Words and phrases that have a meaning related to hornet: (151 results)
Often used in the same context:
wasp, bluebottles, bumblebee, insect, spider, yellowjacket, bees, squirrel, cicada killer, arachnid, housefly, tobacco hornworm, swallowtail, kingbird, horsefly, fox, sphinx moth, dragonfly, buzzard, pit viper, beetle, cockroach, ant, caterpillar, hummingbird, carpenter bee, skeeters, hawk moth, redbird, fritillary, manduca sexta, sandflies, lovebug, cicada, moth, tomato hornworm, lubber, honeybee, ladybirds, wingless, underwing, avians, mites, viper, swatter, whitefly, greenhead, robin, aphids, scorpion, skuas, furball, mantids, bombardier beetle, grackle, lizard, hornworm, skeeter, praying mantis, ladybug, stag beetle, amanita, bluejay, basilisk, mantis, frog, sparrow hawk, scarer, ladybird beetle, rhinoceros beetle, blackbird, borers, lacewing, crows, owl, daddy longlegs, trilobite, insectivore, fungus, diamondback, woolly adelgid, pigeon, stink bug, blowfly, gremlin, leafhoppers, sea gull, swarm, mantis shrimp, wolf spider, tom turkey, cobra, falcon, critter, toadflax, snail, mandibles, fiddler crab, stonefish, gnats, jellyfish, cockroaches, hornets, elephant, tiger, gorilla, bear, boar, dragon, oyster, bears, cat, goose, monkey, porcupine, rooster, snake, stork, toad, 47, supersonic, almighty, camouflaged, concocted, hymenopteran, mighty, motored, poaching, rights, subsonic, 29, 52, achaian, another, ashanti, auxiliary
More specific:
bald-faced hornet, giant hornet, vespa crabro, vespula maculata, vespula maculifrons, white-faced hornet, yellow hornet, yellow jacket
Appears in the definition of:
bald-faced hornet, giant hornet, vespa crabro, vespula maculata, white-faced hornet
More general:
Also try:vespid, vespid wasp
— Adjectives for hornet: faced, angry, veritable, little, yellow, black, large, giant, american, whole, european, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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