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Things socratic often describes (“socratic ________”)
method, dialogue, dialogues, philosophers, philosophy, irony, questioning, doctrine, dialectic, question, tradition, teaching, view, schools, questions, school, philosopher, ignorance, elenchus, sense, approach, manner, position, wisdom, ethics, paradox, principle, thought, theory, circle, conception, style, ideal, spirit, thinkers, definition, inquiry, discourse, argument, fashion, writings, paradoxes, dictum, problem, conversation, discussion, knowledge, discourses, mode, love, model, notion, methods, idea, thesis, conversations, maxim, intellectualism, teacher, dialectics, technique, literature, injunction, gadfly, reasoning, practice, examination, rationalism, seminars, principles, philosophizing, discussions, search, greeks, seminar, art, concept, quest, arguments, element, elenchos, reflections, doctrines, interrogation, turn
How socratic often is described (“________ socratic”)
pre, post, more, true, non, anti, early, genuinely, called, false, pure, eminently, didactic, genuine
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