Words and phrases that have a meaning related to octavo:  (141 results)
Often used in the same context:
quarto, paperbound, clothbound, colophon, incunabula, copperplate, conte, carte de visite, cartes de visite, softback, lithos, cantos, typescripts, fraktur, onionskin, hardbound, compendious, velum, foolscap, vellum, poetica, dictionnaire, francesco petrarca, duotone, ex libris, folios, orientalia, mostra, altarpieces, fra filippo lippi, callot, fleurs, michelangelo buonarroti, espagnole, serigraph, carta, kufic, handprinted, edmund spenser, lys, canzoni, vertu, guillaume apollinaire, giorno, missals, frontispiece, lettres, cartouches, recto, garamond, torquato tasso, vivant, mallarme, authorized version, faience, florilegium, giovanni pierluigi da palestrina, biblia, chromo, noli me tangere, epigraphic, bande, angelology, slipcase, miroir, leon battista alberti, garniture, soir, fortuna, fleur, looseleaf, gustave flaubert, trompe, biblioteca, venir, stephane mallarme, pictura, objet, azul, photogravure, parure, valse, sara teasdale, cinque, thomas malory, hardback, geometer, alfred de musset, rainer maria rilke, yeux, maecenas, cartes, bonheur, raoul dufy, ecce, rembrandt van rijn, epigraphs, jardin, barye, positif, plaisir, magnifica, folio, 8vo, sheaf, servings, padlock, loaves, quartos, parcel, bundle, chunk, crate, goblet, knot, knots, lighter, pocketbook, purse, tome, mimeographed, duodecimo, edited, printed, thumbed, unabridged, samizdat, abridged, braille, facsimile, publishable, published, readable, trilingual, undated, unexpurgated, unrevised, interleaved, later
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— Adjectives for octavo: large, small, royal, imperial, handsome, thick, thin, ordinary, sized, tall, demi, more...

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