Words and phrases that have a meaning related to eternal: (165 results)
Often used in the same context:
everlasting, earthly, divine, perpetual, heavenly, changeless, mortal, immortal, fleshly, imperishable, inextinguishable, unfading, incarnate, infinite, illumined, paschal, righteous, ahura mazda, uncreated, edenic, ineffable, supernal, salvific, eternal damnation, ontological, unending, accursed, infernal, chthonic, begotten, unconquerable, undying, hebrew scripture, tutelary, illimitable, immutable, unquenchable, unblessed, apostle paul, meister eckhart, unuttered, profounder, undefiled, knightly, incommunicable, sic transit gloria mundi, godly, redemptive, sinless, pantheistic, trinitarian, measureless, freewill, ineradicable, utopian socialism, choiceless, backslidden, shaytan, noetic, mystical, prelapsarian, profoundest, illusory, metaphysical, cardinal virtues, unutterable, deistic, worldly, fathomless, inexhaustible, existential, unconfessed, incorporeal, indivisible, abasement, transcendent, monistic, apostle, predestined, unchangeable, unnamable, spiritual, stygian, sanctifying, unalterable, ageless, vivifying, karmic, wordsworthian, sacred, transfigured, eschatological, triune, dear, sophoclean, truest, unspiritual, deathless, unquiet, glorious, blissful, unknowable, brahman, blessedness, brahma, creator, being, eternity, godhead, himself, glory, logos, nothingness, shines, void, atman, beatitude, goodness, holiness, unchanging, immanent, diviner, existent, abiding, supersensuous, pervading, supramundane
Appears in the definition of:
Also try:., agelessness, anaxagoras, cursed, damnation, damned, doomed, eternal damnation, eternity, hell, hellfire, hindooism, hinduism, infernal region, inferno, micawber, nether region, perdition, red region, reprobate, reprobation, temporal, the pit, timelessness, timeless existence, transitory, unredeemed, unsaved, vower, wilkins micawber
— Nouns for eternal: life, truth, punishment, salvation, damnation, law, happiness, truths, god, death, love, more...
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