Words and phrases that have a meaning related to rot: (201 results)
Often used in the same context:
decay, root rot, putrefaction, fester, wilt, blight, cankers, mildews, cambium, woodworm, rottenness, atrophy, sunscald, degeneration, rusts, sprout, dry rot, corroding, bleed, rootbound, maggoty, goutweed, rancidity, chlorosis, taproots, quack grass, compost heap, anthracnose, parthenium, shrivelling, desiccating, droop, corm, putrescence, ripening, disrepair, frass, frogeye, disintegrating, scabby, ferment, dampness, blossom, bindweed, deterioration, dreg, sink, sumacs, weeds, fungus, tannic acid, cotyledons, deadwood, termites, peelings, disgrace, browning, swallow wort, yellowing, fruiting, tomato hornworm, stolons, leaf scorch, cankerworm, pigsties, mess, ruination, sloughing, frost heaving, fruitlets, webworms, mouldering, depravation, glads, dilapidation, nutlets, decrepitude, dieback, stinking, wallow, mealy, flowering, shambles, suckering, pokeweed, mismanagement, blooming, root, prune, raveling, discolouration, confederate jasmine, sow thistle, wickedness, caking, ericaceous, chinkapin, vine, pollarding, creep, scums, mealie, mush, rots, funk, rotting, rust, gall, outside, canker, moss, muck, slop, blues, darkness, doth, earth, flesh, goo, mildew, pest, termite, bullet, downy, flame, leak, powdery, puncture, shock, stain, acquired, blast, burglar, cellar, corrosion
More specific:
corruption, gangrene, hang, mortify, necrose, putridness, sphacelate
Appears in the definition of:
., alder, alder tree, armillaria, black root rot fungus, bottom rot fungus, brown root rot fungus, corrupt, corruption, corticium solani, decayed, decomposed, dry-rot, dry rot, fascioliasis, fasciolosis, genus armillaria, genus fusarium, genus phytophthora, genus rhizopus, genus thielavia, job, keep, leak, leak fungus, phytophthora, phytophthora citrophthora, polyporus tenuiculus, pseudomonas solanacearum, rhizopus, rhizopus stolonifer, ring rot bacteria, ring rot fungus, sclerotinia, shoestring fungus, stay fresh, sweet-potato ring rot, tainted, thielavia, thielavia basicola, undecomposed, xylaria mali
More general:
degenerate, deteriorate, drivel, drop
Also try:bull, buncombe, bunk, bunkum, crap, decompose, decomposition, guff, hogwash, irish bull, molder, moulder, waste
— Adjectives for rot: dry, brown, white, soft, black, foot, wet, red, bacterial, root, end, more...
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