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Things gret often describes (“gret ________”)
cemetary, honour, plentee, reverence, violence, forest, cumpany, multitude, men, joy, hast, altercacioun, nye, light, wonder, hous, distresse, palucca, contree, sclaundre, shame, diligence, kyng, nunnerie, power, drede, devocioun, yle, estate, tempest, chere, harm, inoghe, fagalds, tymes, blame, mone, sweryng, noblesse, debate, byinge, god, thing, gelding, use, army, altercation, brains, body, loue, myracle, helpe, house, prolixite, trial, swering, kyngdom, fear, hevinesse, pay, deligence, peces, store, vertue, grefe, pitty, trespas, lord, joye, necessite, compas, stant, sacrament, wardon, chane, crieyng
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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