Definitions of hurt:

  • noun:   a damage or loss
  • noun:   feelings of mental or physical pain
  • noun:   psychological suffering
  • noun:   any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
  • noun:   the act of damaging something or someone
  • verb:   feel physical pain
    Example: "Were you hurting after the accident?"
  • verb:   cause damage or affect negatively
    Example: "Our business was hurt by the new competition"
  • verb:   give trouble or pain to
    Example: "This exercise will hurt your back"
  • verb:   hurt the feelings of
    Example: "She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests"
  • verb:   feel pain or be in pain
  • verb:   be the source of pain
  • verb:   cause emotional anguish or make miserable
  • adjective:   suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle
    Example: "Ambulances...for the hurt men and women"
  • adjective:   used of inanimate objects or their value
  • name:  A surname (common: 1 in 10000 families; popularity rank in the U.S.: #1234)