Words and phrases that have a meaning related to planetary:  (161 results)
Often used in the same context:
cosmic, galactic, astrophysical, celestial, interstellar, cosmological, jovian, asteroidal, extragalactic, celestial sphere, dynamical, exoplanet, eclipsing binary, gravitational interaction, uranian, orbiting, circumstellar, cometary, radial velocity, electroweak, oort cloud, venusian, nebular, polar, extraterrestrial, baryon, gravitational, neutron star, epsilon aurigae, milky way galaxy, celestial mechanics, saturnian, andromeda galaxy, biosphere, proxima centauri, interplanetary, alpha centauri, earthlike, intergalactic, heliocentric, geomagnetic, planetesimal, cosmic ray, asteroid belt, planetary nebula, antiproton, redshift, interstellar medium, geocentric, spectroscopic, sextile, einsteinian, angular momentum, quasiparticle, omega centauri, interstellar space, outer space, lunar, subatomic, transhuman, relativity theory, circumpolar, hadron, auroral, gravitational attraction, magnetic monopole, lagrangian, entropic, climatological, atmospheric, nucleon, sidereal, gluon, particle physics, spiral galaxy, cosmic rays, anthropic, superdense, convective, antiparticle, primordial, quantum mechanics, subatomic particle, plate tectonics, oceanic, hadean eon, hubble constant, noachian, biotic, thermodynamic, cosmic dust, hydrologic cycle, tycho brahe, relativistic, malefic, quasar, fainter, macroscopic, sunward, geosphere, strange quark, harlow shapley, dada, european, industrial, mayan, solar, urban, academic, agricultural, alexandrian, andean, arrival, aryan, asean, atm, atomic, austronesians, balkan, bantu, biblical, breeding, stellar, cosmical, homogeneous, macrocosmic, terrestial, vortical, asteroid, astral, microcosmic, nonhomogeneous, societary, incompressible
Also try:
— Nouns for planetary: system, motion, systems, orbits, nebulae, motions, bodies, nebula, atmospheres, layer, electrons, more...

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