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Things anaemic often describes (“anaemic ________”)
patients, condition, conditions, children, women, persons, state, patient, subjects, cases, appearance, murmurs, girls, individuals, girl, states, woman, murmur, child, hypoxia, necrosis, blood, symptoms, anoxia, person, infants, type, animals, face, look, mice, headache, infarcts, rats, pallor, subject, females, body, youth, creature, mothers, factor, dogs, infant, brain, faces, growth, origin, aspect, heart, infarction, iron, boy, headaches, skin, infarct, individual, mother, bruit, existence, cabman, lips, rabbits, complexion, babies, sun, convulsions, principle, desuetude, souls, soul, tissue, constitution, version, failure, degeneration, twin, veins, sort, hue, creatures, obesity, infarctions, wonder

How anaemic often is described (“________ anaemic”)

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