Words and phrases that have a meaning related to extricate: (107 results)
Often used in the same context:
disentangle, dislodge, extinguish, unstick, untangle, unhook, escape, resuscitate, pry, unhitch, asphyxiate, rescued, subdue, insulate, disengage, recover, extract, wriggle, unbuckle, pull, emancipate, trapped, remove, untie, restrain, embroil, salvage, douse, stabilize, uncouple, steer, liberate, reattach, decouple, retrieve, detach, apprehend, wrest, ingratiate, absolve, eject, convince, coax, avert, unglue, inveigle, yank, claw, finagle, engulfed, overcome, clamber, dissociate, defuse, dowse, avoid, surmount, entangling, persuade, revive, straighten, evade, wean, maneuver, ensnare, unfasten, hoist, resurrect, navigate, unchain, survive, unshackle, unload, exculpate, impale, rouse, distract, pacify, estrange, analogize, stave off, situate, reinvent, airlifted, suborn, reposition, distinguish, unbolt, intubate, topple, stem, unravel, cling, suffocate, negotiate, prevent, stuck, unblock, tow, undo, pluck, carve
Appears in the definition of:
disentangle, straighten out, unsnarl
More general:
Also try:disencumber
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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