Words and phrases that rhyme with academic: (54 results)
2 syllables:
bremach, chemic, demic, demick, emick, emmick, fehmic, haemic, hemic, nemec, nemoc, remic, remick, semak, semic
bremach, chemic, demic, demick, emick, emmick, fehmic, haemic, hemic, nemec, nemoc, remic, remick, semak, semic
3 syllables:
alchemic, anaemic, blastemic, ecdemic, endemic, eremic, glycemic, pandemic, plandemic, polemic, syndemic, systemic, tagmemic
alchemic, anaemic, blastemic, ecdemic, endemic, eremic, glycemic, pandemic, plandemic, polemic, syndemic, systemic, tagmemic
4 syllables:
ablastemic, azotemic, bacteremic, biochemic, epidemic, epistemic, homodemic, infodemic, monosemic, philodemic, polydemic, prosodemic, sarcolemmic, thalassemic
ablastemic, azotemic, bacteremic, biochemic, epidemic, epistemic, homodemic, infodemic, monosemic, philodemic, polydemic, prosodemic, sarcolemmic, thalassemic
5 syllables:
galactosemic, homosystemic, hypovolemic, multisystemic, non-academic, nonacademic, philopolemic, unacademic
galactosemic, homosystemic, hypovolemic, multisystemic, non-academic, nonacademic, philopolemic, unacademic
7 syllables:
covid-19 pandemic
covid-19 pandemic
8 syllables:
2009 swine flu pandemic
2009 swine flu pandemic
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (25 results)
4 syllables:
hebephrenic, ecumenic, schizophrenic, autogenic, endogenic, pathogenic, philhellenic, pyrogenic, inauthentic, neurasthenic, acrogenic, cacogenic, exogenic, oecumenic
hebephrenic, ecumenic, schizophrenic, autogenic, endogenic, pathogenic, philhellenic, pyrogenic, inauthentic, neurasthenic, acrogenic, cacogenic, exogenic, oecumenic
5 syllables:
6 syllables:
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— Nouns for academic: year, achievement, freedom, performance, work, community, institutions, life, career, research, world, more...
— People also search for: university, curricular, scholastic, undergraduate, humanities, faculty, educational, student, scholarly, professors, more...
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