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Things enable often describes (“enable ________”)
box, input, button, option, interrupts, checkbox, signal, access, students, output, users, people, mode, bit, inputs, line, control, support, logging, use, auditing, command, others, encryption, management, compression, pulse, password, figure, signals, sharing, grips, roles, authentication, buttons, macros, interrupt, children, menu, individuals, selection, employees, members, parents, women, debugging, lines, register, property, check, tracking, quotas, detection, teachers, participants, pupils, user, spreadsheet, security, updates, space, protection, events, function, passwords, learners, communities, firewall, managers, caching, staff, cache, file, routing, recording, pin, processes, options, nat, filtering, customers, patients, column, clients, tracks, enterprise, notification, client, commands, checking, fig, account, acls, click, encoding, controls, paging

How enable often is described (“________ enable”)
select, click, active, serial, forward, high, disable, void, byte, binary, receive, sleep

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