Words and phrases that rhyme with ensign: (49 results)
2 syllables:
bensen, bensin, benson, denson, fence in, genson, hence in, hensen, henson, jeansonne, jensen, jenson, jenssen, jen hsun, mensan, mensen, penson, rencen, ren cen, sensen, sense in, stensen, stenson, svenson, svensson, swensen, swenson, tense in, tensin, tenson, venson
bensen, bensin, benson, denson, fence in, genson, hence in, hensen, henson, jeansonne, jensen, jenson, jenssen, jen hsun, mensan, mensen, penson, rencen, ren cen, sensen, sense in, stensen, stenson, svenson, svensson, swensen, swenson, tense in, tensin, tenson, venson
3 syllables:
carstensen, defence in, defense in, defensin, expense in, extensin, intense in, laurencin, lotensin, monensin, ned benson, offense in, wytensin
carstensen, defence in, defense in, defensin, expense in, extensin, intense in, laurencin, lotensin, monensin, ned benson, offense in, wytensin
5 syllables:
6 syllables:
taraji p. henson
taraji p. henson
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (79 results)
3 syllables:
suspension, pretension, subvention, attention, exemption, prevention, convention, ascension, distension, contention, detention, dimension, extension, distention, invention, redemption, retention, intension, declension, prehension, dissension, blind gentian, closed gentian, green gentian, high-tension, horse gentian, low-tension, marsh gentian, obtention, restrengthen, spurred gentian, stiff gentian, striped gentian
suspension, pretension, subvention, attention, exemption, prevention, convention, ascension, distension, contention, detention, dimension, extension, distention, invention, redemption, retention, intension, declension, prehension, dissension, blind gentian, closed gentian, green gentian, high-tension, horse gentian, low-tension, marsh gentian, obtention, restrengthen, spurred gentian, stiff gentian, striped gentian
4 syllables:
third dimension, comprehension, fourth dimension, apprehension, hypertension, surface tension, hypotension, condescension, right ascension, reprehension, birth prevention, bottle gentian, in suspension, not to mention, pay attention, prairie gentian, resuspension, salientian, tufted gentian, tulip gentian, with attention
third dimension, comprehension, fourth dimension, apprehension, hypertension, surface tension, hypotension, condescension, right ascension, reprehension, birth prevention, bottle gentian, in suspension, not to mention, pay attention, prairie gentian, resuspension, salientian, tufted gentian, tulip gentian, with attention
5 syllables:
misapprehension, hyperextension, incomprehension, great yellow gentian, paying attention
misapprehension, hyperextension, incomprehension, great yellow gentian, paying attention
6 syllables:
colloidal suspension, geneva convention, honorable mention, american gentian, center of attention, telephone extension
colloidal suspension, geneva convention, honorable mention, american gentian, center of attention, telephone extension
9 syllables:
american baptist convention
american baptist convention
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