Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with saintly:
2 syllables:
ae ci,
age he,
age p,
age three,
age we,
aiff c,
aim c,
aim xxi,
bade me,
base fee,
base t,
blamed me,
blame me,
brace key,
breaks free,
break fee,
break free,
break key,
cage free,
came he,
case be,
case he,
case she,
case we,
change key,
change we,
chased me,
chaste tree,
claimed he,
claimed she,
claims he,
claim he,
craig lee,
date he,
date tree,
dave g,
days he,
days she,
days we,
day be,
day he,
day she,
day three,
day we,
day z,
dcsk av,
dp ap,
face he,
face me,
face she,
failed me,
fail me,
faith he,
faith we,
game he,
game t,
game tree,
game we,
gave me,
gave thee,
gave three,
gds ac,
great glee,
great sea,
great tree,
hates me,
hate me,
hei t,
jake lee,
james lee,
james v,
jay d,
jay dee,
jay tee,
jay z,
jay zee,
kate lee,
k tea,
late shri,
lmsw ap,
made free,
made me,
made three,
mais qui,
makes free,
makes me,
make me,
make tea,
make thee,
make three,
may be,
may bee,
may he,
may see,
may she,
may tree,
may we,
names he,
name be,
name he,
name she,
name three,
name we,
nc ac,
page three,
page vii,
paid me,
pained me,
pains me,
pain free,
pain he,
pain knee,
pain she,
pay me,
phase three,
placed me,
place he,
place she,
place we,
plains cree,
plate vii,
plate viii,
plate xii,
played key,
play he,
play me,
pls ap,
praise be,
praise thee,
pray thee,
quake c,
raised me,
raped me,
rate he,
rate we,
rnase d,
rnase p,
safe t,
saint diƩ,
saint prix,
saith he,
sales fee,
same be,
same key,
same three,
same tree,
saved me,
saves me,
save me,
save thee,
say he,
say she,
say we,
sgs ac,
shaped ski,
skate ski,
slave tty,
slay me,
space key,
space sci,
space we,
splay tree,
ssf ap,
stage he,
stage three,
stage we,
states be,
states he,
states we,
state be,
state he,
state tree,
state we,
stay c,
takes me,
takes three,
take me,
take tea,
take thee,
take three,
they be,
they see,
trace free,
trace p,
trade me,
tw ac,
wakes me,
wake me,
waved me,
ways he,
ways she,
ways we,
way be,
way he,
way she,
way we,
wei he,
wei qi,
yay me
6 syllables:
airbus a380

What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?

This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.

You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!

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