Words and phrases that have a meaning related to gag: (210 results)
gag line, laugh line, punch line, tag line
Often used in the same context:
joke, parody, lampoon, punchline, skit, wisecrack, merkin, farting, spoof, non sequitur, guffaw, groaner, giggle, upchuck, conniption, lame, absurdity, foolery, shtick, muzzle, swearword, quip, flatulence, lamebrain, jape, puns, vajayjay, farce, satire, coitus interruptus, silliness, hilarity, gag reflex, schtick, hacky, chastity belt, pranking, handjob, buffoon, inane, wedgie, dopey, chortle, codpiece, jabberwocky, scuzzball, ridiculousness, liners, catchphrases, punsters, titter, minge, mockery, meanie, daftly, cusswords, comedian, sophistries, fatuousness, zingers, raillery, milady, buffoonery, humor, badinage, chucklehead, boner, underpants, satirists, poke fun, jesters, corniest, levity, weasel, cheesy, queer duck, shtik, bunghole, inanity, whatsit, twit, cooky, slapstick, zaniness, ickiness, switcheroo, tsks, tickler, blackball, blabbermouth, cooch, vulgarism, laugh, euphemisms, yuks, ninny, halfwit, caricature, gibberish, fluffer, douche bag, butt, gags, gimmick, stunt, commercial, trick, advertisement, ploy, pre, recipe, scam, story, bait, cartoon, dodge, gambit, batch, drink, outfit, aforesaid, called, inflexible, lish, rewrite, wellknown, admiralty, canonical, distribution, ecclesiastic, hated, house, iniquitous, juster, known, law, made, martial, ordained, plasma
More specific:
belly laugh, blue joke, blue story, dirty joke, dirty story, ethnic joke, funny story, good story, howler, one-liner, riot, scream, shaggy dog story, sick joke, sidesplitter, sight gag, thigh-slapper, visual joke, wow
More general:
Also try:barf, be sick, cast, cat, chuck, compact, compress, constraint, constrict, contract, disgorge, honk, humour, hurt, hush, hush up, jest, press, puke, quieten, regorge, regurgitate, restraint, retch, shut up, sick, sicken, silence, spew, spue, squeeze, still, suffer, throw up, vomit, vomit up, wit, witticism, wittiness
— Adjectives for gag: old, good, new, wooden, visual, little, sulfated, methyl, best, anti, funny, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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