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Words and phrases that rhyme with genus amoeba:   (80 results)

2 syllables:
biba, ceiba, cheba, cheeba, cheebah, chiba, ciba, creba, deeba, dgeba, eba, gleba, guiba, iba, naeba, reba, rebbe, riba, sheba, shiba, veba, yaeba, zebah, zieba

3 syllables:
akiba, ameba, ameeba, ariba, arriba, bath-sheba, bathsheba, becuiba, beersheba, bourguiba, chozeba, cohiba, habiba, hephzibah, kariba, kosiba, lebleba, madiba, mareeba, medeba, morcheeba, nechyba, nuweiba, sahiba, sahibah, saliba, tatoeba, toshiba, yaiba, zareba, zareeba, zariba, zeriba

4 syllables:
alysheba, arariba, coereba, copaiba, curitiba, dientamoeba, elisheba, endameba, endamoeba, entameba, entamoeba, jehosheba, katashiba, mostahiba, myxamoeba, paramoeba, parnahiba, parnahyba, parnaiba, saqaliba

5 syllables:
acanthamoeba, iodamoeba, lashkar-e-tayyiba

Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (104 results)

2 syllables:
leda, nepa, pita, frigga, cheetah, riga, theca, greta, rita, nita, pieta, rica, sega, sheika, sheikha, triga, zepa

3 syllables:
nerita, ouachita, auriga, rosita, corrida, carica, tulipa, akita, gravida, paprika, myrica, merida, baryta, topeka, sciatica, brassica, eureka, anita, arnica, cahita, cestida, culcita, excreta, galega, genipa, la-di-da, leoncita, maxzide, mylitta, nikita, numida, phasmida, samhita, unita, velveeta

4 syllables:
tanganyika, arachnida, asafetida, maiolica, senorita, chlorophyta, margarita, ophiurida, euryalida, araneida, manzanita, annelida, amoebida, feterita, amanita, anaspida, budgereegah, chelonethida, cucurbita, cydippida, diabeta, federita, glossopsitta, hexamita, matsushita, melanitta, ningishzida, panamiga, phoronida, pica-pica, ratibida, tadarida

5 syllables:
pentastomida, pteridophyta, oligochaeta, pycnogonida, cyanophyta, primigravida, acanthisitta, cephalaspida, cyanocitta, ephemerida, eurypterida, gregarinida, paleacrita, periplaneta, scorpionida, tertigravida

6 syllables:
ornithomimida, secundigravida

7 syllables:
conodontophorida, pseudoscorpionida

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