Words and phrases that have a meaning related to sight: (312 results)
Often used in the same context:
eyesight, peripheral vision, eye, eyeshot, spectacle, stares, glary, rheumy, gaze, vision, spitting distance, blink, loveliness, desolation, snowscape, beady, screech, squint, touch, eyeful, cawing, sense, reverie, gleam, gloaming, bawling, glint, speckle, moment, greenhead, splendor, endlessness, clopping, beetling, vantage point, turkey buzzard, pinkness, irony, stillness, front, vista, rearview mirror, herbaceous border, standing, sky, smell, twinkling, forty winks, visual acuity, gape, semidarkness, retching, beholders, flicker, afterimage, beauty, visage, daydreamers, binoculars, alpenglow, horizon, mirage, glow, geezerhood, redbird, decrepitude, blindness, realization, headlights, scratchiness, dailiness, whirr, coup de foudre, roar, killingly, symmetry, thrill, onlooker, murmuring, picture, countenances, tootle, crab nebula, neverland, mind, disheartenment, darkness, regularity, sunniness, juddering, impossibility, chirpiness, rearview, flappy, mischance, kerplunk, mooses, zooming, surcease, blackburnian warbler, rumbling, pristine, sights, apparition, tale, thing, things, creature, dream, story, climax, deliverance, exhibition, prospect, wreck, adventure, bunch, epitaph, happening, los, bandwidth, alignment, microwave, multipoint, quasistatic, scan, transport, continous, diffusional, shortwave, instantaneous, modulation, polarization, satellite, shortrange, stream, thermoelastic, through, brownian
More specific:
acuity, bombsight, descry, detect, discover, espy, find, gunsight, night-sight, night vision, notice, observe, seeing, sharp-sightedness, sightedness, spot, spy, stereoscopy
Appears in the definition of:
., alidad, alidade, amaurosis, appear, appearance, at first sight, audiovisual, audiovisual aid, awe-inspiring, backstage, bedim, benight, blind, blinded, blindness, block, braille, bury, catching, cecity, clear away, clear off, collimate, collimation, coursing, criminal, curler, demonstration, descry, detection, disappearance, disappearing, dispatched, dragunov, espial, espy, evanescence, eye, eyeless, greyhound, gun-sight, gunsight, heartwarming, hide, hide out, humility, impregnably, in sight, limitation, locate, lose, louis braille, not by a long sight, obfuscation, obscure, obstruct, ocular, oculus, offstage, optic, optical, out of sight, patent, peep sight, perceivable, plane table, presentation, presentment, prima facie, radial velocity, remarkable, screen, secrete, see, sightless, sightlessness, spectacle, spot, spotting, spy, spying, stray, telescope sight, telescopic sight, touch, unseeing, uprise, valuable, vanishing, velvet, velvety, vision defect, visual, visual defect, visual disorder, visual impairment, wing, yon, yonder
Part of:
firearm, piece, small-arm, surveying instrument, surveyor's instrument
More general:
compass, comprehend, display, grasp, look, looking, looking at, modality, optical instrument, perceive, perspective, position, range, reach, sense modality, sensory system, view, visual image, visual percept
Also try:batch, deal, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, muckle, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, slew, spate, stack, survey, tidy sum, visual modality, visual sense, wad, whole lot, whole slew
— Nouns for sight: seeing, reading, seers, singing, saving, transmission, velocity, lines, feed, propagation, paths, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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