Words and phrases that have a meaning related to punning:  (141 results)
Often used in the same context:
punny, alliterative, wordplay, alliteration, epigrammatic, rhyming, poesy, malapropism, jokey, epigrams, doggerel, journalese, latinate, jocose, descriptive, quippy, onomatopoeic, slangy, scatological, droll, amusingly, limerick, untranslatable, humorous, parodic, colloquial, apercus, pentameter, sneery, etymological, denotative, mot juste, catullus, ribald, poetic, scansion, unpoetic, onanistic, jaunty, cheeky, witty, adjectival, pithy, aphoristic, terza rima, grand guignol, habitude, charmingly, ungrammatical, unprintable, euphonious, cusswords, declarative sentence, exhortatory, lexis, roue, humourous, raillery, foolery, alludes, blackly, pythonesque, winkingly, hilariously, falstaffian, entender, frolicsome, satirical, archaism, diphthongs, cutesy, shtik, daftness, billet doux, mispronunciation, versification, riff, rollickingly, crudities, lugubriously, catchy, deprecating, gnomic, similes, androgenous, incantatory, parenthetical, deathless, cuttingly, non sequitur, declaims, homonyms, sestina, filthily, polysyllabic, lisped, witticisms, max beerbohm, panegyric, chaucerian, wordy, scabrous, puns, pun, parodies, clowning, joking, reworking, badinage, buffoonery, deceptions, exaggeration, experimentation, fabrications, jesting, parody, recasting, banter, elaboration, equivocation, improvisations, allusive, jocular, apposite, sarcastic, facetious, flippant, cryptic, derogatory, euphemistic, ironical, laconic, metaphorical, complimentary, eulogistic, pejorative, uncomplimentary
Appears in the definition of:
More general:
fun, play, sport
Also try:
— Nouns for punning: reference, allusion, title, motto, device, use, name, sense, epitaph, allusions, sonnets, more...

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