Words and phrases that have a meaning related to merchant vessels: (105 results)
Often used in the same context:
ships, vessels, cargo ships, warships, navies, merchantmen, seamen, maritime, seafarers, pirates, mariners, sailors, cargo ship, trawlers, naval, shipowner, boats, freighters, cargoes, seaborne, tankers, seas, frigate, pilotage, territorial waters, nivose, towage, lakshadweep islands, corsairs, submarines, tugboat, cruise liner, merchant navy, bulker, gunboat, crewmen, lighterage, merchant marine, minesweeping, dredger, tripolitan, berthed, flotillas, troopship, coastguard, dhow, battleships, cruise ship, destroyer escort, freights, ferries, port, homeport, impressment, yachts, skippers, caravels, sailing, voyages, marines, container ship, schooners, dwt, lifeboats, sailmakers, antisubmarine, motor vessel, strait, windjammer, containership, piracy, passengers, tatar strait, convoys, destroyers, shipyards, barges, hull, arabian sea, brigands, corvette, brigs, kerguelen, guided missile destroyer, peacekeepers, minelayer, disembarkation, transhipment, drydock, dinghy, guided missile frigate, aircraft carrier, dockyard, uscg, bareboat, fishermen, alvei, algeciras, dry dock, shipbuilding, shipwrecks, seaway
More general:
conveyance, transport
Also try:shipping
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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