Words and phrases that have a meaning related to faster: (154 results)
Often used in the same context:
better, smarter, sooner, harder, denser, farther, fatter, efficiently, exponentially, considerably, more, slowly, rapidly, less, quickly, closer, significantly, nosier, neater, briskly, hardier, tighter, progressively, badder, sluggishly, requiescat, infinitely, peruvian balsam, longer, silkier, appreciably, differently, emptier, slightly, fluidly, measurably, vastly, incrementally, even, actually, substantially, smoothly, sparser, tenfold, steadily, rather, noticeably, icier, instantaneously, flexibly, gradually, dramatically, markedly, speedily, looser, proportionately, lousier, cheaply, talkier, jumpier, greenly, fractionally, lickety split, responsively, ever, aggressively, linearly, commensurately, overspin, twelvefold, harsher, synchronously, seemless, tenser, robustly, soggier, nimbly, angular velocity, downstream, jitter, peripheral, activity, adrenaline, airflow, allowance, amidships, amperage, ani, arid, arousal, astern, bandwidth, biomass, bridewealth, c02, camber, carryover, chance, slower, quicker, fastest, fast, speedier, rapid, slow, swifter, slowest, accelerated, expeditious, quickest, speediest, efficient, highspeed, swift, automatic, simultaneous, speedy, unimpeded
Appears in the definition of:
Also try:direction, ., accelerate, accelerating, allegretto, barney oldfield, berna eli oldfield, bother, chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile, combat ceiling, cs gas, double quick, double time, growth stock, inflation, larghetto, oldfield, outdraw, outgrow, outride, outrun, outsail, painting, presto, propulsive, quicken, service ceiling, slow motion, snail mail, soap flakes, sonic boom, speed, speed-reading, speed up, title, trot
— Nouns for faster: rate, pace, growth, rates, speed, speeds, times, response, way, service, access, more...
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