Words and phrases that have a meaning related to motion:  (770 results)
Often used in the same context:
resolution, nonsuit, request, petition, reconsideration, continuance, pleadings, reargument, summary judgment, adjournment, untimeliness, summary judgement, supersedeas, injunction, surrebuttal, default judgment, demurrer, angular velocity, counterclaim, automatism, interlocutory injunction, kinematic, subpoena duces tecum, nolle pros, ex parte, eadweard muybridge, remittitur, quo warranto, writ, temporary injunction, zoetrope, tabling, germaneness, permanent injunction, deposition, peristalsis, amendment, handrest, windup, proceedings, lawsuit, dissolution, judder, impleading, stereographic, action, court, rehearing, interpleader, appeal, certiorari, prejudgment, affidavits, muybridge, yawing, nolle, application, appellate court, document, mandamus, countermove, ragdoll, ruling, suit, stroboscope, objection, contentions, impaneling, tachyarrhythmia, joinder, rewinding, countersuit, recusing, judge, stereoscopy, waggle, kinetoscope, dephasing, docketing, circular, ejectment, reflex, saccade, cartway, compensator, nem con, pronation, laches, aftra, hearing examiner, amicus curiae brief, vacatur, incorporation, gimbals, proposal, arguments, stipulation, simultaneity, interpellation, indigency, pirouette, plenary, motions, movement, rotation, vibration, acceleration, flexing, movements, oscillation, rotational, flow, undulation, displacement, fluctuation, moving, pull, shearing, swing, tilting, turning, deceleration, lapse, cinematographic, stereoscopic, dynamic, holographic, programmed, scattering, screen, sequential, design, dimensional, filmic, multiparameter, neurophysiological, stroboscopic, surrealistic, tomographic, bioelectric, cartographic, electrophysiological
More specific:
abduction, adduction, advance, advancement, agitation, approach, approaching, ascending, ascension, ascent, backlash, beck, beckon, bend, bending, bless, body english, bow, bowing, bow down, brownian motion, brownian movement, cam stroke, change of location, chase, circumduction, clap, closing, coming, commotion, crawl, cross oneself, deflection, deflexion, descent, disturbance, eversion, everting, extend, facial expression, facial gesture, flicker, flourish, flutter, following, forward motion, gesture, glide, harmonic motion, haste, hastening, headshake, headshaking, heave, hold out, hurry, hurrying, inclination, inclining, inversion, jerk, jerking, jolt, kick, kicking, kneel, kneeling, locomotion, lunge, lurch, maneuver, manoeuvre, moving ridge, nod, obeisance, onward motion, opening, palpitation, passage, passing, pedesis, pitch, pitching, play, posing, precession, present, previous question, progress, progression, prostration, pursuit, put out, quiver, quivering, reach, reaching, rebound, reciprocation, reclining, recoil, repercussion, retroflection, retroflexion, return, rise, rush, rushing, salute, seek, shakiness, shaking, shift, shifting, shrug, shutting, sign, sign of the cross, sitting, slide, span, spat, speed, speeding, squat, squatting, squeeze, squirm, standing, straddle, stream, stretch, stretch forth, stretch out, stroke, sweep, swinging, throw, translation, travel, traveling, travelling, trembling, tremor, turn, twist, upending, v sign, wafture, wave, waver, waving, whirl, wiggle, wink, wobble, wrench, wriggle, wring
Appears in the definition of:
., academy award, academy of motion picture arts and sciences, activate, activatinga, active, actuate, actuatinga, aerodynamics, aerodynamic force, aerofoil, aeromechanics, agitated, aileron, airfoil, airsick, airsickness, air cushion, air sick, air sickness, air spring, along, animation, antivert, apparent motion, apparent movement, armature, around, arthur marx, articulatio, articulation, astrodynamics, astrometry, atarax, attitude, axial motion, axial rotation, backspin, balk, ballistic, beak, beat, begin, benadryl, be adrift, birr, blow, body english, brown, brownian motion, brownian movement, bumpy, cam, cardiac tamponade, carsick, car sickness, catabatic wind, catalepsy, cataphoresis, catch, celestial mechanics, celluloid, cellulose triacetate, check, chico, chop, chop shot, cine-camera, circle around, circle round, city of the angels, clapperboard, classical mechanics, clog, clogged, cogwheel, commence, conjunct, connecting rod, constraint, control surface, convection, coriolis effect, coriolis force, curve, curved shape, detector, dielectrolysis, dimenhydrinate, diphenhydramine, disturbance, drag, dramamine, drift, drive in, driving belt, eadweard muybridge, edmond halley, edmund halley, edward james muggeridge, eisenstein, electromagnetic, electrophoresis, endorsement, ephemeris time, errant, exceedance, fetal movement, fidget, fidgetiness, filmable, filmmaker, film clip, film maker, film producer, fin, first, first law of motion, fixed star, flap, flapping, flick, flip, float, floor, flow, flowage, flowing, fluctuation, fluid, flutter, fluttering, flying, flying start, foetal movement, forward, four-tailed bandage, free, free fall, frictionless, gear, gearing, gears, geartrain, gear mechanism, gear wheel, gesticulation, gesture, get going, get off the ground, go, goad, grab, groucho, halley, harmonic motion, harpo, herbert marx, hooke, house, hydraulic engineering, hydrodynamics, hydrokinetic, hydrokinetics, hydrostatics, hydroxyzine, hydroxyzine hydrochloride, inactive, inaugural, indorsement, induction, inert, inertia, inertial frame, inertial mass, inertial reference frame, inflame, initiation, initiative, initiatory, integral, ionophoresis, irritate, isaac newton, jar, jarring, jerk, jiggle, joggle, johannes kepler, johan kepler, joint, jolt, jolting, jolty, julius marx, katabatic wind, kepler, kepler's law, kepler's law of planetary motion, kill, kinematics, kinetic, kinetic energy, kinetic theory, kinetic theory of gases, kinetoscope, lead off, leonard marx, linkage, liveliness, los angeles, lurch, maiden, mal de mer, marx, mean solar time, mean time, mechanical phenomenon, mechanics, meclizine, meclizine hydrochloride, michelson-morley experiment, mobile, motion-picture camera, motional, motionless, motionlessness, motivea, motor, move, movement, mover, movie camera, movie maker, moving, muybridge, naupathia, newton, newton's first law, newton's first law of motion, newtonian mechanics, nod, nonmoving, on, oppose, orbital motion, orbital rotation, oscar, palpitant, palpitating, palpitation, parmenides, passage, passing, pass over, peck, pedesis, periodic motion, periodic movement, perpetual motion, perturb, phenergan, pick, pieter zeeman, piston, pitch, pitching, planetary, pluck, plunger, plunk, power train, precession, preview, previous question, prevue, principle of relativity, prod, promethazine, proposer, ptolemaic, pull, puller, pulsate, pump action, quiver, quivering, rack and pinion, radiator, range, reciprocate, recognition, relativistic mass, resistance, restless, restlessness, restraint, retarding force, reverse, revolve around, robert brown, robert hooke, roll, roll over, rotating shaft, rough, roughly, running start, scissors kick, scoop shot, scopolamine, screening, screw, seasick, seasickness, second, seconder, secondment, seesaw, sensing element, sensor, sergei eisenstein, sergei mikhailovich eisenstein, servo, servomechanism, servosystem, setscrew, set in motion, set off, shaft, shakiness, shaking, shamble, shambling, showing, shuffle, shuffling, side-to-side, sidereal, sidereal time, simple harmonic motion, sir isaac newton, sky, slice into, slice through, slide action, sliding, slinging, snap, snatch, soundtrack, sound film, spark, spark off, spin, spin drier, spin dryer, squirm, squirming, start, start up, static, steerageway, still, stillness, stir, stirred, stop, submarine, support, surface, sustain, swing, swipe, swirl, swirling, swoop, swoop up, synchronise, synchronize, take-up, take hold of, take off, take the floor, tdt, technicolor, teeter, terrestrial dynamical time, terrestrial time, theater, theatre, theorize, thrower, throw back, thrust, thrusting, toss, toss back, totter, touch off, trailer, train, transmission shaft, trembling, triacetate, tribology, trigger, trigger off, trip, tt, twiddle, twirl, twist, twisting, twitch, unagitated, under way, undulate, undulation, unmoving, variation, vibration, vibrator, viewing, vistaril, volution, vote, waggle, wamble, wave, whir, whirl, whirling, whirr, whirring, wide-screena, wiggling, wiggly, wipe, wobble, work, worm, worm gear, wrench, wrestle, wriggle, wriggling, wriggly, writhe, writhing, yaw, zeeman, zeno, zeno of elea, zeppo
Also try:
— Nouns for motion: exercises, video, studies, study, picture, photography, animation, machines, pictures, abnormalities, analysis, more...

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