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Things augmented often describes (“augmented ________”)
force, matrix, curve, chord, reality, triads, edition, activity, feedback, numbers, leads, response, breast, model, chords, system, network, networks, triad, volume, set, production, limb, product, value, wealth, power, army, forces, surface, expression, violence, fourth, function, seconds, action, intervals, secretion, wave, population, energy, weight, method, systems, plant, responses, cost, fury, satisfaction, output, flow, body, danger, matrices, levels, fifth, pressure, treasure, vigour, family, intensity, supply, fleet, second, blazonry, dignity, risk, environment, alphabet, environments, test, input, sound, resistance, equation, vector, choir, vehemence, signal, lagrangians, resources, crew, party, vigor, breaths, estate, models, release, pain, editions, lagrangian, strength, services, means, grammar

How augmented often is described (“________ augmented”)
fourth, computer, thrust, diffuser, little, feedback, much, more

Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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