Words and phrases that rhyme with behrns: (5 results)
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (46 results)
1 syllable:
terms, worms, turns, barnes, forms, horns, termes, norms, arms, firms, burns, germs, farms, storms, tern, earns, firm's, harm's, learns, stearns, warns
terms, worms, turns, barnes, forms, horns, termes, norms, arms, firms, burns, germs, farms, storms, tern, earns, firm's, harm's, learns, stearns, warns
2 syllables:
sauternes, take turns, alarms, returns, concerns, confirms, performs, reforms, take arms, talk terms
sauternes, take turns, alarms, returns, concerns, confirms, performs, reforms, take arms, talk terms
8 syllables:
law of diminishing returns
law of diminishing returns
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