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Things allegoric often describes (“allegoric ________”)
figures, interpretation, meaning, figure, method, form, sense, significance, poem, interpretations, personages, character, ally, structure, signification, representation, riches, fable, style, statue, sisterhood, painting, representations, tale, description, poetry, vision, characters, shapes, nature, story, significancy, sketch, images, machinery, romance, forms, language, pictures, terms, gentlefolks, symbolism, design, picture, paintings, patience, manner, values, fables, fiction, types, dreams, roman, expression, explanations, history, poems, names, being, mode, vein, visions, function, bards, narrative, lore, core, generality, purpose, traits, dialogue, theology, passages, fancy, allusions, imagery, personification, symbols, construction, emblems, drama, spirit, sort, speech, composition, mystery, reference, content, floats, scene, masons, progeny, wonders, poets
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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Click on a word above to view its definition.