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Words and phrases that almost rhyme with quarte:   (227 results)

(These are near rhymes. For exact rhymes, click the "Rhymes" link above.)

1 syllable:
art, bart, bert, blurt, burt, cart, carte, chart, chert, curt, dart, dirt, fart, flirt, girt, hart, heart, hurt, kurt, mart, part, pert, quirt, shirt, skirt, smart, spurt, squirt, start, tart, turret

2 syllables:
hardy, jerky, sharpy, barbie, shirty, perky, corky, gorki, bargee, parky, birdie, darkie, shorty, turki, yardie, tardy, bercy, sturdy, derby, wordy, murky, sporty, chirpy, dirty, sharpie, harpy, turkey, mirky, gorky, porgy, corgi, quirky, thirty, sortie, forty, warty, alert, apart, assert, astarte, at heart, avert, bar chart, bass part, bit part, black art, by heart, concert, convert, depart, descartes, desert, dessert, divert, dress shirt, ecarte, exert, eye chart, fifth part, fine art, flip chart, flow chart, folk art, fourth part, fresh start, full skirt, golf cart, good part, grass skirt, hair shirt, head start, impart, inert, insert, invert, kick start, lawn cart, name part, op art, overt, pay dirt, pervert, pie chart, plant part, restart, revert, right smart, sea squirt, spare part, sport shirt, star chart, stuffed shirt, subpart, subvert, take heart, take part, tea cart, tee shirt, tenth part, udmurt, unhurt, voice part, weak part, yoghurt

3 syllables:
brush turkey, beef jerky, talk turkey, welsh corgi, cape verde, picardy, trimurti, abstract art, after part, athlete's heart, at the start, a la carte, ballet skirt, bleeding heart, body part, break apart, bullock's heart, bullock heart, color chart, come apart, disconcert, donkey cart, enlarged heart, evening shirt, extravert, fall apart, garden cart, gathered skirt, graphic art, hit the dirt, hobble skirt, jarvik heart, keep apart, know apart, laundry cart, line of heart, lobster tart, marriage mart, martial art, naval chart, pastry cart, pick apart, pilot chart, plastic art, polo shirt, purple heart, reassert, reconvert, serving cart, set-apart, set apart, shopping cart, snellen chart, take apart, take to heart, tear apart, tease apart, tell apart, unalert, water cart, weather chart, work of art

4 syllables:
water turkey, animadvert, calorie chart, commercial art, component part, dramatic art, for the most part, frozen dessert, on the alert, overexert, rene descartes, state of the art, taking apart, watering cart

5 syllables:
organ of corti, pianoforte, kentucky derby, artificial heart, complex body part, culinary art, gelatin dessert

6 syllables:
atrium of the heart, external body part, imaginary part, navigational chart, organization chart

7 syllables:
jarvik artificial heart, left atrium of the heart, order of the purple heart, right atrium of the heart

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