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Words and phrases that almost rhyme with luscher:   (67 results)

(These are near rhymes. For exact rhymes, click the "Rhymes" link above.)

2 syllables:
puffer, hussar, other, rather, lover, hover, duffer, souther, snuffer, mother, cover, buzzer, suffer, nuphar, bluffer, plover, brother, pother, smother, glover, buffer, tougher, tusser

3 syllables:
blood brother, den mother, big brother, dust cover, cloud cover, another, queen mother, uncover, recover, earth mother, discover, frame buffer, ground cover, bed cover, book lover, floorcover, great mother, half-brother, lens cover, print buffer, slipcover, soft-cover, some other, stepbrother, the other, wine lover

4 syllables:
undercover, rediscover, foster mother, foster brother, keyboard buffer, little brother, manhole cover, mattress cover, music lover, oven stuffer, record cover, spiny puffer, starting buffer

5 syllables:
surrogate mother, animal stuffer, every other, many another

6 syllables:
one after another

Table of complete results:

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