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Words and phrases whose definition contains food:   (1180 results)

bar, bast, beet, beg, bird, bit, bite, board, bolt, bowl, bran, bread, brill, brit, britt, bruise, cake, can, cast, cheese, chew, chill, chyme, cloy, club, cod, cook, corn, craw, crop, dear, dish, dole, dress, drift, drum, dry, eat, egg, eggs, fao, fare, fast, fat, feed, fish, fold, fork, found, fowl, freeze, full, game, give, grass, grill, grunt, hake, hare, hate, hawk, help, hives, hunt, ill-fed, jaw, keep, knock, krill, lamb, lap, leg, lift, ling, love, mast, meal, meat, mess, milk, mince, mouth, nice, oat, perch, phloem, pike, plain, plate, ply, pomfret, prey, prim, range, rate, rice, rind, roach, roam, roll, rove, run, salt, sauce, scraps, scrounge, seed, serve, shad, side, slop, smelt, snag, snook, sole, sop, sops, soup, soy, spice, spoilt, spoon, spread, spud, squid, starve, starved, stew, stodge, stove, stray, stuffed, sup, swan, swede, sweet, tempt, thirst, ti, tin, touch, tramp, trap, tray, treat, trim, tripe, trout, whelk, yam

adapt, airlift, alewife, along, amount, ample, basin, bean curd, begging, blackfish, black bream, bluefish, bolti, bolt down, bolus, bombproof, breadline, breadstuff, bread line, butcher, buy food, caboose, canape, canned food, canned foods, canned goods, canteen, carcase, carcass, cater, catfish, cat food, cerriped, chenfish, chewing, chicken, chinese, chinook, chitlings, chitlins, chocolate, choking, chopstick, chopsticks, chow line, cichlid, cisco, clingfilm, cling film, clupeid, codfish, colon, coney, conger, consist, cookhouse, cooking, cover, cowpea, cuisine, cyclops, dark meat, dearly, deep-freeze, deepfreeze, dicer, diet, digest, diner, dipus, disgust, dish out, dish up, dislodge, dog food, dollop, dolphin, donkin, drumfish, dunker, eatage, eater, eating, eat up, enough, equip, exclude, exhaust, famine, famish, famished, fasting, fast food, fatty, feeder, feeding, field pea, filling, finish, fish farm, fish slice, fixings, flathead, fodder, foodie, foodless, foodstuff, food bank, food cache, food fish, food stamp, food waste, food web, forage, fowler, freezer, fresh food, fresh foods, frog legs, galley, garbage, garnish, gather, gizzard, gorger, gourmet, go down, grass pea, gray skate, greenling, griddle, grillroom, groundnut, guinea, haddock, handout, hawkbill, hawksbill, health food, heath pea, helping, herring, high-speed, horsebean, horseflesh, horsemeat, horse grain, horse gram, hotplate, hot plate, hunger, hungry, hunting, hunt down, icebox, intake, issue, jewfish, junk food, kaffir, kafir corn, kaoliang, kellogg, kibble, kingfish, kosher, lacing, laden, lampshell, lamp shell, larder, lenten, lingcod, maiger, maigre, manna, mercy, mincer, morsel, moth bean, mucus, mudcat, mullet, mumble, murphy, nectar, nightclub, nightspot, nonstick, nourish, oil cake, olive, order, paca, packrat, pack rat, panfish, party, pasture, patty, pet-food, petfood, pet food, plaice, platter, plenty, poacher, pollack, pollock, pompon, porgy, porridge, porter, portion, potherb, poulet, poultry, preserve, presume, provide, ptomaine, puree, quarry, rabbit, ramble, ration, reaper, refuse, regale, reheat, repast, roaster, rockfish, rock bass, ropey, roughage, rough fish, rumen, saffron, sago, salad, salmon, salting, salver, sameness, sampler, sand dab, sardine, saurel, scavenge, scoffer, scombroid, sea bass, server, serve up, serving, sheepshead, shelf life, shiner, sicken, skimmer, skipjack, slaughter, snack food, snapper, sockeye, soja, solid, soul food, soya, soybean, spadefish, sparid, spatter, starter, starving, steamer, stomach, striped bass, striper, sucker, supping, supply, swallow, sweet oil, sweet tooth, swinish, swordfish, sword bean, table, takeout, take out, tarsier, taster, tasting, tater, tautog, tidbit, tilefish, tinned goods, tin can, titbit, tofu, toothpick, track down, trade rat, trencher, trepang, triage, trophic, trotter, tuber, tuck in, tuna, tunny, turkey, turner, turnstone, typhoid, upkeep, uptake, volaille, wader, wahoo, wander, wash down, weakfish, weaning, whitefish, white perch, whiting, wholesale, wildfowl, wild bean, wild rice, wolffish, wolfish, wolf fish, worker, yoghourt, yoghurt, yogurt

abstentious, abstinent, acetum, additive, agouti, allowance, altricial, amaranth, ambrosia, ambrosial, amyloid, angelfish, anguillan, anywhere, arctic moss, automat, autophyte, autotroph, bain-marie, barbecue, barbeque, barnacle, beggary, black-eyed pea, black margate, blanquillo, blue pointed, bomb shelter, bonito, bon vivant, brasserie, breakfast food, buffet car, butterfish, cabaret, caloric, calorie, cannery, canvasback, caramel, carrion, cassava, casserole, caterer, catering, cavalla, centralize, cereal, cerripede, channel cat, chitterlings, choice morsel, cholera, chopping block, cichlid fish, clear the throat, clupeid fish, cobia, coffee stall, coloring, colouring, comfort food, common beet, common salt, compactly, confection, conger eel, consumption, cookery, cooking stove, coughing up, cover charge, critical, curassow, currajong, cutlery, deep freezer, dehydrate, dieting, digestion, dika bread, dining car, diving duck, doggie bag, doggy bag, dollarfish, dolphinfish, dumbwaiter, e. coli, earthnut pea, eatable, edacious, edible, english sole, epicure, everywhere, finger food, first stomach, flavorer, flavoring, flavourer, flavouring, food color, food colour, food cycle, food hamper, food product, food turner, foraging, formula, free-liver, freeze-drying, frozen food, frozen foods, gadidae, garbage down, gastric mill, gastronome, gingery, gluttonous, glycine max, gobble up, grain merchant, gray mullet, greasily, great millet, greediness, groundnut vine, gruiformes, guinea fowl, halibut, harvester, haute cuisine, hibernate, hogchoker, hoggishness, holibut, hungrily, hungriness, iceland moss, iguana, ingestion, insipid, kaffir bread, kaffir corn, kalumpang, kelp greenling, khesari, killable, king salmon, kitchen range, kitchen stove, kurrajong, lake herring, leftover, leftovers, lemon sole, maintenance, manducate, manduction, manioc, marasmus, market square, masticate, medallion, mexican, microwave, mulloway, nettle rash, nutrition, octopus, ovenware, pabulum, package tour, pasteurise, pasteurize, pasturage, piggishness, plentiful, polish off, pompano, poor man's pulse, potato, pothunter, predaceous, predacious, predigest, prickly pear, privation, provender, provision, purveyor, put away, rainbow smelt, rapacious, rationing, ravening, ravenous, red porgy, red rockfish, red salmon, red snapper, reindeer moss, revolting, rock gunnel, rock salmon, rock sunfish, rudderfish, runner bean, saran wrap, schoolmaster, scombridae, scombroid fish, seasoner, seasoning, sea catfish, sea lamprey, sergeant fish, serranid, serving cart, serving dish, ship's galley, short-order, short order, shovel in, side of meat, silver perch, similar, soja bean, souari, soup kitchen, soya bean, soybean plant, sparid fish, staff of life, starvation, star anise, striped marlin, sufficient, sugary, sustainment, sustenance, sweetening, table salt, take-away, takeaway, takeout food, take away, taste-tester, taste tester, thoughtfully, tripletail, tucker-bag, tuck away, underfed, untempting, unwholesome, vagabond, venison, victual, victuals, vinegar, voracious, wading bird, water flea, white croaker, white sturgeon, wine and dine, worker bee, yellowtail

ablactation, abstemious, abundantly, agriculture, air-raid shelter, appetiser, appetizer, aquaculture, aspergillus, berlin airlift, bermuda chub, bioattack, biogenic, bladder senna, blueback salmon, bonito shark, boric acid, bottom feeder, botulism, brachiopod, brama raii, bryan donkin, bunya bunya, calamari, calamary, canvasback duck, carangidae, cassava starch, cereal grass, channel catfish, chinese anise, chinook salmon, chlorophyta, comestible, common barley, condemnation, consumer goods, convenience food, convenience store, cost of living, cowpea plant, cultivation, decentralize, deprivation, diarrhea, diarrhoea, dietary, dietetics, domestic carp, edible corn, ephestia, esurient, food additive, food allergy, food coloring, food colouring, food company, food poisoning, food processor, food pyramid, freshwater bass, freshwater fish, gastronomy, genus dipus, giardiasis, haustorium, hawksbill turtle, honeycomb tripe, horse mackerel, iceland lichen, inanition, indian pea, inedible, ingredient, irradiate, irritation, jack mackerel, java olives, king mackerel, large calorie, large intestine, lecanora, little black ant, mahimahi, malnourishment, manioca, manna lichen, mastication, mendicancy, mincing machine, molva molva, mucoraceae, myrmecophyte, noncaloric, omophagia, oral fissure, organically, pagrus pagrus, palatable, particular, penelope, peristalsis, potato bean, preparation, quinnat salmon, rechewed food, regurgitate, reindeer lichen, revitalize, rima oris, rumination, rutabaga, safflower oil, saffron crocus, salmonella, saltwater fish, sanitary, sanwa millet, saprophytic, sarcodina, sarcodine, sarda sarda, saxitoxin, scarlet runner, sclerotium, scomber scombrus, sensuously, serranid fish, sockeye salmon, souari nut, souari tree, sunflower seed, suspiciously, sustentation, swedish turnip, toaster oven, true sago palm, tuberous vetch, typhoid fever, undernourished, undigested, uneatable, unmolested, urtication, ventriculus, white potato, will keith kellog, winter flounder, yellow turnip

abramis brama, accommodation, alimentation, ambloplites rupestris, american plaice, atlantic herring, autophytic plant, cardiospasm, class sarcodina, clupea harangus, common iguana, common mackerel, common opossum, confectionery, crocus sativus, culinary art, cultivated rice, dehydrated food, dehydrated foods, delicatessen, digestive system, dining compartment, domestic pigeon, eating utensil, electric mixer, enteric fever, epicurean, european bream, european sole, family scombridae, food elevator, fortification, gadus merlangus, government issue, great barracuda, heimlich maneuver, hepatitis a, hordeum vulgare, hydrogenation, infrigidation, irish potato, isurus glaucus, japanese millet, jerusalem thorn, kilocalorie, kitchen appliance, kitchen utensil, lathyrus sativus, lopholatilus, luxembourgian, manna from heaven, metal detector, microstomus kitt, microwave oven, miraculous food, mucous secretion, naturopathy, open-air market, oral cavity, order gruiformes, oryza sativa, pacific herring, pacific sturgeon, package holiday, pasteurisation, pasteurization, penicillium, pholis gunnellus, pomatomidae, prickly pear cactus, ptomaine poisoning, refrigeration, refrigerator, salmonellosis, sarcodinian, scarlet runner bean, sciaena aquila, scophthalmus rhombus, sillaginidae, sodium nitrite, sorghum bicolor, spanish mackerel, tortoiseshell turtle, trophobiosis, trophotropism, undernourishment, urticaria, vermiculation, victory garden, vigna sinensis, yellowtail snapper

atlantic bonito, benzoate of soda, beta vulgaris, biologic attack, bulimarexia, bulima nervosa, cafeteria tray, caramelized sugar, chaetodipterus faber, chrysophrys auratus, chrysophrys australis, cuniculus paca, cyprinus carpio, delicatessen food, dolichos biflorus, european flatfish, european sea bream, family carangidae, family gadidae, family mucoraceae, food manufacturer, genus aspergillus, genus ephestia, genus penelope, heimlich manoeuvere, iguana iguana, illicium verum, indian cholera, indian potato, kilogram calorie, kyphosus sectatrix, lathyrus tuberosus, looseness of the bowels, lutjanus apodus, lutjanus blackfordi, lyophilisation, lyophilization, merlangus merlangus, metroxylon sagu, military issue, numida meleagris, onchorynchus nerka, onchorynchus tshawtscha, open-air marketplace, osmerus mordax, parophrys vitulus, petromyzon marinus, pleuronectes platessa, pyloric stenosis, roccus saxatilis, rutilus rutilus, sacramento sturgeon, sciaena antarctica, sodium benzoate, solea solea, sphyraena barracuda, trachurus trachurus, trinectes maculatus, vigna unguiculata, w. k. kellogg, xiphias gladius

amebic dysentery, amoebic dysentery, apios tuberosa, artificial additive, biological attack, biological warfare, chinese restaurant syndrome, cordyline terminalis, coregonus artedi, coryphaena hippurus, dasyprocta aguti, division chlorophyta, encephalartos caffer, epidemic cholera, escherichia coli, euphausia pacifica, family pomatomidae, family sillaginidae, genus lopholatilus, genus penicillium, hippoglossoides platessoides, ictalurus punctatus, infectious hepatitis, japanese barnyard millet, makaira mitsukurii, monomorium minimum, morone americana, ocyurus chrysurus, orthoboric acid, pagellus centrodontus, pomatomus saltatrix, poronotus triacanthus, rachycentron canadum, starvation acidosis, sterculia foetida, systema digestorium, tinea pellionella, trachurus symmetricus

acipenser transmontanus, alosa pseudoharengus, apios americana, autotrophic organism, aythya valisineria, brachychiton populneus, caryocar nuciferum, cetraria islandica, colutea arborescens, didelphis virginiana, gastrointestinal system, genyonemus lineatus, holothuria edulis, macrotyloma uniflorum, monosodium glutamate, neotoma cinerea, ophiodon elongatus, parkinsonia aculeata, phaseolus coccineus, phaseolus multiflorus, pollachius pollachius, scomberomorus cavalla, tilapia nilotica, zizania aquatica

cafeteria facility, canavalia gladiata, cladonia rangiferina, clupea harengus harengus, gastrointestinal disorder, melanogrammus aeglefinus, nonbiodegradable pollution, pomolobus pseudoharengus, salmonella typhimurium, systema alimentarium, vigna aconitifolia

anisotremus surinamensis, archosargus probatocephalus, echinochloa frumentacea, eretmochelys imbricata, pseudopleuronectes americanus, staphylococcal enterotoxin

food and agriculture organization

food and agriculture organization of the united nations

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