Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with dusty:
2 syllables:
adp t,
afr cfie,
agr c,
aprs ski,
a lee,
a sea,
bbl d,
bpa free,
bug e,
bug free,
bump key,
bun b,
but be,
but free,
but he,
but me,
but see,
but she,
but three,
but we,
ceg e,
ces d,
chuck key,
chung hee,
chung li,
chung ni,
chun li,
cma c,
cmis p,
cntl c,
come he,
come see,
compes b,
crush me,
currant tree,
cut me,
dl smi,
does he,
does me,
does she,
done he,
done me,
dove tree,
drug free,
dub c,
dumped me,
dust free,
dus p,
ep mrsi,
fam d,
fa qi,
fem sie,
from free,
from key,
from me,
from pre,
from sea,
from sri,
from thee,
from three,
from tree,
front fee,
fupp d,
fuv si,
guns free,
gus g,
hdl c,
hla b,
hla d,
hla g,
hra e,
hugged me,
hug me,
hum vee,
hunt leigh,
jcis t,
jmpa p,
judge dee,
judge me,
jun xie,
just be,
just me,
just see,
just three,
loved me,
loved thee,
loves me,
love he,
love me,
love she,
love thee,
love we,
macc óc,
mcf p,
mcm c,
mcm d,
mcp d,
mcs ci,
mcs p,
mda cny,
mlocr b,
months he,
months she,
months we,
month he,
month we,
msa t,
much he,
much she,
much we,
mul t,
musk tree,
must be,
must flee,
must he,
must see,
must we,
nfa g,
nfa p,
nhis d,
nl bea,
nudged me,
null tree,
ocp t,
ocr b,
of free,
of he,
of key,
of lee,
of me,
of pre,
of sea,
of sri,
of tea,
of thee,
of three,
of tree,
once be,
once he,
once she,
once we,
ones he,
ones she,
ones we,
one be,
one free,
one he,
one key,
one knee,
one see,
one she,
one tree,
one we,
oth b,
oth t,
pbus e,
plug key,
plus three,
punched me,
pwba c,
rfa vsi,
rough sea,
rpa c,
rsta d,
rust free,
rvngcucw p,
saf mi,
saf t,
saf te,
scud b,
scud c,
sem e,
shoved me,
ska p,
some free,
some he,
some key,
some pre,
some see,
some tea,
some three,
son he,
spha t,
sra ee,
ssm t,
struck me,
stud fee,
stuff we,
stunned me,
such be,
such he,
sun hee,
sun tea,
sun zi,
sup ci,
the bee,
the bsi,
the c,
the cbi,
the chi,
the d,
the e,
the fee,
the free,
the g,
the graeae,
the key,
the knee,
the pre,
the sea,
the she,
the t,
the tea,
the three,
the tree,
the v,
the vee,
the wii,
thun be,
thus be,
thus he,
thus see,
thus she,
thus we,
touched me,
touch me,
tpa b,
trung bô,
trusts me,
trust e,
trust me,
tux key,
tvla p,
ub tree,
unc g,
unc p,
und sie,
und wie,
une d,
une p,
un gtdi,
up he,
up she,
up three,
up we,
usb key,
usd p,
us be,
us free,
us he,
us see,
us she,
us three,
us we,
uvm c,
va ve,
vda d,
what he,
what she,
what three,
what we,
won three,
xun zi,
young tree,
young zee,
århus c
5 syllables:
david baszucki

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This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.

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