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Words and phrases that rhyme with colored:   (104 results)

2 syllables:
coloured, dullard, mullered

3 syllables:
ash-colored, bicolored, bicoloured, blush-colored, bright-colored, buff-colored, buff-coloured, cream-colored, cream-coloured, dark-colored, dark-coloured, discolored, discoloured, dun-colored, dun-coloured, earth-colored, fawn-colored, fawn-coloured, flame-colored, flame-coloured, flesh-colored, flesh-coloured, gold-colored, hand-colored, high-colored, high-coloured, lark-colored, lead-colored, lead-coloured, light-colored, light-coloured, mouse-colored, peach-colored, rose-colored, rose-coloured, rust-colored, rust-coloured, self-colored, self-coloured, slate-coloured, straw-colored, straw-coloured, tricolored, tricoloured, trout-colored, uncolored, uncoloured, varicolored, varicoloured, whole-colored, wine-colored, wine-coloured

4 syllables:
brightly-colored, brightly-coloured, chestnut-coloured, coffee-coloured, copper-coloured, creamy-colored, dusky-colored, dusky-coloured, garnet-colored, garnet-coloured, honey-colored, honey-coloured, judas-colored, lilac-colored, liver-colored, many-coloured, metal-colored, metal-coloured, multi-colored, multi-coloured, multicolored, multicoloured, neutral-colored, neutral-coloured, olive-colored, olive-coloured, orange-colored, pale-colored, parti-colored, parti-coloured, particolored, particoloured, party-colored, party-coloured, pastel-colored, peachy-coloured, silver-colored, tawny-colored, tawny-coloured, technicolored, unicolored, unicoloured, versicolored, versicoloured

5 syllables:
canary-coloured, cinnamon-colored, cinnamon-coloured, metallic-colored, metallic-coloured

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