Words and phrases that have a meaning related to pattern: (421 results)
approach, approach path, glide path, glide slope
Often used in the same context:
trend, patters, patten, modus operandi, motif, norm, triangle, striations, vicious cycle, characteristic, periodicities, tactic, periodicity, phenomenon, downtrend, zodiacal light, sine curve, gaussian distribution, uptrend, chart, wavelike, zigzag, paradigm, correlation, neckline, symmetry, tendencies, template, rhombus, coloration, trajectory, zonation, contours, inverse relationship, bell curve, habits, behavior, thread, phylogenies, theme, exponential decay, iridescence, discontinuity, method, quasicrystal, whorl, cycles, curvatures, type, chequerboard, equilateral triangle, propensity, anticyclones, trope, cyclicity, mechanism, radiuses, typologies, scenario, bipolarity, sgraffito, fibonacci, spider web, epistasis, phenotype, fractal, checkerboard, silhouette, oscillation, punctate, vicious circle, peduncle, chronology, chironomid, starburst, spicule, linear regression, calmodulin, formations, awns, mottling, laterality, gaussian, shapes, sequence, trait, spiral, theory, horizontality, aberration, lateralization, corrugation, parabola, raglan sleeve, kurtosis, cascade, metamorphism, oligomer, graph, mindset, anomaly, rickrack, pattem, patterns, pattems, configuration, arrangement, storyline, constellation, schema, scheme, gestalt, plan, dynamic, modus, profile, setup, framework, constraint, document, object, category, compiler, form, list, concept, gradient, component, endpoint, image, map, multiobjective, rule, topic, alignment, assignment
More specific:
bear claw, biologism, cannibalism, careerism, code of behavior, code of conduct, cooperation, cross dressing, custom, damascene, decal, decalcomania, device, emblem, fashion, featherbedding, formalism, habitude, linocut, lynch law, marking, mistreatment, modernism, mores, mosaic, naturism, nudism, one-upmanship, peonage, polka dot, popery, ritual, ritualism, scale, screen saver, slavery, sovietize, strand, symbolism, tattoo, transvestism, transvestitism, unwritten law, usage, weave
Appears in the definition of:
., allover, alter, argyle, argyll, assimilative, bar, brinded, brindle, brindled, brocade, brocaded, brussels carpet, burled, candlewick, canonic, canonical, carpet snake, chainlink fence, check, clear-cut, collembolan, common morel, cotoneaster horizontalis, crisscross, crush, crushed leather, cyclonic, damascene, damask, dance, dapple-gray, dapple-grey, dappled-gray, dappled-grey, device, diaper, dimity, dithered color, dithered colour, dog's-tooth check, dogs-tooth check, dogstooth check, dotted, dot matrix printer, dot printer, drawl, elaborate, elizabethan sonnet, embossed, english sonnet, example, fanciful, flap, flecked, fluctuate, follow, fossilised, fossilized, fractal, free verse, fret, fretted, garter stitch, genotypic, genotypical, geometrical irregularity, gestalt, greek fret, greek key, habit, herringbone, hideous, holding pattern, honeycomb, horner's syndrome, hound's-tooth check, houndstooth check, inherent aptitude, instinct, interlaced, inwrought, irregularity, italian sonnet, key pattern, key word, laid, lattice, latticed, latticelike, lithograph, lithograph machine, lobe, loop, looped, major lobe, malabsorption syndrome, marking, marseille, matrix printer, measure, meme, model, moire, morchella esculenta, morelia spilotes variegatus, mosaic, needlepoint, nonconformist, nonsolid color, nonsolid colour, norm, openwork, ossification, ossified, ossify, overall, paisley, parterre, patchwork, patterned advance, petrarchan sonnet, petrify, pink, point lace, polarise, polarize, polka dot, powder method, powder photography, powder technique, print, progression, python variegatus, radial keratotomy, raised, refine, regular, repetition, retained, rigidify, roll, rosette, scale, scan, scleroderma aurantium, scleroderma citrinum, sequence, shakespearean sonnet, shape constancy, size constancy, sleep disorder, snake, social organisation, social organization, social structure, social system, specked, speckled, speech pattern, spenserian sonnet, spenserian stanza, sponge morel, sponge mushroom, springtail, stencil, stippled, strand, structure, stylus printer, sunburst, syllabicity, syndrome, tabby, tailor's tack, tessellation, texture, tie dye, tracery, tradition, trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toe, tumble, unconformist, undulate, use, vacillate, vein, vers libre, watered, watered-silk, wave, waver, weave, whorled, wire matrix printer, wire printer, wont, wove paper, x-linked dominant inheritance, x-linked recessive inheritance, x-ray diffraction, zonal
Part of:
percept, perception, perceptual experience
More general:
activity, agree, copy, correspond, decoration, exemplar, fit, gibe, good example, imitate, jibe, match, ornament, ornamentation, path, practice, program, programme, route, simulate, tally
Also try:approach pattern, blueprint, convention, design, figure, formula, normal, shape, traffic pattern
— Nouns for pattern: recognition, formation, making, classification, vision, matching, oriented, directed, makers, perception, reversal, more...
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