Words and phrases that have a meaning related to forfeit: (158 results)
Often used in the same context:
lose, relinquish, voided, vacate, surrender, confiscated, decisioned, reimburse, pocketed, pinned, disgorge, repay, waive, withdraw, fined, deducted, cashed, revoked, suspend, reinstated, stripped, garnisheed, forego, owed, disqualified, refunded, withhold, rescind, forgo, cede, shot put, resign, donate, penalized, extorted, misappropriated, disenroll, wrestle, accept, embezzled, pay, dishonorable discharge, impounded, abide, earn, expelled, includible, wager, defaulted, treble damages, defer, stashed, transferred, cheated, swindled, high jump, nullified, seize, junior varsity, sanction, reconsider, nolo contendere, launder, readmit, declare, probated, pawned, renounce, disbarring, retire, compensatory damages, gridder, second period, stolen, defrauded, annulled, won, accrued, matches, defeated, guaranteed, bribe, cancel, deeding, third period, reassign, medley relay, allot, earing, first period, clinched, punished, bet, dunned, abdicate, mortgaged, reprimand, surety bond, terminate, totaling, recoup, liquidated, penalty, ransom, toll, disappointment, expiation, recompense, reward, temptation, dowry, punishment, stake, discount, emolument, misfortune, sacrifice, calamity, fine, gamble, qualification, forfeited, owne, whose, fairer, unencumbered, charmed, cooler, coveted, deathless, exciting, glorious, half, hetter, inalienable, mans, own, ravaged, seigneurial, shrouded, tortured
More specific:
Appears in the definition of:
spin the plate, spin the platter
More general:
abandon, act, human action, human activity, loss
Also try:confiscate, forfeiture, give up, lost, render, throw overboard
— Adjectives for forfeit: such, deadly, heavy, same, exact, small, usual, large, penal, vile, less, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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