Words and phrases that have a meaning related to eluding: (129 results)
Often used in the same context:
evading, resisting arrest, obstructing, resisting, impersonating, escaping, chasing, aggravated assault, dodging, lunging, speeding, nabbed, fleeing, colliding, apprehending, ducking, petty larceny, endangering, grand larceny, muffing, terrorizing, prowling, arrested, disorderly conduct, driving, darting, ramming, petit larceny, deflecting, surrendered, aggravated, snared, criminal possession, corralling, assaulting, intoxicated, robbing, scampering, possessing, thwarting, swerving, scuffling, skying, false imprisonment, outrunning, weaved, spearing, tangling, disregarding, swatting, caught, aiding, spotting, grand theft, controlled substance, whiffed, collaring, ovis, outwitting, armed robbery, hiding, foiling, disobeying, hindering, burglarizing, cuffing, interfering, counts, recaptured, intercepting, snagging, safecracking, shoplifting, botching, indecent exposure, outleap, stalking, dislodging, faking, importuning, trapping, ticketed, carjacking, criminal contempt, slithered, handcuffing, police headquarters, zipping, busted, ignoring, ricochetted, zigzagging, attempted, arrest warrant, sneaking, whistled, outfoxing, crashing, sidestepping, concealing, overrunning, loitering, infernal, absurdist, acquisitive, admirable, adulatory, aesculapian, ageless, alive, amateurish, amoral, andalusian, anthroposophical, antiestablishment, antique, antirational, apollinian, apollonian, archaistic, archaizing, architectonic
Appears in the definition of:
elusive, evasive, lubricious, undiagnosed
More general:
Also try:evasion
— Nouns for eluding: spirit, art, stents, den, fleetness
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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