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Things acehnese often describes (“acehnese ________”)
people, society, leaders, identity, independence, movement, resistance, population, refugees, rebellion, nationalism, rebels, history, ulama, fighters, separatists, women, rulers, house, life, court, traders, sultanate, community, groups, language, students, tradition, activists, men, culture, forces, state, elite, control, coast, nationalists, capital, politics, war, conflict, expansion, demands, sultan, affairs, histories, struggle, attack, literature, communities, manuscripts, autonomy, intellectuals, seekers, scholars, villagers, descent, sovereignty, architecture, ports, case, hat, youth, influence, muslims, ulamas, villages, economy, ruler, civilians, family, presence, art, diaspora, uleebalang, support, migrants, trade, scholar, panglima, living, representatives, leader, leadership, throne, officers
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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