Words and phrases that rhyme with think-tanker: (28 results)
3 syllables:
blight canker, cast anchor, drop anchor, oil tanker, scrimshanker, sea anchor, sheet anchor, stem canker, waist anchor, weigh anchor
blight canker, cast anchor, drop anchor, oil tanker, scrimshanker, sea anchor, sheet anchor, stem canker, waist anchor, weigh anchor
4 syllables:
apple canker, chestnut canker, dropping anchor, egg-and-anchor, mooring anchor, mushroom anchor, supertanker
apple canker, chestnut canker, dropping anchor, egg-and-anchor, mooring anchor, mushroom anchor, supertanker
5 syllables:
investment banker
investment banker
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (81 results)
2 syllables:
amber, ampere, anger, banter, camber, camper, candor, candour, canter, cantor, chanter, clamber, clangor, damper, dander, gander, grantor, hamper, kantor, langur, namtar, pamper, pander, planter, rangpur, ranter, sander, scamper, slander, tamper, tangor, tramcar, vamper, vampire
amber, ampere, anger, banter, camber, camper, candor, candour, canter, cantor, chanter, clamber, clangor, damper, dander, gander, grantor, hamper, kantor, langur, namtar, pamper, pander, planter, rangpur, ranter, sander, scamper, slander, tamper, tangor, tramcar, vamper, vampire
3 syllables:
shinplaster, ringmaster, kidnapper, cliffhanger, dispatcher, clothes hamper, commander, decanter, demander, drum sander, enchanter, false vampire, food hamper, germander, goosander, left-hander, levanter, lysander, meander, philander, right-hander, show anger, supplanter
shinplaster, ringmaster, kidnapper, cliffhanger, dispatcher, clothes hamper, commander, decanter, demander, drum sander, enchanter, false vampire, food hamper, germander, goosander, left-hander, levanter, lysander, meander, philander, right-hander, show anger, supplanter
6 syllables:
alpine salamander, climbing salamander, fire salamander, giant salamander, lieutenant commander, limestone salamander, roman coriander, shasta salamander, slender salamander, spotted salamander, tiger salamander
alpine salamander, climbing salamander, fire salamander, giant salamander, lieutenant commander, limestone salamander, roman coriander, shasta salamander, slender salamander, spotted salamander, tiger salamander
7 syllables:
olympic salamander
olympic salamander
8 syllables:
arboreal salamander
arboreal salamander
9 syllables:
pacific giant salamander
pacific giant salamander
10 syllables:
european fire salamander
european fire salamander
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