Words and phrases that have a meaning related to garnet: (139 results)
Often used in the same context:
beryl, pyrope, chalcedony, azurite, burgundy, peridot, malachite, amethyst, phlogopite, purple, blue, jasper, maroon, tourmaline, carnelian, ruby, purplish pink, goldish, diopside, feldspar, smoky quartz, spinel, muscovite, cinnabar, sapphires, haematite, almandine, kyanite, albite, orange, kelly green, aquamarine, leucoxene, quartz, marcasite, teal, emeralds, yellow ocher, schist, semiprecious, argillite, covellite, corundum, biotite, auburn, labradorite, citrine, eclogite, ultramarine blue, cabochons, mica, vermeil, ultramarine, violet, chalcocite, amber, cobalt blue, hornblende, cassis, morganite, epidote, realgar, ochres, pyrites, granites, scarlet, alexandrite, cherty, adularia, chlorite, topaz, sericite, hematite, diamond, olivine, silver, lepidolite, iolite, malvasia, electrum, aventurine, gold, fuchsite, chrysocolla, bornite, scheelite, pegmatites, spodumene, plagioclase, supergene, siderite, purplish red, agates, marl, ocher, lapis, viridian, cuprite, navy blue, felsite, lapis lazuli, lurex, garnets, pyroxene, amphibole, zircon, augite, calcite, pyrite, serpentine, felspathic, grained, sillimanite, feldspathic, magnetite, pelitic, silicate, aluminous, ferruginous, mullite, argillaceous
Appears in the definition of:
almandine, almandite, andradite, carbuncle, cinnamon stone, essonite, garnet lac, hessonite, pyrope, rhodolite, semiprecious
More general:
Also try:mineral
— Nouns for garnet: paper, gneiss, crystals, rock, peridotites, schist, peridotite, structure, color, laser, ring, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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