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Things elliptic often describes (“elliptic ________”)
functions, equations, orbit, integrals, curves, problems, orbits, curve, integral, equation, springs, motion, function, form, geometry, cylinder, problem, filter, type, leaves, section, shape, operators, spring, polarization, coordinates, space, systems, operator, filters, arch, point, cryptography, case, points, paraboloid, path, distribution, elements, flow, cylinders, hole, cryptosystems, incision, pdes, involution, theory, arches, plane, arcs, vibration, arc, sections, paths, loading, leaflets, surface, cone, wing, figure, front, pde, approximation, region, comets, polarisation, plate, solvers, surfaces, trajectory, umbilic, lamina, disc, vibrations, ally, geometries, crack, ring, solver, multiplication, motions, outline, trajectories, excision, ornaments, sentences, inequality

How elliptic often is described (“________ elliptic”)
semi, full, quarter, half

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