, samanala, sandwort, santa fe, santiago, sarasota, sea star, sensorya, slovakia, slovenia, solingen, staggers, starfish, sun gear, svizzera, syracuse, szechuan, szechwan, talapoin, tamandua, thessaly, the alps, timbuktu, timimoun, warszawa, west end, wurzburg, wytensin, yam bean, yokohama, zea mays, zimbabwe

9 letters:
abduction, acrocomia, adduction, ageratina, agua toad, amaterasu, analeptic, anarthria, anchorage, apeldoorn, bangalore, bank bill, bank note, bank rate, bearberry, blackjack, black haw, bluegrass, blue sage, box elder, brash oak, breadroot, broadtail, brummagem, brunswick, campeachy, cam river, centrally, champaign, charlotte, chernobyl, chongqing, chungking, connected, depressed, dexedrine, dravidian, dust bowl, dwarf oak, epilachna, federated, flagstaff, gladiolus, great war, greenback, grindelia, guanabenz, guatemala, headstone, heartland, heartwood, horsemint, hyderabad, kahoolawe, kimberley, kirghizia, lafayette, lake chad, lake eyre, lake kivu, leicester, lombardia, lynchburg, magnetron, mainframe, mansfield, marsh tea, mauna kea, mauna loa, melbourne, merrimack, mistletoe, mongoloid, mugo pine, musk deer, musk duck, nashville, neuroglia, nicaragua, nyasaland, old delhi, orleanais, parnassus, penobscot, pine fern, plugboard, princeton, processor, radiation, receptive, red maple, river cam, ruritania, sand sage, satellite, schlesien, sheatfish, sinningia, slovenija, snakehead, st. cloud, sublimaze, swordtail, syngonium, tampa bay, tennessee, thessalia, tien shan, tiger cat, tocharian, topminnow, trasimeno, trompillo, trondheim, turkestan, turkistan, twayblade, tyan shan, ventricle, waterbury, water mat, white fir, wild pink, wisconsin, woodhewer, worcester, wuerzburg

10 letters:
aare river, abies alba, anas acuta, arno river, athabascan, athabaskan, athapascan, athapaskan, bear grass, binghamton, birmingham, blackheart, black bear, bloomsbury, bundesbank, buttonwood, cakchiquel, caper tree, centralise, centralism, centrality, centralize, chachalaca, characidae, charleston, coneflower, costa rica, cotton rat, devolution, dipteronia, eau claire, elbe river, encephalon, farmington, fire-wheel, fire wheel, free state, fujinoyama, goose plum, gravelweed, greensboro, hard wheat, incidental, inner city, interlaken, jubbulpore, june grass, karakalpak, kirgizstan, kyrgyzstan, laurel oak, lemon mint, lophosoria, los alamos, louisville, lyre snake, mason city, melocactus, mistflower, montpelier, mordvinian, mount fuji, mt. ranier, mud turtle, mugho pine, naked lady, needlewood, new flower, nimblewill, old bailey, ovis ammon, panopticon, patchboard, percolator, peripheral, pine bluff, pinus mugo, poison ivy, poison oak, possum haw, projection, psychopsis, racerunner, river arno, river avon, rock maple, roundabout, sacramento, santa cruz, san angelo, sheep frog, singleness, sloth bear, snake-head, star apple, tajikistan, tallapoosa, tammerfors, tanganyika, tarahumara, tree sloth, tug-of-war, tumbleweed, turkey oak, turtlehead, tuscaloosa, twin falls, tyrannidae, upper avon, uzbekistan, valparaiso, versailles

11 letters:
acataphasia, acer rubrum, adam's peak, addis ababa, afghanistan, albuquerque, aloha state, amphetamine, annual fern, archenteron, august plum, austronesia, bakersfield, basket fish, basket star, bloomington, calabazilla, canafistola, canafistula, carpathians, cayuga lake, centerpiece, centralised, centralized, centrepiece, centripetal, channel cat, chapel hill, cherepovets, city center, city centre, coati-mondi, coati-mundi, concentrate, containment, contentious, cooperstown, coral snake, deutschland, devolvement, douroucouli, durum wheat, dwarf elder, el salvador, engelmannia, explosively, focal point, fringe cups, gainesville, genus dioon, german iris, gobi desert, gomphothere, goniopteris, grass snake, great falls, great lakes, hastinapura, hippocampus, hot springs, indian beet, indian corn, jersey fern, kasai river, kirghizstan, kogia simus, lake cayuga, lake chelan, lassa fever, lined snake, listeriosis, lister plow, little rock, loch achray, machiavelli, maharashtra, malvaviscus, marsh elder, meningocele, mesoamerica, middle west, mist-flower, mock orange, mount asama, mt. everest, needle-wood, needle wood, nimble will, oahu island, oesterreich, overcup oak, panther cat, paper money, parkinson's, perestroika, pike's peak, planet gear, pouched rat, pulp cavity, pumpkin ash, race runner, river kasai, river trent, saale river, saint cloud, sand lizard, santa clara, san antonio, scissortail, screw augur, shellflower, shingle oak, sidney webb, spatterdock, spinal cord, spotted owl, sugar maple, swamp maple, sweet elder, switchboard, switzerland, trent river, tupungatito, unsupported, white camas, wild lupine, winterberry, woodcreeper, world war 1, world war i, yazoo river, yellow spot

12 letters:
acer negundo, alaska range, badger state, big marigold, black locust, braunschweig, brittle-star, brittle star, bufo marinus, calvert vaux, center field, center stage, central city, central time, centre stage, cheddar pink, colorado fir, commonwealth, common daisy, common zebra, coyote state, cuon alpinus, decentralise, decentralize, easter daisy, east germany, eira barbara, fayetteville, fer-de-lance, fleet street, french congo, garter snake, genus acacia, genus dahlia, genus laelia, genus raffia, genus raphia, glade mallow, grand island, grand rapids, grant-in-aid, great plains, ijssel river, ilex decidua, inga laurina, in the midst, king vulture, lanai island, langue d'oil, lignum vitae, logwood tree, macular area, macula lutea, magyarorszag, meadow pipit, mohawk river, mongol tatar, mossycup oak, moss campion, mount elbert, mount ranier, mount tacoma, mt. mckinley, muscovy duck, nasua narica, nauru island, nonessential, north dakota, north platte, odontophorus, ohio buckeye, osage orange, parkinsonism, pearl oyster, planet wheel, prairie vole, quetzal bird, rudapithecus, saskatchewan, serpent star, shell-flower, side-to-side, snow leopard, sooner state, south dakota, spider nevus, spiny lizard, spongioblast, storm center, storm centre, tadzhikistan, the holy see, time sharing, tree creeper, turdus grayi, vina del mar, water carpet, west germany, wild pumpkin, wood-creeper, yucca glauca

13 letters:
abies lowiana, autumn crocus, banker's bill, bank of japan, beatrice webb, belgian congo, bighorn river, blackjack oak, box white oak, brook thistle, buckeye state, buffalo gourd, buffalo grass, butterfly pea, canada ginger, centralisinga, centralizinga, central gyrus, chamois cress, common iguana, decentralised, decentralized, deconcentrate, eastern turki, english daisy, false ragweed, felis tigrina, fishing eagle, folding money, freedom party, genus attalea, genus deutzia, genus fabiana, genus humulus, genus mahonia, genus schinus, gran santiago, harley street, hub-and-spoke, iguana iguana, ile-de-france, indian cherry, indian potato, indigo squill, in the middle, kentucky blue, liechtenstein, listera ovata, lister plough, michigan lily, middlebreaker, middle buster, mossy-cup oak, mountain pine, mount everest, mount sherman, napaea dioica, neurosyphilis, new brunswick, north-central, nuphar advena, palau islands, pee dee river, perennial pea, poa pratensis, pocket gopher, pogonia rosea, polygala alba, pomme blanche, potomac river, prairie aster, prairie berry, prairie gourd, prairie state, radial engine, rhus radicans, rotary engine, scarlet maple, sensory nerve, shaking palsy, show me state, south-central, spider orchid, sweet buckeye, turban squash, ursus ursinus, west virginia, wichita falls, wild hyacinth, wild rosemary, winston-salem, yellow locust

14 letters:
abies concolor, acer saccharum, american elder, american plane, araguaia river, araguaya river, aralia hispida, aztec marigold, bactrian camel, blanket flower, blind staggers, bloodwood tree, caryophyllidae, cassia fistula, cathartes aura, centralisation, centralization, central africa, chelone glabra, christmas tree, circumvolution, clearing house, cleistes rosea, clovis culture, colobus monkey, corpus sternum, cuniculus paca, czechoslovakia, czech republic, dahlia pinnata, dipodomys ordi, dnipropetrovsk, drumstick tree, emilia-romagna, epicyclic gear, false alumroot, felis pardalis, folsom culture, gansu province, genus amberboa, genus camelina, genus cannabis, genus tithonia, groundsel bush, groundsel tree, hizb ut-tahrir, hunan province, iles marquises, indian blanket, iris diaphragm, iris germanica, jefferson city, jewels-of-opar, krigia bulbosa, lacerta agilis, ledum palustre, leicestershire, lombard street, lothian region, macaroni wheat, martynia annua, meadow saffron, microprocessor, migrant shrike, mile-high city, missouri gourd, molokai island, mountain state, mount mckinley, myrtillocactus, outer mongolia, ozark sundrops, panthera uncia, paper currency, pedestal table, phrygian deity, planetary gear, poison mercury, prairie orchid, purging cassia, quercus cerris, quercus lyrata, revolving door, rosebud orchid, ruptiliocarpon, russian cactus, saiga tatarica, salt lake city, salvia reflexa, scarlet bugler, sharptail mola, sheep polypore, silene acaulis, silurus glanis, simpson desert, spanish guinea, spider angioma, stemless daisy, sundial lupine, symphoricarpos, tagetes erecta, tall sunflower, the queen city, traffic circle, tree celandine, triticum durum, turkey buzzard, turkey vulture, war to end war, winged pigweed, yekaterinoslav

15 letters:
acris crepitans, american copper, aramus guarauna, asclepia meadii, austria-hungary, banana republic, bank of england, bellis perennis, black snakeroot, bluegrass state, bombina bombina, bothrops atrops, capital of utah, cebus capucinus, central america, central heating, centrosymmetric, chadic language, channel catfish, ciudad victoria, collared lizard, common calamint, decentralisinga, decentralizinga, dwarf dandelion, elaeis oleifera, equus burchelli, false miterwort, false mitrewort, federal reserve, first world war, freshwater clam, gambier islands, genus acrocomia, genus ageratina, genus epilachna, genus grindelia, genus sinningia, genus syngonium, giant sunflower, golden pheasant, gorilla gorilla, government note, grison vittatus, gulf of corinth, gulf of lepanto, harlequin-snake, hungarian lilac, iva xanthifolia, karl-marx stadt, kyrgyz republic, lake tanganyika, land of lincoln, lepidium alpina, lesser anteater, mad cow disease, mead's milkweed, merrimack river, methylphenidate, mola lanceolata, mount parnassus, necklace poplar, new world tapir, ochroma lagopus, penobscot river, peruvian balsam, pin-tailed duck, pleasant island, pyramidal tract, rudbeckia hirta, russian capital, russian thistle, san luis potosi, sherwood forest, showy sunflower, slovak republic, south australia, squirrel monkey, syringa josikea, thorny amaranth, tibetan mastiff, turkish capital, vascular spider, visayan islands, volunteer state, wolverine state, yucca smalliana, zapus hudsonius

16 letters:
abruzzi e molise, african marigold, alpine sunflower, anthus pratensis, asarum canadense, asclepias meadii, ash-leaved maple, bay-leaved caper, black-eyed susan, black elderberry, bluegrass region, british honduras, burchell's zebra, bush honeysuckle, cairina moschata, capital of chile, catalpa speciosa, centennial state, central american, cirsium rivulare, clitoria mariana, colorado springs, consumption weed, cotton-seed tree, curlycup gumweed, dasyprocta aguti, dneprodzerzhinsk, electric catfish, euonymous alatus, european catfish, evoked potential, flathead catfish, fourth ventricle, friendship plant, gentiana procera, genus dipteronia, genus epiphyllum, genus lophosoria, genus melocactus, genus psychopsis, geomys bursarius, hakea leucoptera, hawaiian islands, indian breadroot, ipomoea tricolor, kahoolawe island, krigia dandelion, lace-flower vine, liatris punctata, lupinus perennis, maclura pomifera, medulla spinalis, melursus ursinus, micrurus fulvius, myelomeningocele, northern pin oak, ocellated turkey, ord kangaroo rat, poitou-charentes, pomme de prairie, prairie trillium, precentral gyrus, prunus americana, quercus stellata, ratibida tagetes, rattlesnake root, republic of chad, saimiri sciureus, sandwich islands, silvery wormwood, syringa josikaea, tallapoosa river, trafalgar square, upper avon river, ursus thibetanus, vermis cerebelli, waterwheel plant, wild sarsparilla, yellow pond lily

17 letters:
ahmed zoki yamani, amaterasu omikami, american oil palm, american red plum, american sycamore, aotus trivirgatus, aralia nudicaulis, aster turbinellis, bluegrass country, brassia verrucosa, brazilian capital, capital of brazil, capital of malawi, capital of poland, capital of rwanda, capital of turkey, capparis flexuosa, central dravidian, central processor, citellus citellus, desmodus rotundus, dotted gayfeather, dwarf sperm whale, equatorial guinea, family characidae, fire-bellied toad, freshwater mussel, galictis vittatus, genus goniopteris, genus malvaviscus, great lakes state, habenaria greenei, honduras mahogany, honduras rosewood, hungarian capital, hymenoxys acaulis, isthmus of panama, lonicera tatarica, malayo-polynesian, marquesas islands, missouri primrose, moehringia mucosa, northern bobwhite, northern rhodesia, old-maid's bonnet, orange free state, paralysis agitans, pilea involucrata, populus deltoides, postcentral gyrus, prairie sunflower, pritzelago alpina, pudding pipe tree, purple nightshade, quercus prinoides, republic of palau, rwandese republic, salvia lancifolia, santiago de chile, san joaquin river, sedative-hypnotic, sidney james webb, sigmodon hispidus, southern rhodesia, south sea islands, spiranthes cernua, spoonbill catfish, stratford-on-avon, szechwan province, triticum turgidum, wild sarsaparilla, yucatan peninsula, zigadenus glaucus

18 letters:
albatrellus ovinus, anemone virginiana, audubon's caracara, black-headed snake, bosnia-herzegovina, camelus bactrianus, capital of hungary, capital of vermont, carolina buckthorn, central chimpanzee, chrysopsis villosa, cirsium eriophorum, clay-colored robin, dense blazing star, dravidian language, eastern chimpanzee, eastern cottonwood, false sarsaparilla, federal government, fraxinus tomentosa, genus helianthemum, genus odontophorus, golden shower tree, gymnocladus dioica, hairy golden aster, kentucky bluegrass, kentucy blue grass, machine-accessible, monarda citriodora, myroxylon pereirae, northern territory, off-line equipment, off-line operation, opheodrys vernalis, pachyrhizus erosus, peace garden state, pharomacrus mocino, prairie coneflower, prairie gourd vine, prairie wake-robin, przevalski's horse, przewalski's horse, psoralea esculenta, puebla de zaragoza, quercus imbricaria, quercus macrocarpa, republic of malawi, republic of poland, republic of zambia, resplendent trogon, rudbeckia serotina, russian tumbleweed, san joaquin valley, sarcorhamphus papa, shovelnose catfish, silene caroliniana, smooth green snake, stemless hymenoxys, strix occidentalis, synaptomys cooperi, tapirus terrestris, texas purple spike, thomomys talpoides, townsendia exscapa, western chimpanzee, white horse nettle

19 letters:
amaranthus spinosus, amphetamine sulfate, anemia adiantifolia, artemisia filifolia, auxiliary equipment, auxiliary operation, battle of trasimeno, blood-brain barrier, bocconia frutescens, boocercus eurycerus, bosna i hercegovina, bristly sarsparilla, buchloe dactyloides, burweed marsh elder, camassia scilloides, capital of arkansas, capital of colombia, capital of colorado, capital of ethiopia, capital of missouri, capital of virginia, chrysolophus pictus, coastal rein orchid, colchicum autumnale, colinus virginianus, continental glacier, corticospinal tract, dwarf chinkapin oak, dwarf mountain pine, eastern coral snake, european silver fir, european turkey oak, four-lined leaf bug, four-tailed bandage, grindelia squarrosa, guaiacum officinale, heterotheca villosa, ictalurus punctatus, land of opportunity, langue d'oil french, lathyrus latifolius, lepomis macrochirus, lilium michiganense, listeria meningitis, loranthus europaeus, lycaena hypophlaeas, montezuma's revenge, moschus moschiferus, muscivora-forficata, niccolo machiavelli, parkinson's disease, prenanthes purpurea, purple poppy mallow, pylodictus olivaris, quercus marilandica, republic of austria, republic of bolivia, republic of burundi, republic of croatia, republic of hungary, resplendent quetzel, reticular formation, sambucus canadensis, stratford-upon-avon, swiss confederation, swiss mountain pine, talinum paniculatum, tellima grandiflora, tetraneuris acaulis, tiarella unifoliata, trillium recurvatum, victoria de durango, western coral snake, winged spindle tree, xyphophorus helleri

20 letters:
agriocharis ocellata, alsobia dianthiflora, amphetamine sulphate, aquila degli abruzzi, bristly sarsaparilla, calamintha sylvatica, california white fir, capital of tennessee, carpathian mountains, common morning glory, dwarf chinquapin oak, episcia dianthiflora, equisetum variegatum, federal reserve note, four-lined plant bug, gaillardia pulchella, gentianopsid procera, genus myrtillocactus, genus ruptiliocarpon, genus symphoricarpos, golden barrel cactus, habenaria leucophaea, helianthus giganteus, hub-and-spoke system, kentucky coffee tree, languedoc-roussillon, liatris pycnostachya, meadow jumping mouse, microtus ochrogaster, mount rushmore state, oenothera macrocarpa, parkinson's syndrome, plains pocket gopher, prairie golden aster, radially symmetrical, republic of botswana, republic of cameroon, republic of honduras, republic of kiribati, republic of paraguay, republic of slovenia, republic of zimbabwe, rhamnus carolinianus, robinia pseudoacacia, silver-leaved nettle, six-lined racerunner, southern bog lemming, variegated horsetail, vestibule of the ear, viburnum prunifolium, virginia thimbleweed

21 letters:
albatrellus dispansus, aldrovanda vesiculosa, anogramma leptophylla, baccharis halimifolia, callirhoe involucrata, capital of california, capital of new mexico, central standard time, chrysophyllum cainito, coordination compound, dalbergia stevensonii, echinocactus grusonii, european central bank, first baron passfield, frederick law olmsted, gastrophryne olivacea, geoffroea decorticans, great victoria desert, helianthus petiolaris, hexalectris warnockii, hymenoxys grandiflora, migratory grasshopper, new world coral snake, northern cricket frog, pan troglodytes verus, platanthera leucophea, platanus occidentalis, psychopsis krameriana, quercus ellipsoidalis, republic of guatemala, republic of nicaragua, republic of the congo, silverleaf nightshade, swietinia macrophylla, tamandua tetradactyla, tartarian honeysuckle, tragelaphus eurycerus

22 letters:
american leishmaniasis, bosnia and herzegovina, capital of connecticut, central vein of retina, cercopithecus talapoin, cucurbita foetidissima, eupatorium coelestinum, federal reserve system, fraxinus quadrangulata, helianthus laetiflorus, intelligence community, maximilian's sunflower, muhlenbergia schreberi, northern pocket gopher, pinctada margaritifera, poecilocapsus lineatus, pyramidal motor system, republic of costa rica, republic of tajikistan, republic of uzbekistan, sedative-hypnotic drug, selenarctos thibetanus, solanum elaeagnifolium, superfamily tyrannidae, toxicodendron radicans, vena centrales retinae

23 letters:
capital of north dakota, capital of saudi arabia, capital of south dakota, central american nation, central processing unit, conoclinium coelestinum, counterterrorist center, european woolly thistle, gamma aminobutyric acid, haliaeetus leucorhyphus, helianthus maximilianii, leishmaniasis americana, malopterurus electricus, micruroides euryxanthus, new world leishmaniasis, old man of the mountain, republic of el salvador, salsola kali tenuifolia, south-central dravidian, south american bullfrog, subclass caryophyllidae, tetraneuris grandiflora, tropidoclonion lineatum, verbesina helianthoides

24 letters:
capital of new hampshire, capital of west virginia, central african republic, central american country, clustered lady's slipper, cypripedium fasciculatum, scissortailed flycatcher, silver-leaved nightshade, urocyon cinereoargenteus, variegated scouring rush

25 letters:
articles of confederation, capital of central africa, capital of north carolina, capital of south carolina, chrysosplenium americanum, cnemidophorus sexlineatus, cycloloma atriplicifolium, diangus gratianopolitanus, free central placentation, haematoxylum campechianum, narcissus pseudonarcissus, national security council, state of the vatican city

26 letters:
amaranthus hypochondriacus, dextroamphetamine sulphate, equus caballus przevalskii, equus caballus przewalskii, german democratic republic, heroica puebla de zaragoza, islamic party of turkestan, penstemon centranthifolius

27 letters:
central intelligence agency, federal republic of germany, islamic group of uzbekistan, lanius ludovicianus migrans, large yellow lady's slipper, leptodactylus pentadactylus, martha beatrice potter webb, mongolian people's republic, mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, myroxylon balsamum pereirae, pan troglodytes troglodytes, western narrow-mouthed toad

28 letters:
baron alexander von humboldt, broad-leaved everlasting pea, financial management service, islamic state of afghanistan, nasopharyngeal leishmaniasis, oncidium papilio kramerianum, polyborus cheriway audubonii, prairie white-fringed orchid, prairie white-fringed orchis

29 letters:
federal home loan bank system, federative republic of brazil, great plains of north america, principality of liechtenstein, republic of equitorial guinea

30 letters:
bovine spongiform encephalitis, central african republic franc, central intelligence machinery, cucurbita maxima turbaniformis, pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, st. vincent and the grenadines

31 letters:
cypripedium calceolus pubescens, general services administration, national intelligence community, satureja calamintha officinalis

32 letters:
democratic republic of the congo, director of central intelligence, saint vincent and the grenadines

33 letters:
capital of the russian federation

34 letters:
republic of bosnia and herzegovina

36 letters:
dryopithecus rudapithecus hungaricus, united states intelligence community

40 letters:
baron friedrich heinrich alexander von humboldt, defense advanced research projects agency

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